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In a Violent Nature

A unique experimental slasher film
I really appreciate that this movie is trying to stand out from other slasher films by telling most of the story from the perspective of the killer instead of following the storyline of the protagonists. This is something I had never seen before and it definitely adds a lingering sense of dread as you're watching everything play out. There were a few parts that I felt dragged on longer than necessary where the camera was just following the killer as he was walking slowly through the woods for several minutes at a time and nothing else was happening. I understand that the filmmakers were trying to maintain the tension they had built up, but I felt it actually negated the tension at times and some of the walking sequences could've been cut down. But overall, it was very creepy & entertaining.

Another great positive for this movie is the kills. If you're someone who enjoys seeing brutal, gory, over-the-top violent kills in slasher movies, then this movie definitely delivers. The kills don't start until like 30 mins in, but the movie definitely rewards the audience for their patience. One kill scene in particular with one of the girls is especially savage in how he dismembers her in the most insane way possible. The entire movie theater was busting out in screams & laughter while I was watching it, none of us could believe what we were seeing. If you've already seen the movie, you probably know which kill scene I'm talking about.

While there's a lot to like with this movie, it's definitely not a perfect horror movie. First of all, the acting is pretty terrible for the most part, especially the 'final girl' actress who was basically phoning it in for the last 20 mins of the film when all the scary stuff was happening to her character. Also, the killer's backstory & general storyline through this film feels very much like a ripoff of something we've already seen in the Jason Voorhees saga. The monster got killed by the town in some tragic accident, comes back supernaturally & starts massacring everyone, and the town needs to figure out how to defeat the monster & lay it to rest again. It's almost exactly the same as Jason's backstory with a few new details added in. I didn't hate it, but it's not anything original. Also, the ending of this movie was TERRIBLE. The filmmakers did a great job of instilling that lingering tension until the credits rolled, but I was hoping all that tension would have some kind of payoff, but there wasn't. The filmmakers included an easter egg suggesting that there could possibly be a sequel, but other than that, the ending was very unsatisfying.

And in usual horror movie fashion, all the characters are extremely stupid and have absolutely no will to live or sense of self-preservation whatsoever, which means they all make very stupid decisions & inevitably get picked off one by one. This horror movie trope is so played out & cliche at this point. Much like the Jason movies, these are just interchangeable idiots lined up for the slaughter and when it's their turn, they basically just stand there & take their deaths. I hate when characters are written like this because there's no point in caring about anyone when you know they're all just gonna get killed and they're not gonna even try to survive. After the movie was over, I couldn't tell you a single character's name, that's how uninteresting & dispensable everyone was. Even the 'final girl' was boring, to the point where I was actually hoping there would be no survivors, because the monster's scenes were way more entertaining than anything the other characters brought to the movie.

Overall, while this movie is far from perfect, I'd say its definitely worth a look. It's not anything groundbreaking but it does a few things that are very creative & creepy. Its definitely one of the better Shudder films I've seen.

This Is Me... Now: A Love Story

A Pointless Vanity Project
Imagine spending $20M of YOUR OWN MONEY (cuz JLo produced this garbage herself) to let the world know you FINALLY found love at age 52 after about 20 try & fails. The only redeeming quality about this film is the CGI, but there's no other redeeming qualities about this (I hesitate to even call this a) film. WE GET IT JEN, you lost your BF 20 yrs ago and now you're back together, but it's not like you were sitting at home alone for 20 yrs waiting for him to come back home to you. You've been married multiple times & had kids & had a great career & AMAZING LIFE before you reunited with Ben, so this star-crossed lover "movie" means nothing. Please don't produce your own movies anymore.

The Marvels

Not helping
They literally made a Marvel movie with 3 characters nobody cares about. No wonder this ended up being the lowest performing movie at the box office in the history of the MCU. This movie was pushed back multiple times and got delayed from being released several times, and now we can see why. The plot for this film was weird & sloppy & nonsensical, the action scenes were even worse, and almost all the actors are phoning it in with the exception of Iman Vellani who plays Ms Marvel. She's the only character who has any personality whatsoever in this film, but she's not enough of a reason to go see this film in theaters. Do yourself a favor & just watch this on Disney+ in a couple months, this film is not worth the cost of a movie ticket.

Scream VI

Best sequel since Scream 2!
This is a much more angry, menacing Ghostface than we've ever seen before. Every scene is extremely tense, and all the kills are extra graphic & violent.

I was surprised how much I loved this film. While I still wish Neve Campbell returned, Melissa Barrera & Jenna Ortega do a great job of carrying the film forward. When I first heard they would be the main stars of the film, I didn't have high hopes for it being good. Melissa & Jenna weren't bad in Scream 5, but I didn't think there was much to their characters, and they had virtually no chemistry on screen as sisters. But Scream 6 does a much better job of building on their storyline. Their characters get much more flushed out, and their relationship as sisters has much more impact than the last film. And Courtney Cox & Hayden Panettiere have some of the best fight scenes in the entire film with Ghostface.

As usual, the movie is very heavy on the meta self-awareness of what kinda movie they're in. I get that the Scream movies are known for their meta factor, but it's at the point now where the characters are basically talking to the audience & giving a speech about what kinda movie they're about to watch, as if we don't already know that Scream is always gonna break every cliche movie trope they're describing to us. The requel self-awareness is getting a little cheesy at this point. Also, the killer reveal was a little lame, but that's nothing new with the Scream movies at this point.

But overall, terrific addition to the franchise. Definitely one of the best Scream sequels we've had in a long time.

The Apology

One of the better Shudder films, though that's not saying much
For a low budget psychological thriller produced by Shudder, this film was actually not half bad. The screenplay is definitely not great even by Shudder standards. However, Anna Gunn's terrific performance is the saving grace that carries this film & makes it actually watchable. We already knew Anna Gunn is an incredibly talented actress based on her work in Breaking Bad, but in this film she portrays a broken mother who's daughter has been missing for the last 20 years - a nightmare every parent dreads happening to them. Anna Gunn's heartbreaking anguish is all on full display and it helps make the film a compelling watch. While the overall film is not perfect and I understand why some may not like it, id recommend watching it just for Anna Gunn's performance alone. The movies only 90 mins long, so it won't feel like a total waste of time.

Casey Anthony: Where the Truth Lies

Caylee Anthony is rolling over in her grave
Casey had 11 years to come up with a plausible story to explain her horrible behavior and this was the best she could come up with? Did she wait till the night before filming to put her new story together? I wouldn't be surprised, we already know she has procrastination issues, just look how long it took her to report her daughter missing - and that was AFTER her mom forced her to.

Her story doesn't make any sense, and you can tell that the evidence/video footage they're presenting in this "documentary" are very selectively edited to fit the narrative she's trying to push. In addition, Casey doesn't take any accountability for the fact that she lied every step of the way when everyone was going crazy trying to find her daughter. Instead, she just shifts all the blame over to her family & says she either had to tell all those lies because of what others did to her, or because she was just such a screwed up person because of all this abuse she had to endure from her father & brother. EVERYTHING is always someone else's fault with this girl. If this documentary was an effort for her to repair her reputation, it was a miserable fail. Hopefully people actually do their own research about this instead of trusting Casey's word, because she's done nothing but lie her entire life.

And just to be clear, I'm not saying her claims of abuse aren't true, I honestly don't know. And if she's telling the truth about the abuse, then that's terrible & I'm sorry she had to endure that. But there are tons of people who suffer abuse & would never do any of the disgusting things she did. And it's hard to accept her abuse claims as truthful because Casey Anthony has a well-documented history of lying & being viciously vindictive against anyone who she feels has wronged her. And according to court documents filed by someone who worked on Casey's defense team when they were preparing for her trial, Casey explicitly said she wanted to put the blame for her daughter's death on her mother, father, and brother, because she was pissed off at them after they helped law enforcement find Caylee & later testified against Casey at her trial. This is also evident in this show when Casey is watching an interview with her parents where her dad is saying that Casey deserves to be in jail for Caylee's death (which is OBVIOUS). And you can just see Casey getting enraged while watching this. That part makes it pretty clear why Casey is doing this documentary: she's still pissed at her parents for not going along with her crap anymore like they used to always do when she was growing up, and she's still punishing them.

Casey spends so much time in this "documentary" acting like SHE'S the one who suffered the worst, not her daughter who died at age 2 and was then stuffed into a garbage bag & tossed away in the woods like a piece of trash. CASEY ANTHONY IS NOT A VICTIM. The reason her life is ruined is because she neglected to report her daughter missing for 31 days (and only finally did so after her mother FORCED her to), and based on her shady behavior & all the other details of the case, it's very likely that she's the one who killed her daughter (although we'll probably never know whether she killed her intentionally or by accident, lord knows Casey's never gonna be honest about that).

This documentary is a disgraceful disservice to the memory of poor Caylee Marie Anthony, may she rest in peace. If you haven't watched this show yet, do yourself a favor & don't waste your time.


Nice visuals, lazy storytelling
Whoever wrote this film apparently thought that as long as they repeatedly call back to the Toy Story films by having Buzz Lightyear constantly repeat his classic catchphrases, they wouldn't need to worry about writing a story that made sense. The plot soars through time at warp speed, resulting in none of the emotional moments having any impact whatsoever. When Buzz finds out that his friend passed away, I don't know how they expected anyone to empathize with him For a second since this character was introduced to us only a few minutes before their passing. And Buzz's supporting characters that help him defeat Zurg are all idiots. And the big reveal of who Zurg really is & how He came to become Zurg was RIDICULOUS & made no sense.

Maybe this film would've been better if released 20 years ago when Toy Story was still a big deal, but now it feels way too late for this movie.

I honestly don't see anyone past the age of 12 enjoying this movie.

Don't Breathe 2

In a world full of unnecessary sequels, this one wasn't half bad
I was expecting this film to be bad, but it was actually entertaining. Its a film that definitely didn't need to be made, but compared to other sequels nobody asked for, it wasn't terrible & at least was intriguing to watch.

The film takes place 8 years after the events of the first film. The Blind Man is taking care of a little girl who lives in his home. It's not clear if this girl is his daughter (did the turkey baster plan finally work?), or if he kidnapped this girl & raised her as his own. Soon enough, we see that the girl is being stalked by a group of men. They break into the house trying to find her, and a series of gruesome events unfold. We then find out the secret of why these men are after this girl. Long story short, these are all bad guys. The only good person in the film is the little girl.

The movie is entertaining enough for a sequel we didn't need, although it's kinda tough to empathize with a guy who tried to turkey baste the girl from the previous film. They humanized him a little too much for my liking but other than that, it's an okay film. There are worse ways to spend an hour and a half.

Spiral: From the Book of Saw

Best SAW film since the original
FINALLY!!! Something new & different!!!!

I've been a fan of the SAW franchise ever since seeing the first film back in 8th grade. And as each passing year brought a new film, I continued watching them, even though the quality of the films dropped off considerably after the 3rd film. After that, the films ended up being all the same: random people we don't care about trying to survive the crazy traps set up by Jigsaw, while also following the side plot of Jigsaw's partner(s) who decided to continue his work because they believed so much in his cause (ummm.....sure, whatever). Honestly, the only interesting part about films 4-8 were the crazy traps set up for the victims to try & get out of. The fact that the filmmakers were able to come up with so many creative & crazy traps in such a short period of time, since a new film was released every year, was very impressive. I just wish they'd spent a little more time developing an interesting storyline, but hey, we can't get everything we want I guess. But after that HORRIBLE Jigsaw film that came out a couple years ago, I was ready to give up on this series, it had jumped the shark so far to the point where it wasn't believable at all anymore.

So when I saw the plot of this new film, a Jigsaw copycat targeting dirty cops, THAT intrigued me. Even though it's slightly recycling the plot of the 2nd film where Detective Eric Matthews was put through a test for being a dirty cop, but so what. I don't really care if storylines are recycled as long as the film is good, AND THIS FILM WAS AWESOME!!! I'm so happy they deviated from the plot repetition of having the traps/murders be carried out by John Kramer or one of his partners. This film centers around a Jigsaw copycat, someone with no connection to Jigsaw but who is using his methods & techniques to shine light on the issue of police corruption. And while some may be uncomfortable with the political undertones of the film regarding police reform, remember that SAW 6 was centered around our crappy US healthcare system when Jigsaw put an evil, careless health insurance CEO through a series of brutal tests, so it's not like the SAW films haven't had a political message in the past.

In SPIRAL, Chris Rock plays the lead detective on the case, who the entire police department hates because he reported his former partner for murdering a witness without justification. So the entire police force sees him as a rat. So he has to track down the Jigsaw copycat who is targeting & killing his colleagues, while getting almost no help from his colleagues because they have no respect for him. Chris Rock strikes a very delicate balance of being funny in certain scenes, but not being too over the top to the point where the scary moments don't have an impact. This is a very difficult thing for a comedic actor to accomplish and he does it very well. Sam L Jackson plays his father, a retired police captain who was responsible for a lot of the corruption in the police department. Honestly, Sam L Jackson is just being Sam L Jackson, no different than anything else we've seen from him a million times at this point.

This film keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Definitely the best SAW film since the original. It's funny, it's suspenseful, it's bloody, the traps are awesome & creative. It has all the familiar elements of the previous SAW films, while also feeling fresh & original. Definitely a sequel/spin-off worthy of your time!

I WANT TO PLAY A GAME!! Sorry, I had to do it LOL.

In the Earth

Complete garbage from beginning to end. The plot was unclear, the chain of events made no sense, the endless cutaways to random images with annoyingly loud music makes me feel like I should've taken acid before going to the film so I could understand what was going on. The fact that critics thought this was a good film just further speaks to their lack of credibility. Stay away from this film if you value your time, it's TRASH.

Justice League

This embarrassment of a film is the best possible example of how studio interference can destroy a film, because the stupid producers who know nothing about filmmaking or how to tell a story, and only care about making money, think they know more than the person with the artistic vision who created the film. The people who cut up this film & gave us this crap back in 2017 should never be allowed to work on a film in any capacity ever again. Thank goodness we now have the Snyder cut so we can just pretend this joke of a film never existed.

Bates Motel

Cautionary Tale
Cautionary Tale

When I first heard they were doing a modern-day prequel to one of the world's most cherished classic horror films, I honestly thought it was gonna be terrible. How do you do justice to something so iconic & universally-loved by horror fans? But after watching the entire show, I was pleasantly surprised how much I loved it. Not only does it provide the fan service for the people who love the movie Psycho, but it also provides a dark look into the world of mental illness, and what can happen if a person's mental health issues go ignored & untreated.

The show starts with Norma Bates & her son, Norman, moving to Oregon following the death of Norman's father. We later learn that Norman killed him in a blackout while he was beating the crap out of his mother. We also learn from their backstory that Norman & his mother were horribly abused by Norman's father, and their connection comes from the survival mentality they had to rely on to survive the abuse. They have both survived horrible trauma, which creates a close bond between them that's way too close for comfort. It causes Norma to become the horribly overbearing mother we know her from in the movie Psycho, where she loses her mind anytime Norman wants to go out with friends or be with girls. It has also caused Norman to develop horrible mental issues which would later be identified as dissociative identity disorder. They move to Oregon & realize the town they moved to is very sketchy, which made for some entertaining side stories to keep the show going. Norma also realizes, after buying the motel next to their home, that a new freeway bypass is gonna be built that will take their business off the map, which calls back to the condition in which we found the motel in the movie Psycho. This also makes for an interesting storyline, as Norma tries very hard to stop the bypass from getting built.

Anyone who's a fan of Psycho will recognize all the connections to the film shown in the show (Norman's taxidermy hobby, the bodies & cars being disposed of in the lake, the mother's body hidden in the cellar, etc.) But more importantly, the show does a great job of showing Norman's slow dissent into madness. His mother was always the one person who was there to protect him from his abusive father. This caused him to create a mental version of his mother to serve as a security blanket for Norman whenever he found himself in a situation where he didn't feel safe. The mother would always be there to protect Norman. As a result of this horrible abuse Norman was subjected to as a kid, he developed into a mentally-ill maniac. This show is very relatable for anybody who's had to deal with someone who has mental issues. This show does not have a happy ending, but it provides a great insight as to what can happen if someone with mental issues goes untreated. Definitely worth watching.


Misunderstood Guilty Pleasure
This movie is a fun watch if you don't take it too seriously. The acting, storyline & dancing are all super over the top, that you can't help but laugh which makes it fun. It provides a look into the life of the seedy world of exotic dancing, where women don't think twice about screwing over anyone who gets in their way, in their journey to achieve fame & fortune. All the people hating on this movie clearly didn't understand what it was trying to be, or they were turned off by all the nudity. If you're looking for a fun, turn-off-your-brain film, this movie is definitely a good choice.


Great mix of horror & comedy
The horror movie version of Freaky Friday. I thought this movie was gonna be lame at first, but I was surprised how much I liked it. At first, it feels like you're watching a Friday the 13th movie (the killer's mask is basically a knockoff Jason mask). Then the killer accidentally switches bodies with the girl he's trying to kill, and things get so ridiculous you can't help but just laugh. The killer is now in the girl's body killing all her friends, and the shy girl is now in the butcher's body trying to avoid capture. It's silly, fun & scary all at once. The writers did a great job. Great to see in theaters!

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

Massively Overhyped
I had such high hopes for this film & couldn't wait to go watch it on opening night. Anytime a new Quentin film comes out, it's always an exciting event. And for months, we've been hearing that this film was gonna be about the Manson family murders, which made it even more exciting. But unfortunately, this movie was extremely underwhelming for what we were promised. It felt like a neverending montage of 60's Hollywood tourist stops with endless underdeveloped characters who never get flushed out at all, and a plot that felt very unorganized & never seemed to go anywhere.

The film centers primarily around Leonardo DiCaprio's character, a television actor who's trying to transition into Western films after pulling the plug on his successful TV show where he played a Bounty Hunter. Terrified at the idea that he made the wrong career choice & may not have much success in feature films, he unravels into an obscene, drunken mess on his first film. It was an interesting storyline but here's the one major problem: Leo's character is deeply, DEEPLY unlikeable. From the very beginning of the film, he comes across as very snobby & arrogant, which makes it really hard to care about whether or not he ends up finding success as a movie actor.

On to Brad Pitt, who is definitely the character favorite for this film. He's DiCaprio's longtime stuntman in this film. The 2 characters have worked together for years & are like brothers. Pitt's character is hilarious & fun. But there was never anything to his character as far as story or conflict or development or anything. He was just there to serve as a sidekick to DiCaprio & kick people's asses for entertainment here & there, other than that there wasn't much to him at all.

And finally, the whole subplot regarding Charles Manson & Sharon Tate: this part of the film was pretty much just a footnote. We don't even get to that part of the film until the last half hour, after watching a long, dragged-out film about Leonardo trying to find himself as an actor & Brad Pitt driving all around Hollywood going to different places. Then we finally get the scene with the Manson family. And while the ending is entertaining, I was still pretty disappointed.

Of all Quentin's films, I'd say this one is definitely one of the worst. I just expected so much more& felt really underwhelmed by the time it was over.

Love Stinks

Massively Underrated
This movie came out when I was in junior high, and to this day it still cracks me up whenever I watch it. I've watched the movie more times than I can count over the years and it never gets old.

Chelsea & Seth, played by Bridgette Wilson & French Stewart, are introduced by their mutual friends who are getting married, and everything seems perfect at first. Their chemistry is just the right mix of cute & funny. Then as the movie progresses and they get closer as a couple, Chelsea's true colors start to show more & more. She wants desperately to lock Seth down & get him to marry her, but he's not big on commitment. When Chelsea expresses how badly she wants to marry Seth, they agree not to discuss marriage for another year & just date & see how they feel as a couple.

A year later on Valentine's Day, Seth doesn't propose, and asa result Chelsea has a total psychotic meltdown and they end up breaking up. Rather than just move on with her life, this psycho decides to sue Seth, claiming he promised to marry her & therefore she should get compensated (even tho she had no job while they were dating & he spoiled her rotten the whole time). As they fight out this ridiculous court case, Chelsea & Seth make each other miserable in the funniest ways possible.

This movie's crazy hilarious & is unlike any other romantic comedy out there. The movie is definitely underrated and will never stop being funny.

Grown Ups 2

why would you do this to people?
Movies like this are a perfect example of why IMBD needs a zero rating for movies. This is one of the worst things to ever happen to the movies since Paris Hilton tried her hand at acting a decade ago. There is no plot whatsoever, and the jokes either don't land at all or are just plain offensive. Taylor Lautner's part was funnier than anything Sandler or anyone else did this entire movie. This is the laziest excuse for a comedy film I've ever seen.

The Talk

Horrible show all around
After Leah & Holly got fired, this show went down the toilet. Sharon is way too diva to ever feel relatable it just comes off as annoying, and Julie Chen is just arrogant & thinks it's her show I don't know how anyone could stand her. Aisha Tyler was a nice addition to the show, but overall I don't know why they still even have this show, it's not interesting to watch at all. Complete waste of time.


Best guilty-pleasure comedy
This movie still holds up well more than a decade later. I still laugh everytime I watch it. As a former server at a restaurant, I can definitely relate to this film (minus the spitting & ruining customer's food, though I definitely wanted to sometimes)

The acting's good, the laughs are consistent, and it's a fun relatable comedy about funny frustrations in the workplace. 15 years later it's still a great classic!

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