
IMDb member since January 2013
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    11 years


Transformers: Rescue Bots

Transformers Rescue Bots
My 5 y.o. loves this show. He's seen all 23 episodes and wants to watch them again. For a kid that is into robots or space themed stories, the Transformers Rescue Bots is a home run hit. The stories are innocuous and with just enough "danger" to make the little ones care about the happenings. Remember the target audience and don't expect the whole family to be enthralled, but it won't make the adults groan too often. To help make it more interesting for the grown ups, we try to figure out the voice actors and there are some good ones on display for Transformers Rescue Bots. No extreme violence, though and mild, measured language. Show it to your kids without fear.

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