
IMDb member since October 2004
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    IMDb Member
    19 years


The Small One

Well of course it's a Christian movie...
it's a Christmas story!!! It's a story that is being told not blatant propaganda. No mention of who the stranger who buys Small One is. It's alluded to but never stated. Christmas movies have this strange tendency to be about, of all things, Christmas.

It's a sweet story about a boy and his love for an animal that is no longer of use to the family. He's trying desperately to find a home for this donkey he loves so very much. In the end the Donkey finds that he has his most important job ahead of him.

This is a childhood favorite along with the story of Nestor (another donkey related children's Christmas flick).

Basically, if you like Christmas and the stories surrounding it, you'll love the story. If you don't believe in Christmas, it's not for you.

Drop Dead Gorgeous

Allison Janney rocks the trailer park
Yes this movie is mainly about Kirsten Dunst's Amber struggle to compete in the Miss American Teen Princess Pagent but it's AJ that steals the show as Loretta, the trailer trash surrogate mother.

This movie will offend many, particularly those that are A) From small town Minnesota B) Beauty Pagent contestants C) Gun toting Lutherans D) Any combination of the above that isn't able to laugh at themselves.

It's a "mockumentary" that is heavy on the tongue in cheek and throw away lines. When the film crew arrives at Amber's trailer, peeking though the windows Allison Janney sees them and comments "Oh, are we on "COPS" again?" perfectly deadpan. Much of this movie is all about the delivery of lines and it doesn't disappoint.

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