
IMDb member since December 2004
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    19 years


Tron: Legacy

What the F@#$% Just happened?
I still don't know what to think... It had Nerd-gasms (the graphics and "game" scenes where beautiful and intense), the end was TOTAL Guy-gasm (I get the girl my bike my millions and now i'm ready to be a man and run the company daddy left for me)... They tried to plant tag-lines (I'm not a program. I'm a User.)... It went from incredibly complex to absurdly corny... It was so disjunct I felt beat up from stuff flying from different directions... I swear at one point I could tell where it changed writers and felt like I was in a different film... It tried to be all things to all genres of men and failed at most... Despite that review I think people SHOULD see it and tell me what you think.... ON DVD!!! (Rented of course)

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