
IMDb member since April 2013
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    IMDb Member
    11 years



Constant Racial Slurs
Eventually stopped watching and gave it 2 stars... I was quite enjoying it and what seemed like good acting, direction and cinematography eventually wore out with the constant racial slurs dropped in wherever possible.

If you have a chip on your shoulder, that's your issue. Leave it at home. Will never know how this ended and to be honest will avoid any future Peele movies if he is incapable of making a movie that doesn't take a racial dig whenever he can just for the sake of it. He should be grateful he doesn't live in a 3rd world country but one that gives him the opportunity to actually make a Hollywood movie.

Return to Space

Thank you.
This highlights the best of humanity through what have been some very difficult years. I watch EVERY single launch and it inspires and amazes me EVERY single time.

Don't Look Up

Utter Drivel
It's like SNL cast made a very expensive, very childish movie. I never got the hype around SNL. Mind you, I'm not 14 years old. It's a shame Leonardo Di Caprio got involved in this.

Batman Forever

Batman Forever Ruined
Utter drivel... So called top Hollywood actors turn the DC franchise into a circus sideshow aaaaand when you thought it couldn't get worse, George Clooney came next and hammered the last nail into the coffin.

Mad Max: Fury Road

Very Silly Movie
They went through an entire movie of carnage and mayhem only to go straight back to where they started from...


Utter Rubbish!
Porn acting without the porn... Suffered through one episode. Pretentious drivel!

The OA

Absolute Drivel
Sad to say I sat through the entire season of this nonsense. I originally gave it 5/10 but by the time I reached the end of the last show I dropped it to 3/10. The story is ridiculous, ALL the characters are unlikable and if this was never made... no one would've cared. I myself eventually had no feeling for the outcome of any of the characters, whether they lived or died or basically just buggered off.

If they have the audacity to make a second series out this rubbish I for one won't watch it. How anyone could actually give this more than 5/10 is beyond me. Give it a miss! You'll be sorry if you don't!

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