
IMDb member since December 2012
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Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Utter snooze fest
Advertised as an action comedy, well three episodes in and still waiting for a moment of either. This is a mostly dull inane dialogue between the two main characters. There are slow burning series but this didn't even have a spark. The 'Smiths' are uninteresting, one dimensional and l couldn't care less about either of them. Despite being named the same as that dreadful spy flick, the Smith being so called spy's is the only similarity. This seems such a way off the usual Amazon quality it beggers belief it got the go ahead. This, for me wasn't even remotely watchable. Such a shame as the production quality is high but it doesn't save a dire script.

The Midwich Cuckoos

Series of the damned mediocre
Having seen and read the originals this is both absurd and unrealistic. Plot holes and situations in abundance coupled with poor acting absolutely ruin a classic syfi. A small town/village with a police station let alone a CID section... Yeah right. Soldiers doing drill with loaded weapons! All the characters are stupid and blind beyond belief. Another weak and poorly made Sky production.

The Book of Boba Fett

Boba Bore
Great production but dull story and characters. Action is tepid and nothing grabs your attention. This is the epitome of the word 'meh'. Anyone giving this a score of 10 is plainly bogus or deluded.

The Tender Bar

Tender... Nope just slow and dull
Lasted just under an hour and gave up. Like other reviews, this starts OK then descends into a sluggish meandering boring mess. Nothing keeps you interested so for me, this missed the spot by a mile.

Deadman Standing

Dead man acting
A clichéd film with boring dialogue, and way too much inane chatter filling most of the film. A quick scroll through the 10 star 'reviews' revealed a lot of single reviews all from new accounts opened on the 9th and 10th of June. Read into that as you will....


Season 3 has killed it.
Season 1 and 2 were dark and interesting but season 3 is a slow and painfully dull. I truly believe they used different writers who had not watched the previous seasons. The main characters have become empty and without any real menace. Each episode meanders along much like the previous. It fails to grip you and keep you interested in both plot or character. In fact I couldn't find any high points in the whole 3rd series.

Blue Story

Seen it all before
Yet another formulaic sink estate gangster movie requiring subtitles due to the street lingo used. Nothing new or break through here. Usual stereotypes types and plot lines. Predictable and underwhelming. Acting is fine but the story is a well worn road that leads to expected destination.


Just plain boring
For such a graphic and imaginative subject the script writers have managed to create absolutely no tension or characters with an degree of depth. Sorry I really wanted to enjoy another quality S Korean series but this is certainly not one of them.

Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings

Cheesy pulp for 12 year olds
Have I missed something? All these glowing reviews but I found this rather clichéd and the script lacking in any originality. It starts off watchable but descends into a sluggish tiresome holed plot line. Lots of lazy writing with one dimensional characters. The action is credible at the start (bus scene) but then becomes stupid and just CGI nonsense. Such a shame as this had huge potential at the start but quickly became rather childish and unentertaining.


Oh dear me
After you have seen the film ask yourself this... Why didn't Bathhurst just shoot himself in the head with the dethrone weapon? Sorry but this is just utter nonsense.

Wonder Woman 1984

Woooh this is a stinker
With so many reviews stating this is clearly lacking in every possible way I shall not bore you with repeating the plain obvious. All I will say is that I volunteered to check my daughter's car tyre pressures to break up the 151 minutes of dire boredom this induced.


Another Netflix stinker
Terrible acting, awful dialogue and as gripping as a cold cup of coffee. This was boring and had zero tension throughout. The 'fight' scenes were so bad and unrealistic, bordering on comical. It also clearly showed Washington can't act in the slightest. He was dreadful. I gave it a 2 for all the Greek graffiti shown.


Oh boy, another Netflix stinker
I'm not even going to try and question the attitude or moral compass of the 'leading lady', as much to say she's just selfish and and needs to get a grip. I would have welcomed her character being killed off in episode 1. Intertwined with crappy sex scenes it is as gripping as an episode of Pepper Pig. The acting is wooden and the script extremely repetitive. Please don't waste a moment on this nonsense.


Dull dull dull ZZZzzzzz
Another Netflix cure for insomnia. Way too much waffle and inane monologues from supposedly interesting people, that are in fact life's dregs. As for the comically bad re-enactments, sorry this is a spectacular waste of effort, time and production costs.


More Sky produced drivel
Is this Spartacus.. Rome or even Plebs? Well the latter is more historically accurate than this garbage. A slow clunky script with dire acting. This is more Hollyoaks with both the language used and the gravitas of the actors. I could not help but laugh when a Roman tribune pipes up with 'just sayin'. Seems the budget was used up elsewhere as nothing was spent on research or script writers. It amazes me how Sky produce so much utter excrement, Bloods, Intelligence, Jamestown, lucky man, Bulletproof, Trollied, Britannia to name a few but also give us Chernobyl, Das Boot, Gomorrah to name a few...

Rose Plays Julie

Never gets out of 1st gear
The run time maybe 1:40 but you will think it's double that. This seems to play at half speed with unnecessary pauses and silences throughout. The acting was fine but the plot predictable and unimaginative. The concensus of the group watching was the same. The pace of film ruined it completely. Sorry but I couldn't recommend this at all. How some reviews give this a 10 is beyond credibility.

American Gods

Season 1 great, season 2 was painfully slow, season 3 absolutely nothing happens. How can the writers take something interesting and turn it into this garbage. Please just cancel this cack.

Army of the Dead

Army of the cliché
Please park brain before watching. You know when Dave Bautista is the lead actor it is hardly going to tax your intellect, but this is a rip off the Walking Dead and I Am Legend. I nodded off after 80 minutes only to wake to hang the washing out. Yep, it was that gripping. Predictable script, characters, action and way too long.

Undercover Hooligan

Woefully poor effort
This is so low rent. Unbelievable and regurgitated plot, coupled this with a score of wooden actors resulting in a massive snoozefest. This was made on a budget and this instance it shows. I'd give this not just a miss but a wide berth.

Mare of Easttown

Slow and utterly miserable
This is not a crime drama at all. The crimes are purely a back story, so much so you start to think they are not important at all. Great acting aside, this so slow and miserable I had zero care for nobody, four episodes in and could not give a damn. Solitaire on my phone had my attention. Seems such a waste of talent.


What an absolute stinker
When you watch incredibly bad films like this, you have to wonder does anyone from the production team actually watch it back? Like so much 'Sky Originals' the quality is woefully poor. It has the feel of a 6 form project. My honest advice pass this by and watch that paint dry


Painfully slow and frustrating to watch
I loved Mr Robot and watched this on the strength of that. I found this completely unrewarding and so draw out. I truly couldn't give a damn about the characters, plot and outcome. Stuck out the first series and was left empty. Making a coffee was more interesting and definitely more gratifying.

The Vow

Take a vow to miss this
A completely disjointed and jumbled mess spread over 8 gruelling episodes when 2 or 3 would have done.

Line of Duty

Line of cack
As many reviews have said, this is a dire, cringe worthy and utterly ludicrous film/script/plot line. The overtly annoying child reporters are so bad they will have you screaming at the screen, wishing for their immediate death. What a cast of this calibre are doing in this pile of excrement is beyond me....money talks I suppose. Admittedly I only lasted a long 35 minutes before I couldn't take another painful moment.


Another tripe Sky product
Sky obviously think their paying customers are just above a banana on the intellect scale. This is yet another cringe worthy comedy that fails on every level to raise a laugh. David Schwimmer hasn't a comedic bone in his body but here he is trying again and failing miserably. This will probably get a second series just like that other Sky drivel, Jamestown.

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