
IMDb member since December 2012
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The Rookie: True Crime
Episode 7, Season 3

The whole premise for this episode if off.
Why would active police officers that work undercover want to participate on a TV series?

It does not make any sense, and the rest of the series is trying to be a serious show, so I don't understand this episode where the officers are so out of character.

No reason is given for why they would participate in a True Crime TV show.

The things they are saying on camera does not make any sense for serious police, and why would Jackson or his boyfriend not just close the door when a camera is in their face.

Bad acting from some of the guest stars and I don't really care what happens to the people in the episode.


The Conspiracy Files: Vaccine Wars

To little fact information.
People in the documentary says this and that doctor has been disproved, and studies have shown this is wrong.

But there was too little fact information about the studies and why this and that person was disproved, why were their conclusions wrong?

Moms understandably want answers to why their kids get sick after taking a vaccine, but other possible explanations for why they got sick is not explored or explained.

If it is a coincidence, it should be explained why it can be a coincidence.

Student Sex Workers

Not very well-balanced documentary.
Interesting documentary but I am only giving it 4 stars since I think this is a serious subject and the negative, dangerous sides of the sex industry is not tackled.

The long term effects of this work is also not handled since they only interview young students and not any older people that started in the industry when students to see what effects this has had on their life later on.

A good documentary should highlight all the sides of the industry better.

God kveld Norge: Episode #48.6
Episode 6, Season 48

Pretty thin episode. One section containing a sofa interview with a politician, one section with a reporter trying to surf and one section with two reporters trying and failing to sing karaoke whit cheap kids karaoke microphones. They had not even bothered to practice on the songs they were singing, so only singing some of the words. Badly. Not fun. Not interesting. I know it is corona times but filling inn half the show with content about their own reporters is just lazy.

Minding the Gap

Warm and full of heart!
I highly recommend this move. Real people and real stories about the complexity of life. Few things in life are black or white, it's a mix. Great story about skating, escape, passion, family, race, domestic violence, freedom, life and friendship! It tackles hard lives but still restores your faith in humanity! Please watch this movie. You will not regret it :-)

A Christmas Prince

Cute story with potential, unfortunately it is not done with quality.
I have seen other Netflix productions of high quality, this is not one of them. What happened here I do not know, after watching the movie I am left with the impression that this was made in a hurry.

The base story line is actually ok and had potential, this is a light feel good romantic Christmas story, so the basic story is exactly what we who love this type of movies are looking for. Unfortunately, the film is ruined by bad acting, over caricatured characters, bad writing and poor dialog, also bad/cheap quality in the production. For example, seeing pictures of the newspapers web sites, they don't even look like real web pages, and that should not be a hard thing to make.

I think children probably will like this, with the over simplification and over characterizing that often helps children understanding the story, for us adults it is painful to watch. The look of the castle in Christmas lights is stunning and beautiful. The casting of actors Ben Lamb as the Prince and Alice Krige as the Queen is a good match, but they can only do so much with the lines they have been given.

Summary: If only Netflix had spent some more time in developing the dialog and story and looked for better actors this could have been great.

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