
IMDb member since May 2013
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Entre les murs

Authenticity at its best!
Keep in mind that I'm a teenage student myself and one reason why I like this movie is because of its great authenticity. I really feel like I'm also a part of that class, you can hear each student express his opinion in the background. You almost want to ask for silence yourself. And this movie even let me sympathize with teachers, only because of that fact it deserves the Golden Palm. You understand each character's motivation. One might even find themselves in one of the protagonists. It's packed with so much energy and passion and there's also a profound meta level with recurring themes such as poverty, racism and injustice, and yet you never actually leave the classroom walls you're in between the students' and teachers' problems, always "entre les murs".

The Shawshank Redemption

Orange is NOT the new black
The caption basically shows you my opinion of that movie. It is a top film with a great storyline and perfectly described characters who are performed by actors knowing their craft well. Furthermore I also praise Darabont for turning King's short story into an almost 3-hour long drama without losing the basic message of the book and its atmosphere. Namely how different the two main characters are who represent a certain life philosophy : Red is the pessimistic one who never raises hope because life taught him that there is none but Andy is the total opposite: He never loses his hope even in such a terrible place. Nevertheless it is definitively NOT the best film of all time! Come on my fellow IMDb voters, how can you deliberately ignore the other movie masterpieces?! It is the without doubt the best prison movie (The Green Mile?!) and also one of the best book-adaption but there a better movies...admit it!!

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