Reviews (1)

  • This is the first time I am writing a review here. Yes, that's what watching this film has done to me.

    I must admit that I didn't walk in with any expectations after watching the unfunny trailer and especially after knowing that they were remaking The comedy of errors (which has already been done to death in Bollywood so many times)

    This could truly be touted as my most frustrating movie going experience ever. I mean what the hell was Mr Shetty thinking while making this film!? He really needs to fire Farhad Samjhi and focus on the plot of his films and enhance his storytelling techniques rather than using the same rehashed jokes and gags from his previous films.

    All I would have to say really is that I'm the kind of person that watches everything that is out, and try to go to a movie theater at least thrice a month . But I have sworn off from ever buying a movie ticket for anything produced/directed by Mr Shetty.