
IMDb member since November 2004
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    19 years


Win a Date with Tad Hamilton!

As a female from WV, may I say this movie gave a bad name to us all!
This has got to be one of the *worst* films I believe I have ever been tortured into watching. And yes, I was tortured. First, I am a female from West Virginia and let me say none of my friends has EVER dared to say yikesabee. That has to be the most stupid thing I have ever heard. Secondly, the lead character Rosealee didn't even have an accent! Thirdly, yawn, this movie was campy. So campy and so cheesy that it should have never been put to paper... Much less film, it is to laugh. It would have more uses in a latrine. So, yeah, two big thumbs down from me. I feel degraded somehow for having watched it. All copies should be found and burned. WV should have a televised apology from the director.

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

Great Movie
This movie was wonderful from the Cast, to the Plot, and the special effects. Definitely worth watching, at least twice. Coming from me, that is saying something. So rent it, watch it, own it. You won't be disappointed. This movie has everything. The Action is killer, the drama keeps you entertained. It is really astounding to see all of our favorite characters from fine literature come to life in, well, extraordinary fashion. My favorite character from the movie would have to be the invisible man. He was a very comical character. So yeah, it's all right to spend the cash to watch, it is worth it. You won't be disappointed. Wonderful movie.


It was at least entertaining....
OK so maybe this was not an Oscar performance by well, anyone. But really, let's face it, there are worse movies. And, yeah, it entertained me while it lated. So while I can't say that this will be on my top ten favorites by any standards, I guess it wasn't so bad. The cameos of Bam and Tom Green were decent. And any movie with clowns and midgets can't be totally terrible, right? The music didn't totally suck. There was "Gross Humor", which I personally like. The ending was a bit campy. To be honest, it would take a real moron not to follow it totally it was so transparent. On the whole, I say watch it. It is a good there is nothing better on flick. It won't totally bore you because it is fully devoid of anything worth learning.

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