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The Blacklist: The Deer Hunter (No. 93)
Episode 13, Season 2

Deerhunter is scary
She is one scary monster.. One the best portrayed serial killers! Very impressive details and background. Fascinating episode, where things really aren't what they seem at first.

The Blacklist: The Good Samaritan (No. 106)
Episode 11, Season 1

Best Episode so far
Probably the best episode so far. The good Samaritan is one scary person. The whole background and methods. And the development into the over all story. So great!

Bull: A Girl Without Feelings
Episode 7, Season 3

A classic case of a Sociopath
This episode is so good for Quinn Shepard's portrait of a Sociopathic Girl. She really plays it frighteningly good, with the whole textbook case of a Sociopathic behavior. Where they don't understand the feelings but they can understand the cause for the feelings and what they look like and can mimic it, to a point where you believe them. The most scary case of Sociopathic behavior.

Bull: The Missing Piece
Episode 5, Season 3

Good case, but a bit of a anticlimax
I really liked the story, despite the twist and the closing of the case, that was coming, was quite obvious.

The whole speach that Dr. Harper gave when faced with that fact that he could spend 15 years in prison, was so impactful that it almost brought a tear to my eye.

Bull: Survival Instincts
Episode 11, Season 2

Best Episode so far
What a breathtaking episode, that was built on a such a strong story of what seems to be a classic case of Stockholm Syndrom, but with so many twist all the way to the end, that it just left you with a lot of questions, which in this case is a good thing.

Superb performance by Chloe Levine as Jemma. I really felt the emotions of what a victim of Kidnap/Abuse must feel in a situation like that. And even with the twist in the end, you just wanted to see more of her and learn the whole story.


Not Worth it
This movie is just so bad, on so many levels. It's not even so stupid, that it's funny. The only appealing thing about it is the destruction and dismemberment caused by the shark, hence the 2 star rating.

CSI: NY: Sleight Out of Hand
Episode 18, Season 3

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!! Criss Angel is so good as a delusional criminal
Criss Angel depiction of an insane, delusional criminal mastermind, is scary good. The last scene where it all comes together is just perfect, with his motive and attitude. Absolutely best performance I've seen in a while.

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