
IMDb member since March 2013
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A Christmas Prince

Why are most popular movies now also showing up under the top rated TV shows? Is this a movie or a series? Thank you!


I was worried it would be like MTV, "Scream"
This is AWESOME. I normally don't like slasher things because they seem so stupid. Normally some guy that can walk faster than all of the characters run goes around killing people for absolutely no reason or a stupid reason. For me it needs to seem like it could really happen to be scary. It all needs to make sense somehow and after 1 episode of this show I am hooked. There are elements that remind me of Dexter, Hannibal and Zodiac. The fact that he doesn't kill everyone is a great touch too. Watch any crime documentary and that is reality. I love Christopher Jacot. He had me cracking up. Why doesn't he have a better wiki page? he is a riot. Off to watch episode 2.

Must Love Cats

Unique. No other show like it. Awesomeness
Only watch this if you love cats. As the name warns, "Must Love Cats". Fulton is purrfect for the show. The little jingles he makes up on the spot during show are priceless. This has everything cat. People, places, products and of course cats. There are famous cats, YouTube cats, funny cats, talented cats. Very entertaining. If you love cats you will love this show. This show has everything a cat lover could want and more. Watch it with your cat. I want to try some of the things I saw that I can't mention on my own kitty. :D


I can't wait for more seasons!


My Cat from Hell

I LOVE IT. .. LOL cats are so funny!!!
Hahaha..! I LOVE it!! The only thing that these kitties have in common is that it is impossible to force them to do anything they don't trust! Fortunately, that makes for great t.v. Each cat needs a different fix.

Here comes the spoiler.

The personalities are the best part but some of the solutions are pretty funny too. The random activities, places and things that are highly valued by some of the cats kill me.

Mad Max repeatedly escapes "Max Penitentiary" the owners built to keep him in to beat up the neighbor's cats. Other's fight over a place on the bed. There are cats that need to be walked on a leash, a cat that needs to run in a hamster wheel, a cat that will only calm down when it hears opera music, a cat that enjoys cuddling with a mini fridge. A Happy-go- lucky cat that always gets into things or in the way, a cat that needs to be included in the owner's Pilates studio at home.

THIS is why people watch cat videos on the Internet,

Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan

Just because you disagree doesn't mean it isn't useful
How has this show run for so long? It was good at first but then I started to notice that every episode is exactly the same thing with different owners and dogs. It always comes down to being assertive and dominate in the end. In fact, that is so true that I am worried it will count as a spoiler.

There are so many other animal shows now and most of them are about dogs. Ceaser has a lot of competition now. There are a lot of shows to choose from. He needs to mix it up a bit. Maybe add something new? I am open to changing my rating if Ceaser makes changes to keep up. :)

Thank you. Didn't mean to upset anyone. Just trying to be honest and I honestly wish it was still a fun show for me to watch.

A Talking Cat!?!

"Let him who is without sin cast the 1st stone"
The opening scene and the 1st few minutes of getting used to the voice over feel awkward but just wait. The film becomes MUCH better and somehow the voice begins to fit the cat's personality.

So cute. It left me feeling happy at the end. I wasn't bored and it is a great story for kids but I really enjoyed it too. Rare find for a G rating film.

I am so glad that they went with real people and a real cat instead of computer animation like most kids films because that is what makes this movie so special. I also REALLY enjoyed not having to suffer through random song breaks throughout the movie. Most kids films are spent with characters singing songs that are so horrible it is embarrassing to have the volume on.

---------------------------- AND

This is for the negative reviewers that are complaining about the actors in this film having been in pornographic films in their past.

1. You seem to have enjoyed those past films enough to watch them and recognize the people in them. Before you judge them like they are sick perverts, look in the mirror because you have been watching their porn. I had no idea who either of them were and neither will your kids.

2. Why does the actor's past bother you? It is completely irrelevant. Whether or not you enjoyed their pornos has nothing to do with rating this movie. I say good for both of them for trying to break away from that. It makes me sad that people are so negative about them trying to better themselves.

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