
IMDb member since May 2013
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    IMDb Member
    11 years



Good Non-Sense show
The worst thing about this show is Chanel's laugh . It is so annoying and reminds me of the "Flipper" show from the 60's and the sound Flipper makes . That dolphin sound . Look up the Flipper show from the 60's , and you'll know what I mean. I have to mute the show most of the time just to not hear her annoying laugh . I wish Rob would get rid of her or replace her . Sterling, I have no problem. Rob , I have no problem. Sincerely, Scott Bennett

Ready Player One

Captures nostalgia
This movie gives out some great things of the past . If you ever broke the record on Atari's 2600 game " Dragster" you'll love this movie. I don't compare it to that game . However , I have a story for you . One morning years ago , I was playing Dragster on my 2600 and broke the record . Trying to find the camera to take a photo to send into Atari , my little sister woke up and decided she wanted to watch TV. Well, she pulled the cartridge out of the 2600 , was never able to break the record after that. Anyway,this movie should be watched . It'll bring out some good memories of the past . No spoilers here.

The Mist

I don't like this show ,period !
I've watched thousands of movies and series . This one I just can't get through . Terrible acting and the .... reminds me of the worst horror film ever made "666 devil child" . Anyway, I couldn't watch this show any longer for the fact that it doesn't seem like they made it to seem real . Just terrible acting and how the mist is so important . Just terrible show.

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