
IMDb member since December 2012
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The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society

Undoubtedly the best film of 2018
I did not know what to expect when I sat down to this film. I knew the era and expected something war related. What I found was a romantic drama that is one of the best films I have seen in recent years. So many great characters and great scenery as well as great plot that builds at a good pace. I recommend it to everyone.

The Sultan and the Saint

Stunningly bad
It would be kind to call this religious propaganda a documentary but given the extremely inaccurate content that would be wrong. Do not mistake it for a film, it is just a dialogue, a long flow of drivel flowing from someone's mouth with some people in costume providing a backdrop.

The Encounter: Paradise Lost

Very poor film
Poor acting, weak plot and despite going to a beautiful place the camera work is also poor. Do American people really think that an American DEA officer can use a gun here? He would be executed for murder if he killed someone. Just the same as if a Thai drugs officer started shooting people in Miami. Most Thai people cannot even read English so the badge hanging around his neck means no more than a badge written in Thai would mean in America. Really stupid story. After that low beginning it just rapidly goes downhill. I would like to end with a complement, to be polite and put a nice sentence of mitigation but there is no saving grace in this film. It is pathetic religious propaganda.

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