
IMDb member since October 2004
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    19 years


Superman, Spiderman or Batman

Can't believe you can pack so much emotion in such a short time.
I wish these kind of features would have more theatrical release in the US, so it could reach wider audiences. I had the pleasure of watching this film as part of the Romanian Film Festival in NYC. I was so surprised that I found myself caring so much about the characters in such little time. I don't think there was a dry eye in the audience when it ended. It was a beautiful film, well casted, directed and written. You could feel the deep bond between the two leads. The kid plays an amazing role as the innocent child who believes everything is possible, and his dad just lets him be. This short movie leaves you with the feeling that you also wish the bag with the secret had the solution to their troubles. One thing I didn't get was the relation between the tittle and the story. Yes, the boy plays and wants to be his favorite superhero but that is it. He tries to save it all but as himself, not under the pretense of an action figure.

Buna! Ce faci?

A lovely & original real people Rom-Com from Romania
I saw this film as part of the Romanian Film Festival in NYC. What a wonderful feel-good movie. It was funny but not in the cheesy Rom-Com traditional way. It was smart, & original, the whole idea of meeting someone "new" online only to end up chatting with your spouse is genius. I also liked that the couple was older & middle class, not the rich twenty-somethings that have become the norm in this genre. Throughout the whole feature I kept hoping I never end up being as sad & unmotivated as the main characters were; yet you feel & root for these two flawed individuals so they can find the happiness they so much crave within themselves. I really enjoyed the teenage son & the other laundry employee. They were hilarious, over the top, crazy and content, they went after what they wanted, made mistakes and learned from them. They weeded out what was unnecessary. They did everything that the married couple were too afraid to do.

I love how the film gives you a peak inside a Romanian family, they are not that different from us, they have the same struggles, hopes & dreams. I love how carefully they approached the use of computers and how addicted they became to the whole new world the internet brought them. The irony of the film is based on how people desire what they already have, yet they don't realize it has always been there. You can't expect others to give you happiness unless you give it to yourself first. Once the characters realized this, their relationship took a whole new turn... for the better.

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