
IMDb member since August 2004
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    19 years


Escape from DS-3

Jim-Jams in a shed
This film shares the exact same set & space ship & actors as Warp Speed, Staring Adam West. It is like watching the same film with well not much of a story line. But non the less it is what it is, that being not Star Wars, so take it as you see it and don't judge it too harshly other wise it would get 1/10. Made for TV movies by their very nature suffer from low budgets, meaning poor acting & no special effects. If you can tolerate films of this nature then its not bad, I have seen a lot worse films made for 100 times the budget. A shining light of this flick is Hightower of police academy fame. If you find your self liking this then check out warp speed.........................


Poor mans Benny & Joon
I agree with other users comments I picked this up as an ex-rental for about £1, thinking it was going to be remotely enjoyable pap. But it is a very funny, dark and original take on mental insanity. It has everything good gore, great dialogue, especially some of Jeff Fahy's one liner's, and a story & plot that keeps you interested & care about the two main characters. I can't understand why this has not had greater recognition, The cover does it no justice, as my summary say's it is a type of poor mans Benny & Joon, Eg two complicated souls trying to find themselves in society. The film is also dedicated to Jo Spinel of such fame as, Taxi Driver, Maniac, Fanactic & The Godfather. A fine film and worth seeing if you get the chance

Over-sexed Rugsuckers from Mars

A jolly good giggle
I challenged a friend to find me the most bizarre film he could in a day. He came up with this little gem, After viewing the cover of the video i was a little unsure that i would be able to watch the whole film. The first 5 minutes do it no favours, but after that it becomes a most entertaining film, and i was glued to it the whole way through. If you get a chance to see this film do so. Not recommended for a night in with the wench, but a must see classic peace of cinema. I felt sorry for that naughty little dust sucker, just doing what comes naturally. Just goes to show you do not have to throw a millions of pounds at a film to make it entertaining. (A few more quid would not go a miss!)


Worst film ever?
From start to finish this is a steaming pile of Tom Tit. It is the Thunderball/Never Say Never Again script, poorly adapted so Americans can get an insight & finally understand James Bond. There is not one original idea, even down to the star spangled banner on the parachute, seems awfully familiar!! There are a few saving graces though, namely the rather attractive wench's. I hoped Big Vin may go on to good things, i first saw him in Pitch Black of which I am a big fan, but since then his choice of films has been less than credible. Sam Jackson has been poorly cast in the film and does not do his great talent any justice. It may be argued that the actors & crew made the film as a good old bit of feel good American action, if so then fair play but please does inflict such bunkum on us chaps across the pond.

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