
IMDb member since May 2013
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    11 years



Wants to say more than it actually does
Caught this on Fandependent. The opening shot with the acid trip was the best part of the movie. From there, it kind of drags as the characters just meander about and chat. The conversations the characters have are more akin to the conversations I had when I was a teenager in high school, not when I was a college graduate.

With that being said, the conversations among the friends were definitely realistic, and the performances were really strong. It's too bad that that's really all that happens over the course of the next 60 minutes. I question a lot of the cinematography choices (there's a shot where the actor blocks the trunk of the car so we're just staring at his back for the majority of the scene), as well as some of the directorial choices (some scenes just really effing drag as oners), but overall there's an admirable piece of work here.

Ultimately, the film is a lot of talking; but yet it doesn't really say anything. I can't say that I'd recommend this to people, but I don't regret watching it. Definitely interested to see what Micah can do with a bigger budget, a tighter script, and more preparation - there's definitely a voice to be found/heard here.

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