
IMDb member since December 2004
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    19 years


Jonathan Livingston Seagull

How did such an amazing book turn into THAT!?
THis movie was... a huge waste of time. Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the book, should have been left alone. I'm sorry. It's not possible to transfer such a beautiful book to video format. This movie should be better known as "the ruthless murder of a beautiful book" They ruined it. Luckily, my love for the book took over and I have removed this awful movie from my memory. Otherwise it would have spoiled the story for me. I think the only good part was the sound track. Neil Diamond is a genius, but by no means managed to save it.

I would have to tell people not to see this movie if they want to save their views of Jonathan Livingston Seagull. RIchard Bach's message is something that can not be made visual.

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