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Skarsgard is pure gold
From the moment I saw this trailer, I could instantly feel a fantastic vibe from it. After seeing Bill Skarsgard cast as Pennywise, I was ecstatic! Unlike most, I personally loved him as Roman Godfrey in Netflix's Hemlock Grove. He delivered a performance of the ages, and every moment he was on the screen, my eyes were fixated, and my ears perked to hear what he said in that creepy, yet oddly satisfying, clown voice he spoke in.

The movie itself was spectacular in the field of grabbing you from the start, and not letting you go till the final black screen forced me to leave. The cast itself of the "Losers Club" were all perfectly written. From the hysterical comic relief of Richie Tolzier (Finn Wolfhard), to the ever so memorable stuttering of Bill Denbrough (Jaeden Lieberher). Nowadays in films, most effects are washed and thrown at you in a blur so quickly that you get a headache from all the moving parts. Muschietti excelled at balancing the horror with the drama, while adding in some of the most grotesquely gorgeous visuals that have been brought to the big screen. From even the slightest parts of either maggots or blood, to the full blown disgustingly horrific visuals, it was a treat from the get-go.

Remembering the 1990's original TV movie, this film was an amazingly done "big-screen" remake. Skarsgard's performance, for even being in a limited role, was on par with that of Heath Ledger's portrayal of the Joker in The Dark Knight, which speaks BOUNDS to his performance. There is even an IGN article which discusses how he made the child-actors cry on set, because he didn't want to break character. Amazingly done on his part, and the casting selections were all phenomenal. The whole time I kept tying it back to the original, as well as the book itself, and I wasn't even close to disappointed...

All in all, this film is easily one of the most memorable of the year, and following what seems to have been the worst weekend in Box Office history, this is an amazing rebound. IT was a spectacle from start to finish, and left me begging for more! (9/10, 16+ due to gore, and language)

Alien: Covenant

Fassbender holds it together
Now, for those who have rated this title as a 1/10 or even a 10/10, they have no clue what they're talking about, and are instead rating it because of their love for the franchise as a whole. I, myself, am a fan of Scott's Alien franchise, and am a glorified fan of Michael Fassbender. I had preordered my ticket a month in advance, and I was extremely hyped to see the newest installment. With that being said, I was not disappointed, but nor was I blown away. The movie itself is a slow burner, and there are holes within the movie itself, that are indeed noticeable. With that all being said, I think the effects and visual display of the movie were phenomenal, and the overall acting itself was solid. Michael Fassbender literally, though, SAVES this movie. His role in the film is remarkably done, and again, as one who has seen every film of his, this easily notches a top 5 performance on his part. I feel like Ridley bit off a bit more than he could chew with all the interconnecting points, and the supporting cast around Fassbender was indeed lacking. Overall, however, the film was a pleasant experience. Some parts did drag, while others kept me on the edge of my seat, mouth open, and gawking at the screen. I would recommend this movie to those who have followed the franchise through-and-through, and although it isn't nearly the level of the original two, I would put it on that same pedestal as Prometheus. Well done for the most part, and again, if you love Michael Fassbender, this movie is a DEFINITE see. I would give it a 8/10, purely because I didn't once feel connected to any members of the Covenant space crew, aside from Walter(Michael Fassbender), and the overall performances were nothing to write home about. I myself am a HUGE fan of the visually stunning displays in movies, and this didn't disappoint from that retrospect.

Get Out

Piecing The Puzzle Together
Get Out was one of those movies that I, personally, couldn't tell if it was going to be even the slightest thing toward a good movie... I was wrong. Jordan Peele comes out and does a splendid job with Get Out. The camera angles, and great work with lighting and display, add on to the suspenseful build of the movie. The reviews on this movie have been nothing but positive, and this one is no different!

Although not having any "big name stars" on the casting sheet, those to me are usually the best horrors/thrillers. The ability to make someone pop on screen, and learn about that character just through dialogue is ornately done, and makes the conversation roll like R's off the tongue. The appliance of "social flaws", where its jokingly basically "white people who say they aren't racist, but really are" is indeed an underlying theme throughout the movie. Some comedic relief, and references get a giggle out of myself and the audience, but do not let the name "Jordan Peele" trick you into assuming this is purely Satire and comedy, when instead it is a borderline-flawless thriller/mystery.

This movie's ability to allow us as the audience to fill in the missing holes, and "piece together the puzzle" is something I value GREATLY out of a thriller. Being my favorite genre, along with horrors, and having seen so many, it is hard to notch a solid result. With that being said, this movie hit every peg on my list, and impressed from start to finish. (AGE: 15+ for grotesque scenes/language/some slighted gestures)

A Cure for Wellness

Gorgeously done, and well written
As an avid movie goer, and occasional reviewer, I am one (like most) to naturally flock to the reviews of Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic, and the user flooded IMDb... Verbinksi's A Cure For Wellness strikes all categories on what a suspenseful "thriller" should be. I myself watch countless thrillers, as they along with horrors, are my favorite genre. Upon seeing the reviews for A Cure for Wellness, I was both disappointed and worried... I had expected a much more positive response, with not only a solid cast headlined by he greatly under- appreciated Dane DeHaan, but also a suspenseful and artistic director, in Gore Verbinksi. With that being said, this movie was phenomenal.

To actually describe this movie in a flurry of words, my choice would be; eerie, suspenseful, captivating, and gorgeous. The movie itself takes place in the Swiss Alps, at a mental institution "devoted to making you well again", and the colors, and abilities to exploit the sound effects, score, and draw you in with rather sexual and ostentatious visuals, along with gory and disturbing ones is exquisite. DeHaan's role as Lockhart, is in my opinion, one of his best works aside from Chronicle. I personally believe he is undermined especially after a rather catastrophic blow from his depiction of Green Goblin in Spider-Man.

All in all, I would give this movie an 8.7/10, being that I was drawn in, and fell in love with both the visual appeals and the stunning work on color and sound, but also the fact that both DeHaan and Isaacs made me feel as if I was a patient searching for a cure... This movie satisfied my lofty expectations, and I felt not only like my demands were met, but even exceeded. Gorgeous work and a very enjoyable movie. (AGE: 17+ for nudity/violence/language/grotesque scenes)

The Shallows

127 Hours recreated
I flash you back to 2011, the release of 127 Hours, starring James Franco... Huge success, multiple Academy Awards nominations, and an overall immaculate film on so many levels. Back to today, the release of The Shallows... At first glance is what seems to be an on the books horror, is much much more. The true grit and perseverance of Nancy (Blake Lively) to survive and live another day is an emotional roller-coaster to say the least. The constant thrills, and suspenseful moments are satisfying not only to the eye, but to the ear; with superb sound effects, and overall work in the sound department. Although it may seem lacking in numerous areas, and may not be a "flawless" film, it is indeed an exciting one

However, when I attended; I saw it directly after "The Conjuring 2", and it was hard to compete. Nonetheless, this film is an enjoyable one, which has issues; such as lack of plot shifts, lack of character development, and an overall "theme", but is a riveting story that makes you constantly question how/if Nancy will make it out alive. VERDICT: I give it a 7/10, purely because for the duration of the film (1 hr 26 min), I didn't leave impacted by the film, nor did I find anything "gratifying" about it. With that being said, it was a fun time, and an exciting film at that. AGE REC: 12+; not a whole lot of swearing, just blood, and some rather gruesome scenes.


Great feel good movie
Pixar can't seem to do anything wrong, can they? First with Inside Out last year, and back at it again with Zootopia. This movie is a feel good movie that touches the heart, and that preaches that being different is okay. The premise is that a city where animals(both predator and prey) can live in harmony safe from the actual food chain, until something goes horribly wrong which seemingly reverts back to pre-civilized days. Idris Elba leads a cast that entertains you throughout the movie, and makes it so you can't not like this movie. It is beautifully made, and an eye-catcher at that. The cute subtleness of how all animals are different is on a whole new level, especially after the whole "Chris Rock can make a black joke" a the Academy Awards just a week ago. RATING: I would give this movie a high 7/low 8. Primarily because it didn't have as much meaning I feel, as say Finding Nemo, Wall-E, or Toy Story. However, with that being said, this movie is a no-doubt must see. Who can say no to Pixar? REVIEW: To summarize this movie in one word it'd have to be "touching" where it makes you laugh, smile, cry, and basically feel everything Inside Out wanted you to... AGE: Approved for all ages, and all audiences.


Great possible end to Craig's Era
Now, boy was this something else. In this installment of the Bond franchise, Spectre takes us behind all of the previous antagonists that Daniel Craig as Bond did face. Those that were scene in Casino Royale(2006), being Le Chiffre, Quantum of Solace(2008), being Dominic Greene, and Skyfall(2012), being Raoul Silva. As this film is likely Craig's last he went out with a bang. The whole plot of this movie is that the "00" program is being shut down and run off the road with new technology, and drones and monitors taking lead. 007 goes off detail, and is determined to find the secret organization behind all of the assigned case deaths that Bond accounted for, known as Spectre. Cristoph Waltz rounds out another solid cast for the Bond franchise, and plays the part superbly. Waltz has done great work before, especially in Inglorious Basterds, as well as Django. His partnership with director Sam Mendes, and Daniel Craig showed fantastically on the big screen. All in all, I would recommend this to fans of both the Bond series, as well as anyone looking for a well put together, and well executed movie. RATING: I would give it a 7.3/7.4 purely because it did lack excitement at some parts, and at others it felt generally slow. However, nonetheless as a fan of Craig myself, it was one for the books. Generating 74 million overnight isn't something to shy away from, and neither is this film...

Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation

Best in the series
I've never really been a HUGE MI fan, yet saying that; I am a fan of Simon Pegg, and Jeremy Renner. Going into this movie I was expecting an alright movie that had great action, and a solid cast around it. However, I was pleasantly surprised to thoroughly enjoy this movie. The plot is well, like every other MI movie, impossible... or so it seems. Ethan Hunt(Tom Cruise) returns for yet another impossible mission. The IMF is under attack, and the members are being targeted... This movie is an exhilarating ride from start to finish, and it constantly keeps you entertained. Ghost Protocol was a fantastic film, but this to me; blew it out of the water. Renner, Pegg, Baldwin, Cruise, and Rebecca Ferguson round out an "all star" cast. All in all, this movie was worth my time, and I enjoyed the movie throughout. RATING: Well, as seen above; I would give this movie a 7.5, purely because I have never been a HUGE Mission Impossible fan, yet I did love this movie from a neutral viewpoint. AGE: I would say 12+, basically like every other MI movie in the series, and VERDICT: Good, fun movie, I recommend it to all!

Fantastic Four

One of the WORST Movies I've seen in awhile
Well, for starters; it was absolutely HORRIBLE. The only slight upside to this movie was I suppose the cast... Miles Teller shines in the Divergent series, and had high hopes for the reboot of the unsuccessful one prior 10 or some-odd years ago. Michael B. Jordan is an actor I enjoy. He plays his role well, that is in most movies, and I again had high hopes. The director, Josh Tank also directed the successful film, Chronicle which also starred Michael B. Jordan. However, like his last name; this film TANKed. It was honestly one of the most over-hyped, over budgeted, and underachieved movies I've ever looked upon. IMDb gave it a 4/10, which is ironic considering the movie is entitled the Fantastic FOUR. More like the NOTSOFANTASTIC FOUR. This was the biggest waste of 2 hours, and wasn't at all worth the $9 ticket I purchased. The part of this movie I was most looking forward to was the recreation of Dr. DOOM, and I was getting excited to see how well executed his character would have been. Yet, after seeing him for a total of 7 minutes of screen time in a nearly two hour long movie, I was again, disappointed. If you didn't enjoy the first 2 in the early 2000's, you will most definitely NOT like this film. Definite No from myself. RATING: 3/10. AGE: 11+. VERDICT: Go see Man From UNCLE as well(review on my page)

Mad Max: Fury Road

Late, but not irrelevant!
I realize I'm writing this movie multiple months after its release, however for those still on the fence about purchasing this via DVD on the first of September, I'm here to help. This movie was one of the most incredible films I've seen this year. Aside from "The Man From UNCLE", this movie ranked highly on my personal favorites list. Tom Hardy is one of my personal favorite actors, and like the majority of his films, this one was extraordinary. The old Mad Max's lacked something this one put together. With multiple action scenes, a thoughtful plot, and a SUPERB cast, this film notched all the checks for me. To me, Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron, and Nicholas Hoult played their roles to perfection. If you want to purchase a movie well worth your time, and the likely $20-$30 price range, this is it! I highly recommend this movie. RATING: I give this movie an 8.5.10, and I was constantly entertained when watching it. AGE: Even though this movie is rated R, I would say 15+ for this film, purely because of intense violent scenes. VERDICT: This movie was an adventure from start to finish, and I would definitely recommend this film.

The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

Movie of the Summer!
Coming into this movie, I was unsure what to expect. I initially intended to see this movie because I had thought that Michael Fassbender was playing a significant role in it. However, I was pleasurably let down to see Armie Hammer play that role instead. Nonetheless, this movie was a wonderful film. The night before I attended this film, In watched Inglorious Basterds, and felt like nothing could overshadow that. Boy was I wrong. Henry Cavill shines as "Napoleon Solo", a fugitive spy who went from a taker to one who assists those taking. He plays the role of a 60's spy agent PERFECTLY. Prior to seeing this movie, I saw the atrocious movie that was Fantastic 4... and oddly enough, like IMDb I gave it a 4/10... ironic. Anyways, Armie Hammer, Henry Cavill, and Alicia Vikander round out a solid cast put together by director Guy Ritchie. PLOT: Two agents, from Russia and the United States combine to form a "super alliance". Illya Kuryakin(Armie Hammer) is a KGB agent, who is both brutal, strong, and takes no nonsense from anyone. Napoleon Solo(Henry Cavill) is a cunning, and witty CIA agent. The two of them are sent off to either capture, or destroy nuclear coding/files. The movie may lack slight action thus being a somewhat turnoff to teens requiring an explosion every other scene. Yet the methodical plot, humorous statements, lack of chemistry between both agents, and well put together plot and cast make this movie a fantastic choice for a Friday night. RATING: I give this movie an 8/10, primarily because I love these types of movies, definite must see from myself. AGE: I would say 13+ for this movie, as most of the jokes are intended towards a older age. VERDICT: GREAT MOVIE!

Paul Blart: Mall Cop 2

Pure Fun
Now, of course this movie isn't going to be a blockbuster film, nor will it top the number one spot for movies. However, being 16, this movie made me CRACK UP, and die of laughter. Right off the bat, it gets you in tears of joy. This movie as mentioned above, isn't like Fast and Furious 7 crying, but a happy tear (RIP PW). PLOT: Paul Blart(Kevin James) returns in Mall Cop 2, yet he is sent to Vegas for a "Mall Cop Seminar", and when he is there, he discovers a covert operation, thieving art. This movie doesn't have the "Taken" fighting scenes, but more of a kid fighting style. Absolute perfection in the comedy department. AGE: This movie is honestly great for ALL ages, whether you're 64, or 6, this movie will make you laugh. RATING: I give this a 7/10, because well its Mall Cop... not the best plot/content/acting aside from Kevin James & David Henrie, but higher than the avg because it made me laugh, and I enjoyed myself. FINAL RESULT: I would recommend this movie to anyone looking for a fun night out, whether you're on a date, or a family movie night. Great Movie!

Fast & Furious 7

Royal Ending to Paul's Legacy
In 2001, on screen emerged the young talents of Paul Walker. At the time, Paul Walker's career wasn't truly glimmering in the spotlight. Yet, when he stepped into character as Brian O'Conner, thus it began. Through 5 other thrilling installments in the "Fast and Furious" franchise, he grew up, and grew into the role as Brian. However, Furious 7 was a spectacular conclusion. For those unaware, Paul passed away in November of 2013, and all Furious fans, and Paul Walker fans; like myself, were devastated. Yet, the "family" of Paul, being Vin Diesel, Tyrese, Ludicrous, and many others, kept his legacy going, and wanted to end it respectfully. The movie itself was my personal favorite, other than 2 Fast, 2 Furious. It had a mix of comedy provided by Roman(Tyrese), but it kept the message that "Family is everything." Brian O'Conner throughout the movie seemed like the same man we saw back in 2001.(Except without the baggy shirts, and jeans). Yet, this finale(hopefully) was the best yet. It had a better balance of action, racing, and of course the ladies. Now, the whole plot is that Deckard Shaw, brother of paralyzed Owen Shaw, seeks revenge on the people who did this to his brother. His goal is to get rid of all of Dominic Toretto's(Vin Diesel) family. The entire movie is layered with action sequences, fast scenes, and even faster cars, and the same sex appeal that has been there throughout the series. Overall, I would say it is an 8/10. Some scenes lacked realism, yet that is what to expect, but the overall plot, and "bond" carried the film. The best part in this review is the honoring of Paul Walker at the end. All I will say is that it had myself, and the majority of the theater crying. Tears streamed down my face as I realized it was the end of a legacy. Sure these movies may not be the "Oscar quality" type, but to me they are as important. RATING: 8/10. RECOMMENDATION: This film is rated PG-13 for loads of violence, swearing, and some partial nudity. OVERALL: I would definitely recommend this film to everyone, whether you grew up with the "Family", or you want to enjoy a memorable ride. It is FANTASTIC! PS- May Paul Walker rest in peace, and may his legacy continue racing forever.

Exodus: Gods and Kings

Great movie, worth a watch!
Ridley Scott made yet another great movie this winter. 14 years after his blockbuster film, Gladiator, and 13 after Black Hawk Down, he finds himself with yet another successful movie. 'Exodus' focuses on plot, intense detail, and extravagant cinematography. Like Gladiator, 'Exodus' shows not only a great film, but a great morale example, and reason. Christian Bale is finally pulling away from his trademarked Batman, and expanding his acting career. With movies like American Hustle, The Fighter, and now Exodus, he has a full foray of acting successes. Joel Edgerton, who plays Ramses, also gets his name out there after being in Warrior, and Zero Dark Thirty. VERDICT: Overall, this movie truly brought the book of Exodus to the big screen, and did a good enough job of explaining it visually. Sure the movie forgot some portions, but all in all, it was a great film. RATING: I give it a 7/10, only because, like all movies, there were some cheesy CGI parts, but thanks to the great plot, and cinematography, it pulled me in, and I couldn't stop watching. AGE: 13+. FINAL STATEMENT: Bale, and Scott partner to make a great film, and show the world that not all religious films have to be bad. GREAT MOVIE!


Your choice...
This movie was absolutely terrifying... NOT. There were literally 4 jump scares the entire movie, and most of them were in the trailer. The whole movie, I felt like someone was literally standing behind a door, or wall and simply dropping the doll. Annabelle was a WASTE of time and money, and did no justice to "The Conjuring". I mean some people are comparing it to Chuckie, when it was not even close. OVERALL: I give this movie a 4/10 and wouldn't recommend it to anyone. If you do see it, do not bring children under 14 to it. RATING: 4/10 AGE: 14+. Regardless of all those awful "fake footages", of how they show the people in the theater freaking out, in reality when I saw this movie there were 2 people that had fallen asleep...

The Maze Runner

Puts Hunger Games to shame
Movie... was great. The Maze Runner to me puts the Hunger Games to shame. The movie kept me on the edge of my seat literally the entire time. There was tons of action scenes, humorous moments, characters you grow to love, and fun moments. This movie was suspenseful, and left me wanting more. Luckily there are 2 more movies coming out. Dylan O'brien breaks out of his somewhat small acting career, and is the male version of Shailene Woodley, who I love personally. This is comparable to Divergent more than anything, and also reminds me of The Lord of the Flies. Books were better, but this was great. OVERALL: I would give this movie a solid 8, and the plot a solid 7. The acting was there, and as was the directing. I would recommend this movie to children of all ages.

Left Behind

Not bad
I completely disagree with IMDb's rating for this movie. Why did it do so poorly? Because it has a religious plot... Hollywood never likes anything with actual meaning, unless its a documentary. Now I'm not saying this was a 10/10, but it sure wasn't a 4... I would rate this movie a 7/10 because it had all around solid acting, some funny parts, a moral message, and entertained me. Sure there are some parts that are a bit cheesy, but that's to expect in a Nicolas Cage movie. The plot is basically out of nowhere, the "rapture" occurs and God takes those up to Heaven that he feels need to go. I personally thought it was quite interesting, but not astounding. Anyone could watch this movie if they so desire, for there are few-to-none swear words, and a small smidgen of blood. Overall I'd recommend this movie if you are just looking for a overall solid movie.

Captain Phillips

Superb movie, and Hanks impresses.
Trying to hate this movie is very hard. It is a true story,and is fantastic. Tom Hanks plays the part as if he was Captain Phillips himself. Summary: A captain's ship is overtaken by Somalian pirates, exploring the sea for ships to hijack. The captain hides his crew, and does the bet he can to protect them from whatever comes their way. He depicts acts of courage, honor, valor, and more. However this movie is fairly violent in some places Cast: Tom Hanks name alone gives the movie a great recognition. But due to supporting cast member, Barkhad Abdi's name being mentioned at the Oscars, you should know that this guy is for real. I'm his first movie, he impresses me thoroughly. Rate: 8.2/10. Recommendation: ages 12+ & I recommend to see this movie, or to buy/rent it.

The Monuments Men

Cast is great, movie is eh
The cast in this movie is every oldies dream. From the renown Bill Murray to the present Matt Damon. Being that Matt Damon is one of my favorite actors, it his movie touches on one of the lesser emphasized parts of WW2 being the stolen art, sculptures, and artifacts. The cast alone makes this movie superb. The plot not so much. It is somewhat And luster, and shows very rare acts of War. If you're looking for a Black Hawk Down, Saving Private Ryan, or The Hurt locker type of movie! this isn't it. However it is a fairly heartwarming movie, and I would recommend it to all ages. 8+. It is a good movie that displays acts of courage, love, and persistence to fight for a cause that is very rarely touched on. RATE: 6.3/10 (CAST: 9.0/10)


Excellent movie
I believe this is THE movie or the beginning of this year. Liam Neeson continues to impress and amaze on the big screen. His initial blockbuster it was Taken, and this surpasses it. Taken 2 was fairly weak and this made it look terrible. Non Stop, lone Sutvivor, Cpt Phillips, and Amercian Hustle are the best movies to come out recently. Overall I give this movie a solid 9.0. I would recommend it to ages 12+. It is superb and exhibits acts of heroism, yet suspense. Tis movie is mind twisting, action packed, and requires thoughtfulness and wits to figure out who did it. Was it the Marshall, or was it his passengers?

Lone Survivor

This movie was not only inspirational, but left you wanting more. Throughout the whole movie you were wondering what would happen. It was enticing, intense, sad, and vigorous. This is arguably Mark's best movie yet, even though Planet of the Apes and The Other Guys were hits to me as well. I completely recommend seeing this movie. Overall rating: 8.5/10. Not as good as BHD or a Saving Private Ryan but it was great. It. Made me feel as though I were a navy seal, even though that will not happen. It is an adventure that no other movie gives you. It allows you to truly observe the Middle East and how they treat their population. He terrorists truly have a choke hold on that region. This movie was exceptional, however I do not recommend showing this to anyone who is not too fond of blood, or vulgar phrases. Overall age group (14-15+).

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