
IMDb member since May 2013
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Fleebag sets herself up for fail
I liked it a lot when I first watched it. But as time went on, I realized that in the name of loving selflessly she never stands up for herself; tolerates snide remarks by her stepmom for her father's sake while her father doesn't give a hoot except for one very weak moment; in a passive aggressive move lets her stepmom's cat outside where it's questionable if it would survive in the wild.

Then she falls in love with a priest of all things even when he has shown no signs of leaving his priesthood. Even if he had left it, he would've abandoned her and returned to it at some point or would've atleast wanted to.

She then becomes an accomplice in her best friend's boyfriend cheating on her.

She just doesn't seem to mature or stand up for herself and remains a doormat in the name of selfless love. In your 20's, ok. In your 30's? I don't think so. There doesn't seem to be any progress in that front.

Tiny Beautiful Things

Hahn is a terrific actress, but she couldn't save this. This story had a lot of potential but the muddled narrative makes it difficult to keep up, relate to any of the characters or enjoy. Danny is the only character I liked, but in the end, I ended up feeling deceived by what he does in the last episode. The constant, constant flashbacks gave me a headache. It was difficult to keep up there as well.

Hahn has done another miniseries which is also unconventional, but you could so well relate to her character and the narrative. And I started watching this expecting the same. But it went nowhere near that. After a few episodes I had to skip by to get the gist.

Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam

Ok, a movie where a woman falls in love with a man with whom her family otherwise has no problems. Only problem arises when she falls in love with him.

They care more about the promise they made to another guy and his family that they'll 'give away' their daughter to him without consulting with her, of course.

They chase away the guy she loved. Puts her in such emotional turmoil that she attempts suicide. Don't give a hoot about it because their reputation and ego is more important than the life of the woman involved.

Finally, successfully marry her off to the guy they had decided.

And voila, she falls in love with him in the end and lives happily ever after leaving the boyfriend to cry in his mother's arms.


Looked like a football match
I am modern, but also believe in morals. Throughout the movie I felt like watching two guys play some sort of game with a ball.

I was interested due to the clips on YouTube. But, the movie experience was totally different. For one, it was damn long with deafening music every 5 min.

Abhishek Bacchan is portrayed as a simp.

There are parts where the movie crosses the line; like when Rumi texts her ex-boyfriend that she's slept with her husband, when Rumi's ex-boyfriend asks whether she visualizes the boyfriend while sleeping with her husband and she agrees, when despite being cheated on and getting nothing good from his wife, Robbie can't seem to get over her and immediately goes back at the slightest hint of attention from her.

I couldn't relate to any of the characters. Nor could I enjoy the narration even if I don't agree.

The Big Bang Theory

Stopped watching after Season 4
This was a brilliant comedy from season 1 to 3. Then, I noticed a decline from season 4. From season 5 onwards, it became , stereotypical, condescending. Stopped watching. You start wondering why the characters even like or tolerate each other. They're simply banking on the work they have done in the first 3 seasons.

Ishq Vishk

Story, stereotypes, judgments... Same old, same old!!!!!
I still remember the familiarity I felt with this movie when it released because it released during my teen years. But, years later watching this movie again, I realized: -They made Payal to be the stereotypical conservative girl who performs a 'karva chauth' at 19 !!!!!!
  • Alisha to be modern one.
So, that makes Alisha an unworthy puppet who's only there to strengthen the lead couple's love story. Simply put, I hate every story of this kind.

Young Sheldon

Where's Sheldon?
This show has become annoying from so many sides.

The title is 'Young Sheldon' and Sheldon is portrayed like a comedy sidekick after the first few seasons. I understand his character doesn't seem to have much depth, but a good writer can still work with it. Instead his siblings and parents look like the lead characters.

Forced plotlines like the father going out and talking to the neighbour woman. No matter how much they try, I can't find a reason why they would have any chemistry especially when he looked like such a different person in the first seasons.

Brother getting an older woman pregnant. If I had a dime for everytime she talks about how she's pregnant and he's not from her mouth, I'll be rich.

I frankly used to love this show. It doesn't have any of the initial appeal and has become a bit repetitive.

With the work they did with the first few seasons, this is still salvageable.

Pariyerum Perumal

The dark underbelly- Casteism
Something we don't notice in our daily civil life, something we get to see only if the situation arises or if you live in a caste infested area. Amazing how this movie brings it out in the open, compel us to think and also keeps us engaged throughout. The story is not complex, yet it brings you to the edge of your seat at moments. It is filled with symbolism, especially a scene where it symbolizes that casteism commits suicide. Beautiful. It doesn't show oppression solely by creating sympathy and showing the oppressed class getting further and further oppressed unlike in some movies. You feel for the hero, you're with him and cheer for him. Overall, it's an important part of movie history about casteism.

Sillunu Oru Kadhal

'Why' is what I kept asking throughout
Apart from asking what other 1 star ratings have said (I totally agree with their points), I want to add one other point. Why would Kundhavi bring back a girl her husband previously loved and even married back into his life to show her 'love'? Is his ex girlfriend (actually wife) a doll? There's a moment when people move on from a bitter past. Why would someone be cruel and selfish enough to not mind picking at that wound just to show that their sick and twisted 'love'? Secondly how can a man spend all his life not even thinking about an ex whom he loved, apparently and was snatched away from him and whose whereabouts or situation he has no idea about ? How can he just throw that away without thinking about it at all? Third why would the his ex girlfriend agree to go and be with him? How could she not be disgusted by the whole situation? Seriously man, these people need to mature.

The Kids Are All Right

a warm, funny, realistic, lesbian family drama - a rare combination
It's a film about a lesbian couple with kids conceived using sperm of an anonymous donor. One of the kids, the only boy in the family of four feels the need of a father figure and he ends up meeting a guy so different from his parents, cool. Thats one of the highlight of this movie. He doesn't take an immediate liking to him and he is not made the protagonist and the stricter parent the antagonist. It's realistic. They like him, but not more than their parents. They don't tolerate it when he , though unintentionally, becomes a factor why their family can break. Though the treatment of Paul is not totally fair, it wasn't totally unfair too. Jules does make a mistake too, but she was a part of the family and remains so. They don't let you realize it's a lesbian couple at the same time it doesn't look too unrealistic.

You feel like they are living there, it's that realistic c.

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