
IMDb member since April 2013
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Eiga de tôjô! Tamagotchi dokidoki! Uchû no maigotchi?!

Great for Tamagotchi fans!
I am a massive Tamagotchi fan, so of course I love this movie; and I'm sure any other fan of the popular virtual pets will feel the same. The characters are brought to life through lovable personalities, and the movie maintains the colorful, creative world we Tamagotchi fans know and love.

The movie teaches valuable lessons to both children and older people. The themes more for children are to conquer your fears (like Mametchi being afraid of the dark) and to accept new siblings even though they take your parents away from you. The themes suitable for older viewers are to take responsibility for your actions and that sometimes friends just have to leave in the end.

The scene where Tanpopo leaves is amazing. The sparkling dandelions are so beautiful; Tanpopo's departure is so sad and touching it always makes me cry. This movie's flaw is that some messages are targeted at the very young, but that just makes it appealing to even the youngest of viewers. Ten out of ten!

Eiga! Tamagotchi: Uchû ichi happy na monogatari!?

Incredible anime!
I thought the original Tamagotchi movie was good, and then I saw the sequel. Tamagotchi: Happiest Story in the Universe, although not released in English, is a high-quality Japanese anime movie that will amaze anyone. I couldn't believe how beautifully made this movie was. The art was cute and colorful, the animation was lively and smooth, the CGI was spellbinding, and the shading was realistic. I have always been a fan of Tamagotchi; it has that innocent, mysterious aura to it that I just cannot resist. Still, I was not expecting this movie to blow me away as much as it did.

I have seen various anime, and this is definitely the best. It is so expertly drawn / animated and has a riveting storyline with touching messages that anyone will fall in love with it. It can make you laugh, and it can make you cry. The characters have such intricate personalities that families everywhere will be able to relate to. It has nothing inappropriate, but unlike the first movie, it is serious and dramatic enough for older teenagers and even adults to enjoy. The plot and ideas are stunningly creative, and you will be mesmerized until the very end.

The best anime movie I have ever seen, Tamagotchi: Happiest Story in the Universe exceeds even Studio Ghibli films in brilliance.


The best TV show ever
This is the best anime I have ever watched. Other anime just doesn't appeal to me, but I will always love Tamagotchi for its delightful characters, deep messages, and creative outlook on life.

One of the most amazing things about this anime is the music. There are various beautiful background tunes, with guitars, violins, and pianos. It instantly creates the right mood for the scene.

The characters have problems just like we do on Earth, and it is entertaining and inspiring to watch how they fix them. There are so many lovable and cute characters with unique personalities, you are bound to find a favorite. This show can be funny, weird, sad, or everything all at once. Definitely 10 out of 10.

You might watch it and not like it; that is because each episode is different. Keep watching more and you'll be bound to find one that touches your heart. Only season one has been dubbed into English, but I wish there was more. This is the only show I truly adore.

Tottoko Hamutaro

A wonderful anime!
This is one of the most delightful shows on TV. Even though it is clearly meant for younger children, it will always have a special place in my heart. There is a wide variety of characters to appeal to any audience, and each episode means a new adventure. The art is really adorable and the characters are beautifully drawn. It is also really funny. What could be more hilarious than cute little hamsters getting angry as heck? This is definitely one of the best anime of all time, and a lot better than most trashy cartoons they show on TV. If you like playful little animals, definitely watch this anime! It doesn't have the violence and obscenity of many other anime out there.

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