
IMDb member since February 2013
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Mother of the Bride

How does a movie like this get made?
Imagine if the stock photography from a resort came to life and was animated using a script generated from ChatGPT. That's this movie.

I felt like the actors knew the whole thing was so bad that they decided to act poorly on purpose.

I suppose if you were horribly sick with a fever or a truly raging hangover, and you didn't have the mental capacity to watch anything with an ounce of substance, this could be an option.

Another option would be if you were in the mood to hate-watch something. Every second of this film will leave you cringing. It's almost painful. The "twists" in the plot aren't really traditional plot twists. No one thought any of those sorts of things through, here.

I do have the urge to book a trip to Thailand, though. Is this actually a travel brochure for Thailand? Hmm.

The Idea of You

Could not love this movie more
Modern romance films are not my usual cup of tea, but there were so many great elements to this movie that I could not stop watching. Is it a little cheesy? Yes. Is it a fairly implausible plot line? Yes. Did either of those things detract from my enjoyment of this movie? Heck no! This is some serious middle-aged mom content and I am HERE FOR IT. This movie unlocked a fantasy I didn't even know I had 😆😆 I will not spoil anything here but that first kiss was SO. HOT. I am not usually wowed by first kisses onscreen but this one was money. Can we also discuss the hotness level of both lead actors? If you're a female with a beating heart, please watch this.

You People

Oh dear
I love Jonah Hill. He's funny, has depth, and many of the jokes and stylistic choices in this film are clever.

It starts off well, but when I saw the poorly done CGI shot of the synagogue, I lowered my expectations. This feels like a Hallmark movie that's interjected Jewish and urban culture. It's cliche and at times downright stupid.

The cringe factor is high. Unfortunately I felt it was so bad I couldn't finish it. Shame as I think it could've been a quirky and lovable little film, but it's overdone, predictable, and veered way too far into a mix between Modern Family and This is Us. The writing needed more depth here.

Lady Chatterley's Lover

Brilliant, fresh, raw, and sexy as hell
The poor reviews confound me. I thought this film was brilliant. The directing is fresh and feels raw, the cinematography pulled me in and drew for me a sense of being "spun up" in this torrid affair. Also, the sex scenes are more real than most you see on the big screen - a man going down on a woman, you say? Yes please. More real female pleasure, thanks. We love it.

The acting was also brilliant. I felt the chemistry between the two leads was authentic and incredibly interesting. The bit where she insists she doesn't want to be called a lady, and then he asks her "bit coarser?" YES PLEASE.

No, I'm not going to make any comparisons to the book. There are all sorts of fascinating layers of British class playing into the storyline. I really loved this. It's beautiful and extremely sexy. The passion is popping off the screen.

Am I Being Unreasonable?

Solid, gripping
This series was supremely watchable and struck a really entertaining balance between funny (genuinely laugh out loud funny at times, too) and ultra dark. The writing was great, and the viewer is taken on a truly wild ride through dramatics of all sorts. We're not quite sure who to believe, or what's actually going on.

There's a big reveal episode about Jen's character arc that's really good, it answers all the questions about her and I found it to be very satisfying. I quite liked how the plot then shifted again, back to the main points really, about infidelity, the cat, the son, the marriages/partnerships.

The only part of Am I Being Unreasonable that I felt didn't quite fit was, sadly, the ending. It felt a bit like a "gotcha!" ending that wasn't totally thought-through. I agree with another reviewer that said that the Alex character's arc and many previous, real-life moments don't fit with the final ending. This wild ending could've worked, but it left more questions than answers. Why did the two people on the train not report her to the police, she should've been tried for murder? Why did Alex hate his brother, there should've been more around this.

Overall an excellent watch, I couldn't stop watching it really. I loved the injected bits of humour. It's not a particularly believable programme but I don't think it's trying to be.


Fresh yet not without problems
The premise of See is original and interesting, and for that, I really enjoy watching it. Nearly the entire cast plays their parts blind, and with this comes an unfamiliar, thought-provoking dynamic. What would it be like to be in a sensory-based world devoid of sight? How would humans cope? See explores this and does an excellent job narrating this possibility.

The plot lines in See are clever enough, while not always perfectly executed. The fight scenes can sometimes appear brutal and authentic and at other times sloppy - definitely a few moments where I've said out loud "oh COME ON!"

There a lot of minor annoying issues with a variety of details: a couple lines of crappy script, an actor forgetting that they're meant to be blind (I'm looking at you, Jason Mamoa - pun intended).

By far, the biggest issue with See is inconsistent acting. Some of the cast are brilliant, and some are downright abysmal. Maghra and Tamacti Jun are both subtle, adept actors. Paris (Alfre Woodard) is also excellent. However I found Queen Kane, Baba Voss, and Kofun's acting abilities to be severely lacking and at times so poor it was almost comical.

I do wish the casting had been a bit different, I think it could've made all the difference in the quality of See.

Overall though, See keeps my attention and allows me to explore a world I never knew I was curious about. It's a bit of Game of Thrones, Star Wars, and Black Mirror mixed with blindness. I want to give it 6/10 stars based on all of its quirky little issues, but for me, the originality and premise bumps this up to a 7/10. Recommend!


A beautiful tribute to the modern, invested dad
Involved, emotionally invested dads of today get their chance to shine in this beautiful documentary about fatherhood in the 21st century. The way the film is cut is super fun to watch - we are presented with unique, global stories of fathers from all walks of life, just doing the very best they can to love their children and care for them day in and day out.

I loved the style of this. It is soft, dare I say feminine, and really celebrates dads who participate as partners and guides (gardeners!) for their children. The perfect thing to view for Father's Day! The more involved, caring, compassionate dads we have, the more our society and culture can flourish. Well done Bryce Howard!

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Great start, but has fallen flat
What happened here? The first two episodes showed a lot of promise, and then it's as if the writers just decided to stop using their brains.

"Meh, I'm done coming up with interesting dialogue and plot lines. Let's just like... do more light saber fights."

The whole series has devolved so quickly into a joke it almost mocks the original second trilogy (which was far from good!) The acting is weak, script basic, plot holes a plenty, and there are also just really stupid things - such as a very secret, sensitive conversation (won't spoil it) being discussed in the open in front of a whole battalion of storm troopers. As if they wouldn't hear or notice?

What's going on, Star Wars? Get it together.

Christina P.: Mom Genes

I will defend comediennes until the day I die, but this spectacle gave me second-hand embarrassment. Every joke was something I'd heard before. "What's with these peanut allergies!" "Hey, if you've pushed a baby out of your vagina, you know - you pee when you cough!" Boring AF. Write better material.

On the Verge

Shockingly bad
As a woman on the verge of turning 40, this looked right up my alley. Women in this middle aged set are craving comedic shows that touch on our real-life challenges. But everything about this show is frankly, terrible. The acting, script, and characters are shallow and basic - the women I know in real life, while quirky and wild in their own ways, are so much tougher than this lot. I could barely get through the first episode, it's so cringe. Such a shame, I want this show revamped with new writers!

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