Reviews (2)

  • Warning: Spoilers
    In the book, there is no Aunt Shira. Mickey stays with his Uncle Myron. There is even a series of books with Myron Bolitar as the protagonist. Why delete his character and create a fake Aunt?

    Also, his mom struggled with drug addiction in the books. In the series, she does not. She has depression so severe it requires her to stay in a posh inpatient facility. With addiction being such a real and believable problem in America, why change it?

    My guess is because they've also changed the race of the characters as well. Mickey is no longer a white boy who plays pick up games of basketball in the 'bad side of town.' He's mixed race and for some unknown reason his mom appears to be black but only speaks to him in Spanish. I can see why they didn't want to make the black/Spanish speaking mother a drug addict, but his mother IS a drug addict.

    Ema is supposed to be obese, yet here she is another scrawny goth. Spoon's character is true to the book- an unrealistic over-the-top nerd who feels more at home in an 80s summer camp movie. Both are annoying. Mickey is chasing this hard after a girl he only met for half a day in the TV series. In the book she is his gf and they have a relationship, so it makes sense that he's trying to find her.

    It's a shame. I usually like Harlan Coben, but this isn't one I would have chosen to make into a series. You can LISTEN to the whole audiobook in under 7 hours but it takes 8 episodes.

    Also... is it ends like the book, it ends on a cliffhanger. So frustrating after all that time.
  • First off, I'm a lifelong JJ fan. I've read her books. I've seen nearly every episode of her previous show. Watching this new show, however, it's become evident that Judy needs to retire.

    Judy is out of touch with the digital world and how information and money is exchanged today. She has no patience and quickly dismisses anything she doesn't understand by saying "sounds like a lot of who shot John!" She hasn't kept up with modern ways and it shows when she reminisces about the good ol' days in the courtroom. She thinks she is imparting a lesson, but she is just showcasing the large gap in her knowledge of technology.

    I see a lot of hate for Sarah here, and it's not fair. Sarah is the one thing that is really helping the participants. She often has to explain things to Grandma or stop her from misunderstanding things that are the cultural norm now.

    They could do away with the conversations between Sarah and Judge Judy at the end of each episode. Again, it just showcases JJ's ignorance of current social norms and makes her sound like that crabby Uncle that we all put up with at the holidays: the one that drones on about people on welfare and the government "handouts." If it was an occasional whinge, that would be one thing, but every episode seems to end with her complaining about "young people" or the President. It's repetitive to the point of exhaustion. It is these conversations that truly remind us she is pushing 81 years old and needs to step down.

    I was also really sad to learn she didn't bring Byrd with her. After all those years together, she didn't even OFFER him a spot on her new show. She simply hired another black man as if she thought Byrd was that replaceable. It's sad and shows you how little she valued him.

    I like the addition of Whitney, the stenographer, as participants often change their story or forget what they said. Having a court stenographer allows Judge Judy to recall their direct testimony quickly.

    I think it's time for a new Judge. Judy has done her time and now she needs to step down and stop complaining.