
IMDb member since October 2004
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    19 years


Escape from Sobibor

better than Schiendler's List
I saw this movie about 13 years ago in school. It still sticks in my Mind. I think this is the best holicaust movie I have ever seen. I can remember a lot of the movie but I can't remember any of schiendler's List. It really made me think about the hardships and pain that those people went through. How young children either lost their families or lost their lives. One part of the movie I remember vividly is when a child got scared and ran away from the other people. and how a guard let the dog loose and it attacked and killed that poor child. I also remember how one man told a woman to say she had some kind of skill. Which she did and that saved her life.Lets not forget the many lives that were taken in those times. The young and the old. Its a very said part of history but the ones who were killed and the ones who survived should never be forgotten.

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