
IMDb member since October 2004
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    19 years


Raptor Island

Not so cynical
I have to agree with most of the comments here, the movie WAS indeed awful, but I'm not going to be so cynical about it. I actually enjoyed the movie because of the fact that it was so bad. The raptors look like paper mache (spelling?) and their roars sound like lions. If you've ever seen Jurassic Park, you notice that the raptors in that movie make a noise that is distinct and doesn't sound like most of the other dinosaurs, or any other animal. But in Raptor Island, they sound like lions, it's quite hilarious. Also, the backgrounds used were TERRIBLE! Can we say green screen? Actually, I'm not sure a green screen was used, I think it was probably armature artwork used in the back. And the island doesn't look foreign and exotic at all, it looks like it was filmed in Wisconsin or something...

Anyway, if your someone who gets a kick out of laughing at a movie that's supposed to be scary or thrilling but is so NOT.. I definitely suggest you check out when it's playing next on SciFi channel and WATCH IT!! It's incredibly hilarious. Just don't waste money on it..

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