
IMDb member since August 2004
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The ongoing evolution of Tony Scott
I'm having a whale of a time reading all the 'I hate Domino/I love Domino' messages on the boards below - this film certainly shoves its audience into one of these camps. Review-wise, I thought Domino was thoroughly entertaining and a refreshing change from the usual, pedestrian fare served up to us in the name of action movies. One of my other favorite films this year was The Devil's Rejects - spot the similarities? Both Scott and Zombie say 'screw convention' and deliver high octane CHARACTER DRIVEN pieces. Fabulous stuff! As to Tony's evolution, hasn't it been fun watching him stretch his wings as an artist? From Top Gun to The Last Boy Scout, from True Romance to Man on Fire, from arguably the best of the BMW shorts to Domino, here is a guy who loves his craft and never stops finding new ways to present it - kudos to Tony Scott (and a nice touch having Domino sport a tattoo with a Blade runner reference, his brother must have smiled). Go see this!


Enjoyable, but thread heavy.
*Contains spoilers - please read carefully*

AS a huge fan of chaos and 'cause and effect' stories, I was intrigued when my wife pointed out this movie. Having just watched it I come away with mixed feelings.

Overall I enjoyed Bug, I thought Hay's direction was solid and the acting was good all round. However, after discussing the movie with others, we all agreed that it would have been a much stronger story with a few less characters so that we could focus more on the development of the more compelling themes (Cy's obsession with germs, the couple debating the baby, the woman who can't do anything right for her husband, the guy who loses his job and his world falls apart).

Having said that - I do of course realize that Bug is a comedy and needs the more frivolous characters for light relief. There, you see me bending back and forth? Conflicted views!! Oh dear.

Hay can take comfort in the knowledge that he has made a solid little movie, and it most certainly will not be the worst cause and effect film ever made if the trailers for 'A Sound of Thunder' are anything to go by!

By the way, the best cause and effect moment ever committed to celluloid is still in 'City of Lost Children'.

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