
IMDb member since December 2012
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The Expanse

absolutely awesome the first 3 seasons
Let me start by saying that at first I had my doubts about this show. At first it sounded like a typical space opera with the usual not so deep story line. The "hero" is annoying, the typical actor chosen for every American series. But if you are like me, just forget about the main character, watch at least 3 episodes and you will probably be hooked. Well, 5 thousand years ago a book was written, the I Ching. And one of the things it says is "good cannot destroy evil, only evil can destroy itself", which is what happened in "The Lord of the Rings", where Gollum is the unexpected solution and Harry Potter, Valdmort ends up killing himself. You used the same promise here, and maybe that is why it worked so well. Another thing I liked is that you can't really understand the aliens here, but you can sort of feel them. I loved it, thank you for surprising me at a time when everything seems old and tired. Now about the other seasons , 4, 5, and 6th , its another show , the actors are the same but it lacked a good story , it 's like they had it all prepared for only 3 seasons and did not know what to do with the rest.

Godfather of Harlem

Racist propaganda
First of all, I am white, so do not assume that my criticism has anything to do with my race. Now, several times throughout the series, in many different ways, words and dialogue have been used to suggest that, in the words of the main character, "the main obstacle to our race is our race". Knowing that most of this dialogue and interaction is in fact fiction, I found it outrageous that whoever produced this used the names of outstanding people like Malcolm X and so many others and created a false narrative to promote this idea. It blames the victims all over again and presents a terrible and unfair image of them. It frustrates me that this is passed off as based on a true story when most of it is actually a fabrication. The story is basically men. Its a very well made series of course, addictive, the actors are great, not sure how they accepted to be part of it but well. To speak the truth, the main obstacle to our progress as human beings is us human beings. That is more accurate.


There is something strange , sweet and realistic about this show
Am not sure how to put it , its different from everything i have seen and at the same time it as some very familiar places. Although Stephen King is not related to this, it reminded me a lot of the black tower, the books, the way i saw it in my imagination. At the same time it is a very political series , far more political than the black tower and so true . We watch this very sci fi serie and we can relate to everything that is wrong in this world and with capitalist . In this after Apocalypse world the main characters are nor good our bad, they are all very different among them and loved to se the interconnection between such a variety of people and believes . It leaves you with a taste of sweetness and bitterness .

Jack Ryan

season one is good , season two is pure propaganda
Sol lets be fair , first season is human, its not all about the action, the dialogues are well writen , the characters are humane and good. Jack Ryan itself its lovely to watch. It as a beginning and and end , its perfect from episode one to last. Now season two seems to have been writen by a military formed in propaganda , I felt like screaming at Jack Ryan from the first second .Only in USA people think you are the good guys and Russia , Venezula are the bad guys. Sorry to disappoint you all are bad , but the worst to the planet its truly the united states of america and most os us , even Americans know it. From now one, every propaganda movie our serie i watch no matter from wish country will have a 1 star review. It makes me very mad that people use movies and series to brain watch the world.

Beau Is Afraid

Do yourself a favour and don't waste your time
The first warning is this, yes the film lasts three hours. Knowing this, you won't understand anything that's going on, there's no narrative line, it's one nightmare after another and maybe that was the idea of the probably privileged director who only directs films because he probably has good contacts in the cinema. The performance of the actors is excellent and a real waste in a story that is completely dull and without a story. In short, this film seems to be about a son's problems with a mother, but it doesn't amount to anything .If you like stories without meaning, without humanity, and without a line, you may be able to bear this film.


great story
So first of all this is a b movie, low budget, not very good acting but, if you are a sci-fi addict this is probably one of the most prefect sci-fi stories you will see . It reminds me of a lot of terrible movies that we end up having fun with. But the story itself is one of the bests I saw in a very long time. Well you can have a dozen of great acting movies and most of them have just terrible stories , It's pretty hard to have a good story nowadays. This movie is the opposite. Ok let's be real, the acting is pretty terrible but the story is so good that if you are a sci-fi addict as me, you will enjoy it. Also it is pretty realistic in terms od how the future might be and what we can do now to save it .


charming, Brutal, moving and extremely well done
Well first thing i have to say is that each episode is a different story with beginning and end. I only watched season 3, Destino Salvador. And that is the one i am referring to. The story's are moving, they are the kind of story's you ear about in Bahia, each episode as a different foreigner . I am a foreigner living in Salvador as many ,that just arrive, fall in love with this mess and end up belonging. And that is what this is all about, the way people's heart's get trapped here in this astonishing nature of messy, deep, brutal, kind, musical, warm people. The direction, the actores , the picture, the musica its all perfect. Loved it, lived it .

The Last Laugh

we need more movies with older people
I am 48 now, i remember when i was a teenager of thinking an old person is just like me in a older body and probably wizer and more free. Now that i am older i know that for sure. There is a dictatorship of the young and pretty in movie industry and a dictatorship of the futile. This is a movie about friendship with great jokes with brilliant actors. I wonder if you stop giving people the free violence, the empty storys , and just give them what you writers want to give them maybe we will have better movies like the ones before the change of the millenium.

In the Shadow of the Moon

Underrated, very political
In a way it reminded me of the movie V for Vendetta in terms of the message that tries to communicate . At the beginning it might be predictable. It is a sci fi movie any way but with a good message. If we could would we erase from history mein keimpft from hitler, our other ideas that has such horrible consequences. So i liked it because it made me think and imagine possibilities.

The Mauritanian

some movies change the world, this might be one
Well it's a good thing we stills speak about that very ilegal , immoral guantanamo place . And this movie is a true story and its about one of the innocent human beings held in there. To me that was not the important matter. While i was watching it i was feeling so outraged, thinking about the united states arrogance and propaganda as the best country in the world , when it's absolutely not. I was just feeling rage, then some kind of relieve and after the movie ends and they start passing videos of the real human this story was all about. And i felt ashamed of my rage. That wonderful human that as been through so much pain and injustice, had only love left inside. " In arabic the word for forgiveness and for freedom are the same "

The Unforgivable

Difficult to watch but then again is Sandra Bullock
Sandra Bullock is brilliant as usual in a totally different style. No make up, no arrows done and still human, vulnerable, strong , sweet. It's a very sad story , very political in a sense that make us questioning the problems with guns . And once a criminal , when you leave jail, it's hard to find a place in society. I fell the end could have been more happy, more sweet, but that would not make it so realist. More Sandra please.

La casa de papel

thank you for this brilliant ending
For every activist with knowledge about the financial, monetary and economic system this show is more than a show , is a gift. I was very afraid almost until the end that the good ones would lose. That there was no escape. This last season tooks as all to despair almost until the end. I think most of us thought that they would all end up in jail our dead. And personally this would have devastated me . We need a win, even if just in a show. Thank you for this end it feels like a personal victory.

Perry Mason

This is not Perry Mason
I signed for hbo since i felt like watching a good old Perry Mason series, With sense of humor, a lot of time in court and each episode tells you a diffrent story. Now, imagine a movie named spider men, and this spider men as the ability to read minds , its 60 years old and can hardly run, just to give you an exemple of you might be getting in to. This is an eavy, dark show, with good actresses and actors , but it is not Perry Mason at all.

Late Night

truly refreshing
We live in an age that either movie makers our writers try to much our try to little and we give up on movies because series are simply better written. I ended this movie wishing it was a series not a movie, instead of the typical felling of wasting 2 hours of my life. Loved the characters, the acting and the honesty . Its a sweet movie you fell good after watching it. Its not Thelma and Louise, our dead poetes society, our any good story made before year 2000, but then again , what is? It's a light comedy with a good message.

The Secret Life of Words

Thank you Isabel Coixet
Well forget about Almodôvar , he produced the movie only, Isabel wrote it and directed it. This is a Isabel Coixet Movie and the reason you never heard about this Oscar winner in most categorys, if it ever got to Oscars ceremony, its because Isabel its a woman. She filmed it in a oil rig, probably the first movie made under such conditions. And she manages to break your heart , to punches you in the stomach, just by showing a woman tell the most devastating story who is based on true war storys. And she plays you like i never seen before, first Tim robins tells his story and after you hear, Sarah story you just start thinking that Tim's story is the one of a spoiled american. There are absolutely perfect silent interactions between the amazing characters in the movie. I think we know a movie is good when it lives in you , it becomes part of you, you remember it as you remember a good friend and Isabel gave this friend to me and My life without me. They are a cherished memory that lives with me and that sometimes its strong in many moments in my daily life. Of course i sometimes have to watched them again and again ou i share with friends allway with the sad felling: how can you never watched this two movies ? And knowing the sad response . I know things are changing but so slowly and people like Isabel that truly deserve to be seen and recognized are getting tired for sure.

When Night Is Falling

After all this time ? Always .
I watched this movie in 1996 i was maybe 20 back then. After i read what was written at the back of the video tape, i though" another movie with lesbians and a men made for men and in the end she will chose the guy . I was wrong. We were four lesbians in the living room, we watched it, in the end we did not say a word, we just looked at each other and watched it again. I know i never watched any movie as beautiful as this one our a love scene as perfect as the one in the circus. I have to confess that all my oil paintings at home are inspired in scenes of this movie. But then again, i watched it at least a hundred times , maybe more and it is still my favorite movie. One thing people complain about the end is the exaggerated happy ending , what people do not know its that it was almost forbidden until recently to give a happy ending to people like me in Hollywood movies. In a way this movie changed history. Other point to make is that it was written and directed by a lesbian woman, so its honest, its a poem, the sex scenes are realistic, unlike so many men made films about lesbians, and am not talking about porn movies . Its also a love story, woman and men can identify with . After all this time, and watched it again yesterday with my new girlfriend, its my number one for sure.

Grey's Anatomy

Probably one of the best shows ever but
Ok, i have been watching this show since it started. So you are all mostly family. I swear when Jo got denied the adoption papers, for the first time in my life i felt like hugging a character in a show. I think this show as done a lot of good to mankind . It is a political show, strongly feminist, anti racist, anti lgbt phobic . Of course last two seasons have not been the best. I believe its normal for a show with so many seasons, but still its able to surprise, to tell different stories and to touch our hearts and i hope we get grey's anatomy until we are all very old .

Now lets go to the but, as a feminist my self , i can not understand why are women in the show taking there husbands names proudly and everybody else starts calling them by there husband name in the show, there is nothing feminist about it. Second thing the soundtrack is becoming absolutely horrible, mostly cheesy men singing , almost no woman singing. So this is more of a suggestion can you make sure half the music you play is interpreted by woman? That can make a difference for a lot of female musicians who never get to be heard because the music industry is not feminist at all.


when a tv show just becomes part of you
So its corona Virus year and the first thing i can say is i was truly sad before i started watching this show. Was simply chosig randomly from hbo. And am not that much in to poly amorous relationships, never though much about it. But then you get this amazing actors and i just felt i was in a quadrangular relationship with them. Its everything so natural and genuine, so brilliantly directed. I liked some directors details, like some moments with mirrors. There was nothing forced here our artificial as we have seen so many times in other movies and series that are about non ordinary relationships. Am slightly in love with this three characters. Thank you more please <3

Sex Education

i thought it was just another teenage series
So why did i downgrade this show : let me start by saying i do belong to the lgbt community , i am 50 years old a gender neutral lesbian . That beeing said , forth season was a pain to watch. It was just to much hysterical lgbt non sense. I kept wondering , wait this trans boy dresses as a woman, and that they person its on T, why ? Everybody knows taking hormones is not good for you long term. The forth season had some good moments, mostly all that did not revolve around lgbt community.

Started watching 3 days ago thinking " just another teenage series", and simply could not stop. Brilliantly written, actors, scenario, soundtrack. Moving, tender, sweet, honest, funny, educative. Love it. Its in my top five. Looking forward the third season !!! Thank you for this show!

The Flash

Probably the most irritating super hero ever, the other characters are great
How many times in the name of not killing the terrible metas innocent people died? How many times do you have the same enemy's over and over again, it show a lack of imagination. I write this review after emotional flash sends his daughter back to the future and i just though i need to come and say what an arrogant, self pity, whining character Flash is. And in times like this i just remember a real life old woman from Chile who's sun was shot by the police, she said this peace and lets talk propaganda its not something she falls in to. I watch hero series in order to see some justice made in a world i can not bring much justice to and to distract me from all that is going on. But this show as the worst main hero i have ever watched and i watch a lot. Even arrow its better. If it wasn't for all the other characters, most of them pretty amazing i would have stooped in the first episodes.

Bird Box

More Sandra Bullock please
Well the problem with Sandra Bullock is we can not have enough of her. She is for movies what Sade is for music, it is consensual, we love her .She is like a sister, mother, best friend, daughter, our partner to most of us. So it does not really matter in what movie she is in, what is the story line, if its greatly written our not, we will love the movie because she is on it. Its This Simple. Now about this movie, if you are in to almost horror movies withe some kind of allegory to the times we live in, mixed with a sci-fi mystery, this is that type of movie.

I Smile Back

irresponsible and dungerous
This movie its about a woman with a mental disorder. She takes and needs lithium to keep the balance. Although the name of the disease is never mentioned on it,we might assume, bipolar disorder but it can be others. The movie tells the story of this woman our shows this woman going to several fazes of this disorder, all the struggle to keep the balance, to be a good wife and a good mother. There are some very interesting and true points and about this story, like the felling of being not worthy of her children of her her husband. So far so good. The acting is OK, the story line its a bit to focused on her. What i really have problems with is the ending. You see, i have very dear friends that went to all that, i have friends that take lithium. i have friends that tried to ended it all, some did it, some are still alive and i would never ever give this movie for them to watch. This movie is not just a stiller of hope to people that actually suffer from this diseases, this film almost suggests suicide with the not so much ambiguous end.This movie its irresponsible.

Zero Hour

It is sad That Zero Hour was canceled
I think some shows are just to intelligent for most people. Maybe People like easy, action and not very smart shows. If you look at what happened to "touch",first season was great and original, then in order to adapt to an audience that wanted action, the script was changed and became completely vulgar and predictable. I loved Zero Hour! It reminded me of a lot of god books i read and it had everything: a smart story, action, original script, and a way of telling the story that surprises you with the unpredictable. It is more and more difficult to find original story's that surprise us. Everything seems so "haven't i seen this before". And maybe story tellers can not do better because the audience demands more of the same.


About the second season of Touch
On the first season we got surprised with the wonderful stories of getting people connected and also with brilliant details of directing, beautiful pictures and screening. I thought , finally a show that really is special. Going to the second season we have a totally different focus, the "connecting people" is off the story, in every episode until now, story goes back and forward in to almost find the girl almost losing it for good, in a almost sadistic way typical of action series. We have the impression of having watched this before and we actually did in hundreds of other actions series. and we end up with a typical action show where the characters do all the mistakes that get them in to endless bad situations that even the least smart of us would avoid. Hoping for a better third season...

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