
IMDb member since March 2013
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Captain America: Civil War

It was awesome
Having watched all the previous movies, I was pretty excited to see this one.. and it didn't let me down. It was perfect. Even though i wasn't too fond of the fact that the team gets divided in the movie, but the ending took all my worries away.

It's hard to watch when you haven't seen a lot of the previous movies, since there're a lot of references and names being used. But for a marvel fan it was perfect. The graphics were amazing and the relationships between the characters was perfectly illustrated. Even though I'm still not entirely sure what the exact goal of the villain was, it didn't really bother me. I would certainly recommend it to everyone, but i would also recommend seeing the previous movies before watching this one.

I Am Number Four

Nice movie, but with unexplained bits
I actually liked this movie a lot. I've read all the books, and I really enjoyed them. But the movie is different. First of all, John doesn't get to chose his own name, Sam isn't shocked when he finds out that John is an alien. Also, Henri dies right after he's kidnapped, not during the battle at school. Also, John never got to know the use of the box Henri takes everywhere. And John doesn't get trained.

But when you look over all the differences with the book the film is very nice. The special effects are very good and the make-up is done amazing. The storyline is understandable for everyone who hasn't read the books, but for the ones who have, it can be confusing. I really liked the over-all from this movie.

The Covenant

Great movie
I really loved this film. The graphics weren't bad, there were no bloody scenes, no sex, just a fun movie to watch.

It isn't hard to understand the plot and easy to follow. The actors are great! I liked Toby Hemingway the best. His acting is amazing.

This is a great film to watch with your friends or your family. It's nice for girls to watch, because of the romance between Caleb and Sarah, and for the boys there is the special effects and the fights.

I do understand why some people think it's boring, cause there are parts of the movie were nothing happens.

But the over-all is very good, and I can really recommend it.

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