
IMDb member since November 2004
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Extreme Ops

what the hell is wrong with American filmmakers?!
Well... First to mention that I live in Belgrade, Serbia (former Yugoslavian republic).

During this movie I realized that my intelligence and knowledge is way up higher than Hollywood screenwriters and filmmakers is. Up, so high, higher than the Serb's Alps! OOOPS! But Serbia is not Austrian neighbor country, and Belgrade is much more than 70 km away from Alps so HOW CAN ALPS BELONG TO SERBIA!? Have you people (screenwriters and filmmakers, producers etc) ever seen a map of Europe in your life?! I presume that you had F in geography in high-school and that your daddy or mommy paid teacher money to pass it. So, you should first visit or similar before you make another piece of crap like this (at least you'll be less stupid). AAhhh, yes, another interesting thing is that Serbs are building a ski resort AT THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN! YEAH RIGHT! I mean, hell yeah, we can do that, but we don't have Alps, ha ha! SOrry, you blew it a lot and someone has to say that...

Other things in this movie are more or less lame. I really liked the blonde chick though.

Hide and Seek

Robert De Niro gone insane?
OK, so I watched this movie from beginning to the end expecting some kind of "ghostly-adventure-horror". Instead I realized that this "motion picture" is nothing but a re-re-re-re-reused story, with a little changes to fit Robert De Niro's character.. Ooh come on, double personality, playing games with own daughter, stupidity at the end of the movie made me so angry because I wasted 90 minutes of my life on such horrible movie this is! I mean come on, the guy finds out his wife cheating on him and creates another personality?! What for?! I don't understand why his daughter was so quiet about that, OK she was frightened but could she wrote on some kind of a paper and send to police? :) So the question was: Is Robert De Niro gone insane? A- No, you are! You've watched this movie!

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