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Insert pun about bad disaster movies here
In South Korea, 'Haeundae' has enjoyed a somewhat baffling popularity. Despite having almost no redeeming qualities, it has become one of Korea's top grossing films. Part of this popularity is due to 'Haeundae' being the first disaster movie that the country has made. They've seen New York and L.A. get pummeled plenty, but never home. Additionally, while a tidal wave is the kind of disaster Americans reserve for a movie of the week, the immediacy of the disaster makes it more effective to the home audience than something that threatens the entire planet.

For perspective, the American '2012' was released in Korea with the usual pomp and ceremony, but failed to impress because of its lack of story. It wasn't believable, so the Korean audience disconnected. A tidal wave is real, possible and precedented; which goes a long way in explaining the film's popularity in country where Science-fiction is just another crazy thing that the Japanese do.

That said, this movie is actually really, really bad. It's not painfully bad; sitting through the film is not difficult so much as pointless. The first hour of the film is spent on a lot of campy story arcs. They are all drippingly melodramatic and are ultimately just lazy. There's the woman whose father died in the last big storm the region faced. She's in love with a guy who worked with her father and, secretly, blames himself for the man's death. (This kind of layered family drama is central to most of Korea's modern-era dramatic TV series.) Then there's the slacker friend whose mother keeps trying to find him a job. Slacker guy's younger brother is a competent lifeguard who saves a vapid, conniving tourist girl from drowning and she quickly becomes infatuated with him. The film gives us the obligatory scientist who sees the disaster coming, but is unheeded. The scientist is divorced and his biological daughter doesn't know who he is, yet completely by chance runs into his ex and the significantly younger man she's dating.

If you're keeping score, that's three unresolved romances, three family conflicts, two life-changing secrets and zero natural disasters. In true movie-of-the-week form, the first half of the movie is a chess game of the filmmakers putting pieces into position for the most emotionally devastating finale they can. Unfortunately, anyone who has seen more than two disaster movies sees exactly what they're doing and it's difficult to take such blatant and artless tear-jerker set-ups seriously.

After Slacker ruins things between Daughter and Guilt-guy, Lifeguard realizes that Tourist-girl is probably psychotic, Scientist gets mad at Ex for leaving Little Girl unattended, and Slacker's Mom sets off to buy her son nice shoes for an interview; we get the tidal wave which feels less like a disaster than sweet relief from the two-dimensional melodrama we just spent an hour sitting through, wistfully guessing which of the undeveloped stock characters is going to die.

The special effects sequence is passable, but lackluster as it is over way too fast (though you sort of have to expect that from a tidal wave) and the rest of the film is people trying to get rescued from the ensuing flood and a second, aftershock wave. The emotional power of these scenes is undercut by a lot of elements; not surprising, given the weak build-up.

The actors spend most of the film either being way to earnest or looking like even they can't believe they're doing this. Uhm Jeong-hwa, who turns in powerful performances in her other films, looks glazed and contractually obligated for the entire film. The defining characteristics of each character, most of which are negative, are shoved so violently down our throats that it's impossible to care about any of them.

**Here be SPOILERS** Slacker escapes falling wreckage in a sequence that looks like it was ripped straight out of Looney Tunes. Lifeguard sacrifices himself in a move that seems less "heroic" than "I've finally escaped the crazy girl". Scientist and Ex stand on top of a building and are killed by the second wave when, by the film's own logic, they could have survived by simply running to the nearby stairwell. A pair of dress shoes float by implying that Slacker's Mom died and that it is kind of his fault, even though she was just as likely to die if she had been at home. The film closes with Daughter and Guilt-guy getting it together and Daughter immediately turning into a shrill, whining harpy. **End Spoilers**

Disaster films is that they are about two things: 1) the cheap thrill of CGI destruction and 2) the emotional impact of that destruction. 'Haeundae' delivers neither. The destruction is over too quickly and the one extended scene involving destruction (see Spoilers above) is a slap- stick routine. There is no emotional impact because there is all of one likable character and he is surrounded by such unlikable people that death looks really attractive.

The film does avoid a lot of non-sequiturs, keeping things coherent, if thin. So, the film saves itself from being painful to watch by being predictable in a vaguely comfortable kind of way. It's dull and shoots itself in the foot repeatedly, but could be enjoyable for B-movie fans and people who appreciate the over-the-top Asian style.

The Merchant of Venice

When a director doesn't understand the script.
Watching this movie and then listening to the commentary, it's clear that Michael Radford doesn't understand this play. The first clue that he fails to fully grasp the work is that he takes pains to set the film in seventeenth-century Venice. Which sounds truly odd, yes, that misunderstanding the film would mean trying to make it as accurate to its location as possible. But anyone who's studied Shakespeare knows that, while he set most of his plays in exotic locals, the culture and values are always contemporary England. This doesn't hurt the film, but it displays a lack of necessary knowledge.

Where Radford kills the film is in making it so dead serious. He manages to suck every joke out of the script, leaving the whole production flat. Every ounce of passion is beaten out of the characters. Even Shylock's 'Do we not bleed' speech is a mild, awkward ranting from a choleric who seems to only be saying and doing what he does because he's supposed to. The lovers are solemn and far too restrained (Joseph Fiennes delivers some of the most romantic lines in the cinema this year in a barely audible whisper), Gratiano (who has to promise to behave at one point) is more sober and collected than Bassiano (who makes him promise to behave), Jessica is reluctant to leave her father and spends her life with Lorenzo pouting.

In the commentary for the bland and watered-down court scene, the director voices his shock that an audience laughed at Portia's 'A pound of flesh, no more, no less' sentence; ultimately concluding that it had to tension release laughter. 'The Merchant of Venice' is a comedy and Radford scoffs at the idea that the most absurd and hysterical portions of the story are anything but the most daringly provocative drama.

The film has no intelligible focus, yet cuts out some of the most entertaining scenes. The characters are forced into high drama veils, so they come out sounding like Ibsen characters reading Victorian poetry. And the comedic ending, where all of the good guys go to bed happy, is drowned in a dignified despair that feels like they're finding stiff- upper-lip peace with impending death, rather than reconciling with lovers. Even Lancelot and Antonio exit the film holding their hats like aristocratic mourners.

The film is poorly done because the creative powers that be don't understand the script. It is stern where it should hysterical. It is reserved where it should be passionate. It is Michael Radford where it should be William Shakespeare.

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