
IMDb member since September 2004
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    19 years


Stella Shorts 1998-2002

Truly comedy in it's most brilliant and simplest form.
When I first saw Stella on comedy central I thought "god, this is horrible!" But I loved Wet Hot American Summer. So I knew something didn't make sense. There was nothing left for me to do but search out for the Stella shorts which I had heard contained more dildos than any other comedy troupe out there. When I found them not only were my dildo expectations met, but I found probably the greatest comedy scenes I've seen in years. The set of twenty odd short films put me on the edge of my seat with water running down my legs. Not only did I laugh my ass off the first time I watched them but continued to laugh harder when I watched them over and over again. It's really a shame Comedy Central had the restrictions of cable television for the Stella series. It would have faired much better on HBO or Showtime. Their brand of humor can't be restricted by censors or popular culture. Given even if it was on HBO I'm sure the "masses" would have voted it canceled in a season or less, but still it would have been fantastic. Needless to say I'm now in love with Stella and all it's individual members. Any Stella fan should check out David Wain's site with all his short films. They are equally as enjoyable as Stella itself. So my hat goes off to Michael Showalter, Michael Ian Black, and David Wain for the unbelievable comedy they have made with Stella. I hope to see much more of the troupe in the future.

Aisle Six

Although a student film, it's great!!!!
This may be a student film but it is really, really great. I've recently gotten into the Stella shorts and got onto David Wain's website and watched his short films. This short is by far one of the most intelligent and funny student films i've ever seen. Most crappy little student films try to be all artsy and are way overdone. Aisle Six is a tragic tale of a young electrician wanna be in the midst of a school filled with plumbers in training. When the troubled youth decides he doesn't want to plumb, his whole world turns upside down. This is a crown jewel amongst them all. A must see for any Stella or Wet Hot American Summer fan. Highly recommended.


Great Low Budget Series
I ran across this small series on the web and instantly fell in love. Aside from being a big Jack Black fan, all of the episodes (excluding the animated one) have the great cheesy computer editing that makes it hilarious as well. Just the idea of Jack black in his underwear with a hollowed out monitor on his head and a keyboard tied around his neck should be enough for anyone to view these at least once. Complete with poor acting, bad special effects, Jack Black's theme song, and horrible plots, Computerman is a must for die-hard Jack Black/Tenacious D fans. All in all it's definitely worth searching out and viewing. But you don't have to take my word for it.

Death House

The scariest thing about this movie is the lead actor's hair.
I myself am a big fan of low-budget 80's horror films. This isn't the worst but still not to spectacular. The plot line is decent but drags out way too long. You're through half the movie before you even get to see any zombie action. The kills aren't very creative and the zombies aren't too crafty. I truly think this movie would have been better if they left out the zombies and just made it into some mafia flick. It's watchable but I feel that this film did steal at least an hour of my life. I'll give the film credit for being somewhat original. If you are really into B horror movies it's worth a viewing but if you're not, don't bother. But you don't have to take my word for it.

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