
IMDb member since May 2013
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A Savage Christmas

It nearly gets there
I don't normally watch Christmas movies but was interested as this movie has a few well-known actors, and some Colin from Accounts cross-over. A very diverse younger cast, and of the newcomers Rekha Ryan and Ryan Morgan are excellent. I was a big fan of Helen Thomson in Elvis, and she's fantastic in this, she is a great comedic actor. Darren Gilshenan is at his wacky-best and brings the majority of the laughs.

I thought there was some genuinely very funny moments in this - typical Aussie humour whilst also offering a fresh perspective given the trans leads. This movie tries to touch on some important topics, but these moments feel undercooked. I appreciated the trans narrative but it seems to miss the mark if it's trying to be heartfelt or moving. I felt like they were trying pack a lot into 90 mins (gender identity, drug abuse, adoption, alcoholism, gambling etc etc) and didn't manage to quite get there, but I appreciate what the filmmakers were trying to do. It tried to do a bit too much and failed, but ultimately a fun silly movie that's worth a watch.

Colin from Accounts

Easy watch nothing special
I'm a little surprised how much people seem to love this. To me it was a run of the mill Aussie comedy, not overly special. The two lead actors are great, and it's a very light, easy watch. I did find the show to be quite predictable and threw in the same sort of 'diverse' side characters that Aussie shows like to do. The cast was very strong I will say. Overall, it's a nice little show, easy Sunday arvo watching, but the hype is undeserved. There are a lot more creative and funny shows (I didn't actually LOL at any point during this) I'm wondering if the big marketing budget is what is getting it all this attention. Overall - I did enjoy it and do recommend it.

Streets of Colour

A beautiful film with a talented cast. This is an important story which showcases a diverse subsection of Australia rarely seen on screen. When we ask for diversity and multicultural stories, this is what we are talking about. The pacing, performances and writing are beautiful. It brought me to tears. So glad I watched this one on AACTA TV. Rahel Rohman is a Heath Ledger Scholarship winner, and you can see why, his performance is outstanding, and I hope he wins some major awards for this one. I highly encourage people to support Aussie cinema and check this one out, you won't be disappointed....


A cringefest Corr can't save
Don't get me wrong, Ryan Corr is good in this, as he always is, but it's impossible to care about his character or frankly anyone in this film.

Abbey Lee Kershaw is good, but unbelievable in the role as she is an actual model, and looks extremely out of place as a bikie moll.

The violence is gratuitous and adds nothing to the story. Honestly this film is an embarrassing mess from start to finish. The film drags out what little plot is has and the audience is expected to care about any of these boring, dumb characters.

It tried and fails miserably to be an Aussie Sons of Anarchy. It's a shame because there is some serious talent in this but they are all under utilized.


Worthington fails to deliver
Matt Nable is the highlight in this very unimaginative and boring film. Worthington gives a lackluster performance.

Very slow and uneventful, the best work I can use to describe it is bland. A couple shootouts can't help these characters appear interesting for even a second. It's a shame movies like this get funded because they have a 'big name' attached. It's one of the more forgettable movies I have seen in a while.

It really tries to be gritty and flops hard. This was clearly a money-making exercise because it is so devoid of any effort or meaning. This is the kind of film that makes people hate Aussie cinema - which is a real change.

The Fall of the House of Usher

Flanagan fans will love
This show is silly, over the top and I loved it! It's a departure from the scariness of Flanagan's other series and movies and instead leans into the absurdity.

In typical Flanagan style he used a lot of the same actors - some of whom do seem miscast at the outset but do a great job with the over the top material.

The series really fell down for me at the last episode, which was downright hokey and silly, but prior to that I was gripped and waiting for each episode.

The main actor (the older Roderick) really carried the whole show and was excellent in the role. I did find the premise quite predictable which no real twists, but still highly enjoyable.

Godless: The Eastfield Exorcism

A very decent film
Watched via AACTA TV. An average film, pretty different in terms of Australian horrors. The main actress does a good job, Dan Ewing less so. I have to say the cinematography and VFX is excellent. The film is definitely not scary but the premise is interesting - based on true events in rural Australia (which sets a great scene for the film) It's more of a drama. The pacing was good and overall it's an easy and engaging watch. The score is also fantastic, it's definitely not a blood and guts type horror and doesn't rely on cheap scares and thrills. I think this film is certainly worth a watch for horror and non-horror fans alike!


Typical no plot Australian indie
Very disappointed in this, especially as it's co-produced by Robert Connolly. Very typical no plot Australian indie. It tried to say something, what that is I do not know. The film is extremely slow and boring, and really tried to be very Arthouse. I found the Mia character hard to believe. The film ultimately goes no where and is hard to follow or care about any of the characters really. Not sure who the Audience for this one is.

Nathalie Morris was decent with very bad material. I liked the directors previous film more. I appreciate her surrealist style and I think she has a bright future but this movie is just a miss for me sadly.

While the Men Are Away

Enjoyable, quirky series
Enjoyed this more than I thought I would. It's a fun series, a little boring at times but overall a unique perspective and quite different to other Aussie comedy/dramas. Worth a watch.

The costumes and sets were great, and the cinematography was the highlight.

The diversity was a great aspect to the show and I hope more Australian filmmakers take this onboard and follow suite.

At times the romantic elements felt a little too contrived, and wasn't handled with the nuance one would hope. The cast did a good job with some at times sketchy writing. Overall I think the show did a good job at bringing a quirky take to some serious themes.

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