
IMDb member since January 2013
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Transformers: Age of Extinction

Look at it from a different point of view
First off, I want to say that by now people should know that a Michael Bay movie is not going to be a mind-blowing story. You're here for amazing action sequences. If you've seen or at the very least even heard about the past movies you should know this by now, so stop comparing him to James Cameron and quit complaining about the story because you already know whats in store.

That being said, this movie is on par with the first one back in 2007, and way better than Revenge of the Fallen and may even surpass Dark of The Moon. The CGI is incredible. It has come a long way even from the 3rd movie. The action is great, just what you would expect from a MB film. What everybody is complaining about is that the story lacks. Yes it does. But people need to stop being pessimists and start seeing the glass half full. The story is a lot more intricate than any of the other movies.I can't go into detail, but the plot really flows and fits together, albeit after a little thought is put into it. Forget the fact that it's Michael Bay or what's his name Ehren Kruger. The story is good. They really went all out. The funny moments don't feel as forced as they previously did, and let me just stress how much better the father-daughter idea fits than the boyfriend-girlfriend. Everyone plays an important role and has something to contribute to the plot. There were plenty moments where I thought, wow that makes sense. Especially with the dinobots. I love how they are delving more into the world of the Transformers, finally addressing ideas that a person would have. I must say as well Age of Extinction was definitely more emotional than the past three films, but in a good way. And, this time they really set it up for future installments quite beautifully.My absolute favorite part is how this time, every robot gets the proper amount of screen time,with the exception of a few, and they all actually have meaningful dialogue. The transformers are finally getting some character development.The few bots that don't have much screen time I'm completely OK with.As I said before, they did a great job setting up for the next film and those few characters who needed a bit more of the spotlight will definitely be back. The one thing I do see wrong with this film is that despite being nearly three hours, the plot is so much more involved that everything happens really fast and it does get a bit hard to follow. If you're a true fan however, putting in some thought won't kill you.

I said it before, and I'll say it again. You're not here for the plot, you're here for some amazing eye candy and a plot that is barely there. Boy does it deliver, not just in what you see, but the plot is an improvement. You would be making a mistake by not seeing this movie. You don't have to agree with me, but despite its flaws, Transformers Age of Extinction just may be the best in the series.

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