
IMDb member since September 2004
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    IMDb Member
    19 years



A cheesy Indian Musical....Mildly entertaining at best.
Maybe I just didn't know what to expect but the genre of this film could just as easily be musical as it is crime or thriller. If your not ready for the victim to spontaneously break into song and dance ala cheesy Indian music video skip this one. Still I was mildly entertained. As the title suggests the story is about a kidnapping but you just can't take it seriously.Many of the characters and locations look like Miami Vice if it had been shot in India on a low budget. I'm probably not reviewing this fairly as it needs a unique genre. I was also the only Non Indian in the audience. OK so their was a kidnapping. And the kidnapper takes the parents to go on a wild goose chase.All you need to know is Indian music video crossed with low budget Miami Vice.

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