
IMDb member since March 2013
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Speak No Evil

Great start, but ultimately boring.
Speak No Evil does an excellent job of building up tension and an increaseing sense of dread. The way the narrative slowly builds is very well done, but it doesn't really build to anything very interesting or deeply meaningful, instead opting for a 'twist' that isn't really a twist, and a third act that doesn't pay off the narrative in an interesting or shocking way.

The acting is very good, with the whole small cast really doing an excellent job. I get the feeling that rather than trying for universal appeal, it's a specific cultural comment I can't connect to.

I love a good dark ending, but this one just felt a bit boring and generic. Ultimately the film had great qualities, but didn't really stand out.

Christmas Bloody Christmas

It's a pretty fun time.
Christmas Bloody Christmas is by no means a work of pure cinematic genius, but I thought it was fun and I enjoyed it.

The acting, though not fantastic, is certainly passable and definitely above average for this type of production. I was rooting for the main character, and that's what's important for a cheesy horror film to keep me interested.

The plot is pretty bare bones, with just enough setup to get the mayhem going, and that's all that was needed. I'm not looking for too much explanation or backstory from a murderous Santa movie. The sex scene was kind of funny and awkward in a way that seemed pretty realistic, and fit the tone of the film well.

As the holiday carnage ramps up, there's a bunch of fun over the top moments, and the plot progression didn't rely too much on laughably poor decisions from the characters, which I always appreciate in a horror film.

Kick back with a drink, put on your worst Christmas sweater, and enjoy the ride!


I really enjoyed nope. It's bit more slow and subtle than Peele's previous films, and I thought that fit very well with the story.

The long panning shots really gave an excellent sense of scale to the Ranch/country setting and the foreboding atmosphere didn't rely too much on darkness to create a sense of mystery and suspense.

Normally I'm not a big fan of films where it's Hollywood being nostalgic about Hollywood, but in this case it worked, due to great writing, an excellent cast, and some good design choices.

The fact that Nope is written, directed and produced by one man gives it an auteur quality that is in many ways lacking in modern cinema. That will also guarantee it's not for everyone, but I'm a fan. Can't wait to see what Jordan Peele comes up with next!

Bodies Bodies Bodies

Yada Yada Yada
I had high hopes for Bodies Bodies Bodies, thinking it could be a very clever, fun and mysterious film. Unfortunately it doesn't live up to it's potential in most ways. It's a fun film at times, and has some ok moments, but it just wasn't very engaging or unique.

The casting is good, but the mystery isn't very mysterious, the horror not at all horrifying, and the comedy chuckle worthy, but not hilarious. The film was definitely an attempt to subvert the murder mystery genre, but to me it was a swing and a miss.

There just wasn't a lot of compelling plot/character development, and by the end I found the dialogue completely took over to an extent that I lost interest in any horror or mystery whatsoever. If the dialogue was gut bustingly hilarious, it would have worked.

If you're a fan of the actors involved, probably worth a watch if you're bored, but don't expect great twists, comedic gold, or gripping suspense.


A middling effort
Samaritan has an okay concept, passable execution and a decent twist, but is pretty unimpressive overall. The story sets up ideas and themes that don't really go anywhere, and Stallone's acting is just.... not very good. He's either a frowning slab of nothing, or overacting to a hilarious degree. I mean he was never really a brilliant and nuanced character actor, but in Samaritan he just kind of exists to be Stallone, and that's isn't good enough to make the film engaging. Some of the action sequences are pretty good, but that fact isn't enough to save the film from being a below average superhero yawn fest. I wish some kind passerby would have saved me from spending my time watching this.


Good pacing, acting, and plotline
If you need a story that's straightforward and wrapped up with a bow on it, Ressurection isn't for you. Personally I liked the uncertainty of the story progression and the ambiguous ending. Seemed to fit well with the theme of rationalizing past trauma. It's not the best drama ever, but has many good qualities and I found it to be a solid effort.


Great new addition to the franchise.
Prey manages to approach a long in the tooth franchise from an interesting new angle, while capturing much of what made the original film great. Right up there with Predator 1-2 in terms of overall quality. I hope to see more Predator period pieces in the future, focusing as Prey does on a solid lead and tense survival action, rather than falling into the mud pit of fanboy one-upmanship, as the preceeding Predator films have.

What Josiah Saw

Good cinematography and acting, that's it.
This film is well shot and well acted, but the story just seemed like a jumble of cookie cutter horror tropes, mashed together into an uninspired package that tries and fails to be poetic and meaningful. It's worth a watch, but don't expect too much.


A below average slasher, elevated by Bacon.
The core of this film is an underwhelming camp slasher flick, but the psychological aspect of conversion therapy is well done, and Kevin Bacon gives an admirable performance, along with the rest of the cast, though the character development is pretty weak. The direction and cinematography are good, not great, and the story is fairly well laid out, but very predictable. Balances out to be middle of the road in overall quality.

9 Bullets

Could have been OK
This film could very well have been an acceptable, if formulaic and somewhat cheesy thriller. However, the character of Sam is just... not well acted at all. Child actors can't often rise to the level of their adult counterparts, but in this case it just really drags the whole film down and makes its shortcomings into glaring faults.

Everything Everywhere All at Once

Deliciously insane!
Everything Everywhere All at Once is totally and completely bonkers in the best way. It's charming, heartwarming and incredibly weird. Michelle Yeoh is great in the lead role, and the entire supporting cast all do an excellent job pulling off a story that is as far out there as it gets. The film is hilariously funny, action packed, and very genuine is its message, presenting a timely theme of generational change and the existential crisis of modern youth. Top notch editing also makes the madcap story progression really shine, overall one of the best films I've seen in a while.


Great tension, but the ending leaves much to be desired.
Fresh starts strong and does a great job building tension and dread throughout. It feels like a film with lots to say, but the very end just leaves a bunch of loose threads, unresolved plot lines, and ambiguity. Worth a watch, but ultimately not too far above average.

The Deep House

A good effort, but ultimately unsatisfying
This Deep House presents a novel spin on the haunted house film, and the sense of claustrophobia and tension is great. The film is well acted and very creepy, but when it comes down to the final act the story doesn't keep pace with the rising action and dread, and is ultimately not very interesting. It was a fun watch, and deserves credit for pulling off a very ambitious premise, if the story was better it would have been a great horror film.


James Wan delivers a solid effort
Malignant is a bit tough to nail down in terms of genre, but that's a good thing. It's exciting, mysterious, creepy, suspenseful and weird. I thoroughly enjoyed it, the acting was commendable, the story clever, and the twist seemed somehow both refreshing and classic at the same time. James Wan is very true to his own style with Malignant, and to me, that makes it his best film yet.

Halloween Kills

Good kills, bad writing.
It's a bad film. If you're a rabid slasher fan whose only criteria are body count and slasher gore, you'll probably love it. If you hold it to any kind of standard of storytelling or character development, it's awful. A meandering jumble of pointless characters, laughable twists, and a protagonist who may as well not even be a part of the film. Halloween Kills is a hollow worn out copy of a copy with a ham fisted injection of newness that falls flat on its half-burned face.

Spare Parts

A raunchy mess!
I came for the over the top violent combat, and Spare Parts was pretty good in that regard. If only every other part of the film wasn't a mess. It starts off strong, then quickly devolves into a heap of inconsistent/unbelievable characters, lame plot twists and kinda maybe revenge. Spare Parts is good for a few laughs and cringes at the sheer silly exaggeration of the film, but not much else.

Dave Made a Maze

An indie gem, made of cardboard
I couldn't resist the premise,and this film did not disappoint. A zany surrealistic approach, great set design, and solid performances from the main cast made this very weird film a great watch. It's funny, heartfelt, innovative and very charming. Do yourself a favor and get lost in the maze!

Tig Notaro: Drawn

A fun take on the one hour comedy special
The animated approach fit well with Tig Notaro's style, which is more about cerebral storytelling than over the top stage antics or exaggerated body language. The flow through different styles complimented the flow through different stories quite well. If you don't like Tig's stand up, or various styles of animation to begin with, maybe it isn't for you. I enjoyed it start to finish. Not the funniest thing I've ever seen, but solidly entertaining.


A simple, effective film
Proof that Nicolas Cage can still shine in a more subtle, serious role. Pig is elevated by great performances from both Cage and Alex Wolff, it's sad without being sappy, and thought provoking without being preachy. If you want some over the top zaniness from Nic Cage, look elsewhere. If you enjoy a slower paced introspective film, Pig is worth sniffing out.


A fun, violent spectacle
This film is a very fun watch, full of violence, snark, and charm. Bob Odenkirk is the perfect fit for the lead role, and while the film is nothing revolutionary or groundbreaking, it is highly entertaining.

Stray Dogs

Not the greatest, but worth a watch
The story, acting, and cinematography are all pretty good. Won't blow you away, but worth a watch, and better than most films with a similar genre/budget.

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