
IMDb member since December 2012
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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes

I was so excited when I saw the trailer for this movie that I went back and rewatched the entire 3 part trilogy starring Caesar. When I left the theater for this film I was so disappointed! The new characters are forgettable and under developed. Didn't even know the protagonist's name until 45 minutes into the movie. That's how uninteresting he was. He was weak, made bad choices and just not compelling compared to Caesar. My girl and I feel asleep during this unnecessarily long movie as it's plot and storyline are very mid. We took this movie's failure to hold up against its previous 3 films very personal. I just hope the sequel will be stronger and the characters are as interesting as the previous. I could have waited for this to hit streaming. I will say the VFX was great, but that's about it.

The Book of Clarence

Even Jesus had duplicators
As soon as the trailer dropped I was interested and after watching the movie it did not disappoint. I was slightly upset that they went a a comedic route, but it blended so well with the dramatic scenes. I think if this was a serious drama film it would have had a bigger impact. I must say if you're going into this looking for the typical story on the last days of Jesus then you may be disappointed. This is a 3rd person viewpoint on the last days of Jesus in a very grounded yet done in a satirical way. I also enjoyed the underlying political messages between race relations. LaKeith did amazing, the cinematography was on point and there were some great directorial decisions.

Power Rangers

Revisit Review
I saw this version of Power Rangers when it first released in theaters and I was not impressed especially growing up with the OG rangers. For the most part it was forgettable. Fast forward a few years after re-watching it I have more respect for the film. Yeah, they spoon fed the plot to the audience a lot, but it's a kids movie. However, what I did love about the movie was the realistic approach of how they had to earn their suits. Training everyday and even getting actual bruises pulled me in. I liked how we got to get into the backstory of the Rangers thus leading to them ultimately becoming the final form of the rangers. The tone and cinematography was done well too. The villains did not do it for me. Rita was a "try - hard" and Goldar's design was just lazy. There could have been more fight scenes as this is a martial arts based film. Hopefully, the next major release of this movie will have people reinvested in the franchise outside of just kids.

Star Kid

Failed Potential
As a child I was ecstatic when I saw the trailer for this film blast across my TV. As soon as it was released I grabbed my friend and bum rushed the theater. I even went as far as buying the VHS when it came out. Fast forward a few years into adulthood and I see this film had so much potential to stand the test of time. I'll give it a little mercy because it's a children's film, but it feels rushed, corny and the action sequences are subpar. The young kid from Jurassic park was defiinitley on a hot streak in this era and he was a good choice to carry the film. Just wanted to see more usage of the suit rather than comedic froliicing around the city while destroying property with no rhyme or reason. Since Hollywood is all about remakes, I'd be down for a remake, but make it darker and ante up the action and dialogue.

The Protégé

Action Packed yet Hard to Follow
The good: Lots of cool action and Maggie Q's acting is solid with a side dish that includes eye candy for days. The bad: The story gets confusing towards the second act. At least 3-4 plots including sub plots. Should have kept it simple. Good looking film though.

On Our Own

Good old classic
My siblings and I watched this on VCR back in the day and it was definitely entertaining with a solid story of four siblings trying to stay together to avoid the foster care system after their mom dies. They set out to find their Uncle Jack in hopes that they will be safe there, but run into many obstacles on the way.

In Search of the Last Action Heroes

One - Sided
Let's start off saying that it was an OK film just off the fact that it was a documentary about the action film world, but it was very one-sided and bias. The direction of the film was all over the place. Couldn't understand why this was a 2-hour film, but only focused on 2-3 action stars and didn't dive deeper into each action star's story. The film lacked stylization in the editing and the transitions to the next topic/actor were terrible and so abrupt. How are you going to talk about action stars of the 70s, 80s, 90s and not include Snipes, Jet - Li, Donnie Yen, Jim Kelly? This film should have been called In Search of The Last White Action Heroes. If you're bored and have nothing going on, I'd watch it with caution. Other than that they should give the crowd funders their refund or try again.

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