
IMDb member since February 2013
    2011 Oscars
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    IMDb Member
    11 years



Good or Bad? Somewhere Between the Two.
I went into this unaware of anything except for the title and the basic premise. After watching all 3 seasons (and the epilogue episode) I feel I can give a fair opinion of the show; for the most part, it sucked. Its problem seems to be that it wants to be random but only half tries most of the time. This is perhaps why Season 2 is the best, since it succeeds in gaining a great balance between dialogue, story, and being random but ultimately being cohesive (the best example of this, and the best episode overall, is Season 2 Episode 5 "Jon He Does It" AKA the prank episode). The end of the series is completely underwhelming and makes you question why you even watched this at all; the "reveal" of Jon's face and all of the events that come before it seem like an attempt to clear up as much of the story as possible, when story was never all that important (there are inconsistencies between episodes, whatever allows that week's story). I'm sure most people would have been happy to have left certain threads dangling, since that seemed to be the nature of the show established in the very first season (e.g. the unexplained changing of the characters who hang around Jon). It still gets a 6 out of me (which keeps flickering to a 5) because it does have genuinely funny parts and I feel that if I was more of a fan of reality television I would be laughing even more. It seems to rely on subverting the tropes of that genre as humour in and of itself far too often but the fans of reality shows are too busy watching the new Kardashian's Toddler Shore shows to bother with anything else so who are these jokes actually for?

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