
IMDb member since March 2013
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Five Nights at Freddy's

Could have been amazing.
Fun? Yes. Would I see it again, No. This is one of those movies where plot comes out of nowhere and left me thinking 'what!?'. I can see the potential, and I have always loved FNAF, but i wish they leant into the camp sort of humour that lies behind the absurdity of what's happening on screen. I think it almost takes itself too seriously. There were moments where I laughed, or cringed, but I don't think that was ever the intention when that particular scene was made. Had they taken a similar approach to the film that M3gan did, where she literally just dances and sings and its a completely bonkers movie, FNAF would have been incredible. That being said, I think this movie also needs a UNRATED cut. The film was marketed almost like a gory slasher, but upon watching, all of that felt removed.

I really do hope they get a sequel, because I'm interested to see where the story goes and how they do it- hopefully learning from the mistakes of the first one. It was a pretty bad movie, but it could have been amazing.


Self Aware Nostalgia Bliss
If you love Scream, you will love this.

This movie is so self aware and nostalgic to the original, definitely one of my favourites.

It lived up to my expectations and delivered a jaw dropping film full of gore and suspense! - with a great addition of humour in the mix too.

Although some of the cast members acting was not on par with some of the legacy cast, I still felt it definitely added to the self aware nature.

The pace is great and the whodunnit story kept me guessing.

This movie definitely upped the gore in comparison to previous additions in the franchise, but I'm not mad. It was done tastefully, and added to the shock factor.

If you are not familiar with the previous instalments, I feel you might still enjoy this movie, but definitely not as much ad you would had you watched the original. Scream 2, 3 & 4 do not necessarily need to be viewed to watching this one.

In the Heights

Very well executed
Bit lengthy in spots. But other than that- a perfect musical!

Spiral: From the Book of Saw

One of the better Saw instalments.
Fresh Horror, with quite a strong story line. I give it a 9/10 - for a SAW film. Is it the best movie ever? No. But in the franchise it is definitely one of the best. I was invested in all the characters. And was very happy with the overall product. Exactly what I wanted to see when I went into the cinema.


weird, fun, exciting and insultingly UNDERRATED.
I walked into this movie knowing it would be strange and odd- I also walked in wanting to like it! I mean - I spent money on it. With this mindset, I LOVED IT. My partner doesn't usually last a movie in the cinemas without needing to pee- but he held it in for this one. The soundtrack was beautiful and amazing. I was amazed, confused and somewhat scared- but that's what 'cats' is!!!! It's art. If you can't appreciate the artistic design, incredible soundtrack, intricate detailing on every single cat- then who are you!! This movie is highly underrated and I think it's becoming a trend. - which is wrong. Nobody is appreciating the effort put into this one. And I feel bad for the actors. It's similar to cancelling James charles- nobody knows the context but they just join in. And I think critics are too.

I loved this movie - give it a go. Read about "cats" before you see it. It's not a new story- it's a re-make.

Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension

A Paranormal Activity Fans 3D DREAM.
5 movies have already come, and each have brought there own special 'thing' towards the franchise. When it was announced that the final Paranormal Activity movie was coming, many people associated a 6th movie as a bad movie. You know the saying 'nothing beats the original', people believed that the more movies in a series the worse they would become. In terms of Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension i would like to start by saying, i am a great paranormal activity fan who watched every movie in the cinemas. Im rating this on the 3D version i viewed. WOW. I jumped so many times and laughed so many times! The sixth installment was extremely parody like, which i loved. I don't know whether this was deliberate but it was extremely amazing. Another thing i loved about this movie was that it was not scary. Nothing in this movies was at all terrifying. Yeah there were major jump scares, and you see a couple of weird things. But you still don't get scared. The 3D in this movie is amazing, its truly in your face. I walked into this movie expecting really poor 3D, but WOW it was so good, it occasionally hurt my eyes. I LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH AND WANT TO SEE IT AGAIN :)


I loved the scream films and i LOVE this show!
Many people have complained saying that this show is too cliché and destroys the scream franchise. But in my opinion, this show just sets it off! The first episode is plot twist after plot twist, and has only minor relations to the movies. This show is also greatly filmed. It contains perfectly angled shots for scenes that gives it the amazing scary atmosphere we horror fans desire. A few scenes were underacted, but are all made up for in the rest of the show. I recommend this to any horror/thriller fan, as this show isn't really 'gruesome', but just an amazing horror story. Some scenes are 'Gory' but end fast, making this show great for almost all ages.

Big Fish

Emotional, Artistic, Beautiful and Inspiring
'Big Fish' is a beautifully executed film that follows the story of a man named 'Edward Bloom' who's life (according to his son) has been a bunch of creative lies. Thanks to Director Tim Burton, we are taken on a journey through Edwards young life, which includes Running away with the circus, Love at first sight and even becoming friends with a witch. Over the full length of this film, your heart will be sucked into the story. All the actors are outstanding and help with the Amazing finishing product. The film not only is a romance, but includes comedy and other amazing genres throughout. I rate this movie a ten out of ten, as it is truly memorable. This is a movie I recommend to anyone.

Open Slather

Great Comedy!
Open Slather contains amazing Australian short skits that will keep you cackling forever. Almost all the skits are parodies of things. We see in the first episode; Government parodies (gina Rinehart, Add parodies (jeep), Music video (love me like you do) parodies, TV show parodies (downton abbey) All of these are carefully and creatively executed. Many people expect something on the lines of Chris Lilley's ''jam'ie' or 'jonah' shows. But Open Slather is almost identical to 'fast forward' or any other skit show. Open Slather is currently my favorite show and i sit on the edge of my seat waiting for the next episode! :D I recommend this show to almost everyone!

Fred 3: Camp Fred

Actually surprisingly good!
After the first two movies, we all gave up when we heard about the third. We all expected the same jokes and the same side characters, But this movie actually is enjoyable! Its that kind of movie that you can watch whenever you bored. Considering I'm a 15 year old, you would think i hate it. But i enjoyed the jokes and puns used throughout the movie. The plot is 'ok' , other than the fact that its very cliché. Its also a very predictable movie, but it still keeps you giggling. The only people who will hate this movie are the people who hate either Fred or high pitched people. Growing up watching Fred (lucas Cruikshank) on you tube, i have grown to enjoy his videos, thusly enjoying this movie! I recommend it to everyone. Don't judge this movie by its title.

The Descent: Part 2

After watching the first film i was a little bit bored, but when i found out there was a part two, i was instantly intrigued. Part two of the descent features the protagonist who survived in part one going on another trip down the caves. In this movie she struggles with memory loss. Incorperating a mental problem into the story made it more intense. A main reason why i loved this movie was that it wasn't a cliché 'two years later' it was a smack bang 'two days later'! Which meant that the movie kicked off immediately, and also meant the audience didn't have to put up with those boring intros we all hate. Although this movie was poorly advertised and not many people are aware it exists, it doesn't mean its not AMAZING!. From start to finish, your awareness meter is from 3 all the way to 10. This movie will have you looking over your shoulder 24/7! I will be buying this movie tomorrow to add to my collection. It was truly a masterpiece.


Am i the only person who really enjoyed this?
Yeah, there are some plot holes, and some bad acting. BUT apart from that, the overall performance was amazing! Very intense and contains a lot of breath taking and jaw dropping moments. I loved this movie because it was a great sci-fi movie with amazing special effects which incorporated everything that one would expect when you think about 'little green men'. Another reason i liked it was because it ended greatly. (NOT SPOILING) but the ending to this film is very different to other films. It did not leave you saying "what the heck". This movie did have some pointless moments that didn't really need to be included, but when you think about it, without them.. The movie would be a waste of time. I will definitely be buying this movie on DVD, or better yet on Bluray! It is definitely an original film that you can watch over and over! Recommend this to almost everyone!


Elegant and inspiring
Carrie (2013) was truly amazing. Not only does it leave you with goosebumps, it leaves you with a sense or realization of what it would be like to be 'Carrie white'. This movie gives you a great example of bullying and how it effects not just teenage girls but boys as well. To me, Carrie had really well done FX and was astounding to the eye. But, if you don't like drama, horror or people with 'super powers' this is NOT your movie as it does contain some blood. But since i love all those genres this movie was captivating. This movie, in my full opinion was much better than the original, due to better actors and camera work. Carrie (2013) also went into a much greater detail of Carrie whites's life.

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