
IMDb member since December 2012
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    IMDb Member
    11 years


The Marksman

Too good
You won't bat an eyelid throughout the Movie. Hoping to see more such stuff from Hollywood

Wonder Woman 1984

Loved it! Do give it a try!
All this hate and rudeness for what? Not everything has to have high CGI fights and climaxes involving villain's death. Touching social issues doesn't make a movie bad either. How can majority of viewers be so narrow-minded and negative. So every movie in Hollywood just had to keep praising the current society and shouldn't ever comment on the issues by simply turning a blind eye? How fckn mature! I pity the current lot of humans. Seriously cab they get any more pathetic and Egoistic? I love this Movie for what it is. It deserves lot more respect and praises than the crap being hurled at it by this intolerant super-egoistic cgi-craving crowd.

Hanuman the Immortal 2

Such an insult to Hindu mythology
Even Gods would cry of anguish watching this. Karma wont spare these filmmakers.


Utter nonsense
They Just put the twists for the sake of thrill by sacrificing basic sense. Making fool of audience by showing all the stuff first which later makes no sense at all after the twist. And then they cook up useless half boiled foolish forced explanations


A lot of missing elements
Mediocre story. Very bad acting. Weak music. Overall feel is not carried effectively due to lack of proper film execution. But mostly it's the acting and ridiculously forced storylime that brought death to this project


Yes it is. take whatever you want out of my review title

Naked Nanga Nagnam

Shut up sandddy. Have some decency
Sandddy is absolutely wrong. This movie is a classic masterpiece based on a true story. This is not for tasteless fellows like Sandddy.


Can I rate it less than 1?
Just sucked the life right out of me. Horrendous, loud and pointless movie ever. All money down this drain of meaningless chaotic abomination of a movie.

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