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Star Trek: That Which Survives
Episode 17, Season 3

Absolute stinker - the WORST episode of the Original Series
No, "Spock's Brain" is not this bad. No, "The Way To Eden" is not this bad. No, "The Alternative Factor" is not this bad. "The Lights of Zetar" is not this bad either. This is THE worst Star Trek episode ever. Period. Hands down.

It has no story. It has terrible acting. The episode is pointless and a feeble attempt to say that "beauty survives." (What does that even MEAN?)

The production staff were asleep on the job by the time this one came up for production. It was perhaps nice to see a bit more of Sulu but he was as wooden as a pole and flat. We got Robot Sulu. In fact all the characters in this episode were flat. And of the course the WORST part of this episode, as so many reviewers have said: the character assassination of Spock. Seriously? What the heck just happened. Spock's bump on his head in the beginning of the episode seemingly turned him into an annoying, smartass jerk that if you worked with a person like that you'd just want to punch them in the face every time they opened their condescending mouth. You can see Leonard Nimoy is not "into" this episode. He is doing what he was told by the director and saying the lines of the script, and nothing more.

There is no other Star Trek episode where they utterly destroyed the characterization of Spock as badly as this one. Terrible episode. Utter stinker. The worst of the worst. Makes Spock's Brain seem like a 10/10 compared to this garbage.

The Gulf

As drab, grey, and dreary as Auckland (and New Zealand) truly is in real life
The one thing I remember about my visits to Auckland is the grey skies and the grey, dreary, wet place that it is. This show captures that greyness perfectly. It truly FEELS like miserable New Zealand. And because of that, the characters are quite suitably drab, and dreary. I don't know if this is sheer brilliance of the writers and the cinematographers, or they captured the miserableness of the place completely accidentally but they nailed "Auckland" and "New Zealand." For those reviewers criticizing the acting and the photography, you obviously have never been to Auckland to know how very rare a blue sky is (NZ = "Land of the Long White Cloud" for a reason, people!) or know what life is like living in such a depressing, morose, and colourless, place. Sorry, but this goes straight over your heads, people. Stop taking your impressions from Fake News tourism brochures about "New Zealand." This show is right on point. They did well. Ask someone who lives there how many blues skies they get a year there.

Danger Close: The Battle of Long Tan

Yes.... and No
Lots of problems with this film.

1) M16s. The ANZAC troops used SLRs. Officers had the M16s. Only later in the war, did the Australian and New Zealanders start to use M16s more. 2) Private Large punches arrogant Major because arrogant major "doesn't respect his soldiers." Five mins later they are best buds having a heart-to-heart. A Major and a Private. No, no, no, no. 3) The Nashos are portrayed as being unruly, and incompetent. False. The Nashos were trained. They were good soldiers for the most. Not a bunch of idiots like this movie tries to portray them. 4) Australian gum trees will never be Asian rubber trees. 5) Asians. Vietnamese are scrawny, and small. The bodies of children compared to strapping young Aussie blokes! The "Vietnamese" extras have all grown up with Hungry Jacks (Australia's version of Burger King), KFC and McDonalds in Australia. Even my wife laughed at that (She's Asian-Australian.) 6) This is the thing that made me furious: The treatment of Morrie Stanley. He gets pushed around like a rag doll and acts like he's dopey and incompetent. He keeps getting the radio receiver snatched off him and thrown back at him, by the angry, insubordinate Major - and just takes it: "yes please sir can I have some more abuse." And Willie Walker, the other NZ Artillery FO with Morrie just sits there like a stunned mullet looing around like he's in disbelief. No way! The real Morrie Stanley was an older guy, very experienced. Very smart. He had to calculate that artillery in his head - in reality there was too much rain to see anything. Genius! No competent soldier like this would have allowed himself to be bullied by another soldier. No military officer, would have treated him like that either. They were both officers! In 1966, many of the Australian Regular soldiers had fought with the British and New Zealanders in Malaya or Borneo. They were professional soldiers. Morrie Stanley was not a punching bag for some angry, bullying, insubordinate Australian platoon leader. And the depiction of the brass back at 1 ATF HQ. Wow! There's another level of false "drama." I cringed. And I cringed again.

One other thing. In my opinion, the writers should have tried to get into the script somewhere the fact that the NVA deliberately tried to get close to the enemy as a tactic so they would not be able to call artillery in on themselves. Hence why they try to storm the positions. Instead the movie just shows waves of " Asians" running and screaming and getting blown up and mowed down by the Mighty Australians. FACT CHECK: The enemy forces in the Battle of Long Tan were North Vietnamese Regular forces, not the Viet Cong. So the movie kind of disrespected the NVA too.

The 2006 documentary narrated by Sam Worthington is worth a watch if you are interested in the Battle of Long Tan. It has audio recordings of the actual orders and exchanges between the platoons and HQ and it is very gripping audio. No acting there.

That aside, it was good to see this story told but it was overall a bit too amateurish as a production (eg. why didn't they go to Philippines or Thailand to shoot it?) with bad acting, and lack of attention to detail (uniforms very clean.) The "drama" was creative license - too much, sorry.

The Vietnam War

Too Left Wing to be considered factual or informative. Too many lies. Cannot be taken seriously
Ho Chi Minh was NO hero. He was a traitor. The show trys to portray him as a "liberator." WRONG. The U.S did not lose the war politically or even militarily. The Paris Peace Talks got a result. From 1973 until 1975 The Communists backed off. It was not until the USSR intervened, behind everyone's backs and rearmed the PAVN that the Commies went back in and took Saigon in 1975. This is a thinly disguised left wing, piece of propaganda. But lies are lies and truth is truth. Too many lies, this one. Watch Vietnam in HD (2011) or Vietnam Combat (2002) If you don't want to believe me have a look at what Vietnam has become today 50 years under Ho Chi Minh's glorious Socialism. The US Democrats love it!

Bluestone 42

Endless scenes of people standing around crossing their arms and wearing ill fitting "uniforms"
Is acting now such that all you have to do is stand with your arms crossed uttering your lines? It's never ending scene after scene of it. And the costume department needs to be fired. They are wearing made-in-China paintball/airsoft uniforms which are so ill fitting that you don't follow the story because you are so distracted by the poor costuming. Come on! You can do better.

Thor: Ragnarok

New Zealanders hijack Hollywood and give them a dose of "The Kiwi Way"
I hated the previous Thor movies. All flashy, noisy, grandiose nonsense. This Thor movie was definitely very different, almost a comedy. In fact this movie is nothing like the previous Thor movies or any of the Avenger movies.


Question: What does Taika Waititi (Director + voice of Korg), Carl Urban (Skurge), and Rachel House (Topaz) have in common? They are all New Zealanders. After the first 20 minutes of this film I was expecting Jemaine Clement and/or for Rhys Darby to show up (alas, 'twas not to be.)

But let's not forget New Zealand's blood brothers and sisters from "over the ditch." We have Chris Hemsworth (Thor) and Cate Blanchett (Hela), both from Australia.

ANZAC Spirit is alive and well in this movie!

This whole movie runs like a New Zealand-style comedy, reminiscent of Flight of The Conchords TV show or The Hunt For The Wilderpeople movie. Thor Ragnarok is in true Taika Waititi style.

Give a Maori "bro" some big bucks and some special FX people and you get "Thor: The New Zealand Experience" ... aka "Thor Ragnarok."

Personally I think Waititi stole the show with his rendition of Korg as "a Maori bouncer from K Road." (Waititi said in an interview that was the voice he based Korg on.) For those who don't know, K Road is the Red Light District of Auckland City, New Zealand.

Even Mark Ruffalo's David Banner character came across (to me) as a typical, matter-of-fact "she'll be right mate" New Zealander.

Jeff Goldblum was... well, Jeff Goldblum LET LOOSE! Great work Jeff!

And Chris Hemsworth looked like he was HAVING TOO MUCH FUN. There are scenes in this movie which are obviously ad libbed and Hemsworth is laughing for real. I would love to see the gag reel from this movie. Happiness and fun permeate this movie. It's pure "Kiwi humour."

Now to the movie?

I haven't read the comics. I watched the movie as a movie. Some of the humour was a bit out of place and the story was OK. The Special FX are fabulous and interesting. A real highlight. A surprising highlight for me was the SOUNDTRACK. What a fabulous soundtrack this movie has. Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" was a great choice for the action scenes. The other incidental music was really awesome too.

Here's the real highlight:

Hollywood should learn a lesson from this. Stop being LEFT WING SJW's and get back to telling stories that make us FEEL GOOD and SMILE and LAUGH and have a GOOD TIME. Hollywood of America is Dead. Long Live Taiki Waititi. God Bless New Zealand and "The New Zealand Way." Making Hollywood great again.

Kingsman: The Golden Circle

An insult to movie goers. Hollywood thinks we are all Homer Simpsons
This is a truly awful movie. It is so far fetched that within 10 minutes of the film you are wondering if this was written by a 10 year old. This movie is not "fun" as other reviewers with obviously half a brain, have said. It is just an ongoing, relentless insult of your intelligence. The movie is designed to PROVOKE any one with a semblance of intelligence. Yes, it is just a wind up. It is smarmy, insulting, and offensive on all levels. The WHORES of Hollywood churn out another CGI ridden STINKER. Hollywood think we are all Homer Simpsons. A bunch of morons who like loud noises, flashing lights, and over-the-top Left Wing Political cruelty. Avoid like the Plague or prepare to have you intelligence thoroughly insulted. Just like so many recent Hollywood crapfests, this movie too makes normal, conscious people just want to punch the producers, directors and actors in the face.

Spider-Man: Homecoming

Good story but ruined by offensive, PC, racist, Left Wing smear
POINT1: Apart from reeking from Left Wing stench and poison, this was a good ol' yarn. Purposefully aimed at the brainwashed Millennial/Gen Y members of our PC-crippled society. There's the obligatory black, Asian, African, and other non-white cast members, not that I have problem with other races - but when you ram that down our throats as an over-compensating suck up to the PC-abiding, Left Wing passive-aggressive racists then that is TOO much... and I am OUT!

And as a special mention: of course the bad guy is a .... WHITE guy! Of course! Go the Left Wing agenda! ("we are so sorry we are white.")

This movie would appeal to anyone irresponsible enough to be inclined toward the Left ("Love conquers all" etc delusion) and would probably just annoy the hell out of anyone with any other more sensible and analytical social/political leaning.

POINT 2: Another in-your-face assault and insult to the viewer is the rampant PRODUCT PLACEMENT. Come on, Hollywood! You're just prostituting yourself to the Capitalist Monster which is such a contradiction in terms considering that in itself is what the Left despises so much and seeks to destroy in order to achieve their goal of a one-world, one-culture, no-individuality Dystopian future.

5/10 and would have scored higher without the Leftist stain.

The leftist, bottom-feeder Whores of Hollywood churn out yet another one!

Red Dawn

Utterly Ridiculous
Wow! This was bad on so many levels. Blatant anti North Korea propaganda (not that I am a fan of North Korea.) How can film makers get away with that. It's technically slander. Definitely pushing stereotypes.

Secondly, Chris Hemsworth. Channelling Sylvester Stallone's manner of talking in Rambo. Ugh! Thirdly. Teenagers save the world theme AGAIN. I am utterly over that now.

Fourthly. Story. Utterly ridiculous. These "North Koreans" are wearing China PLA Army uniforms. How about a bit of research. So that's me "out" right there. Insulting our intelligence.

SUMMARY. A Gen Y movie made by Gen Y for Gen Y morons. We don't need adults. We're Gen Y. We can do ANYTHING! "Wolverine!"


Star Trek Into Darkness

Thanks for utterly destroying Star Trek, JJ Abrams.
This movie is truly awful. Utter junk. JJ Abrams has a lot to answer for. JJ has no idea what Star Trek is. This is like some porno-parody of Star Trek The Wrath Of Khan with the porn edited out.

Anybody whom said they "liked" this movie is clearly and simply NOT a Star Trek fan. Period. Only a person with the IQ level of Homer Simpson would "like" this trash.

It's like JJ Abrams INTENTIONALLY MOCKED everything that made Star Trek what it is and PURPOSEFULLY SET OUT TO INSULT all the long time fans that have supported this franchise over the last 40 years. (And for non fans who are simply intelligent people, you too would see this as utter, brain dead nonsense.)

This is NOT Star Trek. This is a slap in the face by a thoroughly UNCREATIVE MORON who should be frog-marched out of Hollywood..

Leave Hollywood, Monkey Man JJ Abrams, find a hole to crawl into and die, you talentless HACK.

THIS FILM IS UTTERLY DISGRACEFUL. In no way is this movie "Star Trek"

Act of Valor

Shameless Recruitment Film for US Navy ... but OK, I can live with that.
(very minor spoiler mentioned)

I liked this film despite it being a shameless advertisement and recruitment tool for the US Navy SEALs. I don't have a problem with that anyway. Why not, I guess?

However, the thing that really stood out the most, and above the story, was the blatant parade of costumes, gear, and weapons.

I don't know if the SEALS really have this many uniforms or not but here's how many I counted: 1. In the beginning of the movie they are all in MULTICAM Under-Body-Army-Combat-Shirts (UBACS) 2. Next, their wearing US WOODLAND BDUs when they extract the girl. 3. Then they are in 3-color DCUs (Desert Cameo Uniform) for the next operation 3. And finally, they are hitting the beaches at the end in USMC Desert MARPAT.

Seriously? That many uniforms?

And the gear? Wow! Impressive display of firepower, weapons, vehicles, and helmet and vest attachments. Check the boxes.

A pure "gear-fest." Someone was showing off!


But still, I liked the movie.

Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

JJ Abrams does it again!
Franchise killer JJ Abrams strikes again.

December 20, 2015. I have just watched Star Wars The Force Awakens and I am appalled, disgusted and deeply disappointed.

I was never really a hardcore fan of Star Wars but I did respect and admire the series. Fanboy Abrams has ended Star Wars for me. I turn my back on this appalling insult to Star Wars.


Firstly, I have just read 55 pages of IMDb reviews and most of you people have given this atrocious movie a 1/10 star rating, a few 3/10s and a very few above 5/10. 95% of people appear to have disliked this movie. SO HOW THE **** DOES THE OVERALL IMDb RATING FOR THIS MAJORITY PANNED MOVIE HAVE A 8/10 RATING???? By my calculations this movie should be sitting around the 2/10 to 3/10 mark. What's going on IMDb?

Secondly, there are a few nostalgia-blinded people who voted high on this movie and made such statements as to how this parody had "the feel of Star Wars" and it was "everything you would expect" or how "fun" it was (so shallow.) Who are you people? What medication are you on that has you so DISCONNECTED from the Real World that you would praise this movie as a "Star Wars" movie? Seriously, what is WRONG with you! Is Sharknado the new bar to set the standards of a movie against with you people?

The clear majority who have reviewed this movie on IMDb minimally were disappointed and maximally despised this monstrosity. Its near-unanimous. Look for yourself.

As for the movie: *** some spoilers ahead ***

A lot has been said by others, the same things have been said over and over:

--- the PC pandering --- the bad acting (I have to say: Carrie Fisher can't act. Her scenes were cringe-worthy) --- the blatant rehash of the original 1977 movie story --- the hack script --- the stupid villain who was just some snotty kid with daddy issues --- the ridiculous plot holes --- bad acting (Oh, I said that before) --- the rushed and incoherent pace of the "story" --- the play-safe special effects and 1977 technology which in the end were just sub-par --- killing off Han Solo = JJ Abrams giving the middle finger to the REAL Star Wars fans. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME! (Harrison obviously only did this movie for the money.)

And a couple of things of my own to add:

a) the Force is now some super-charisma thing you snap your fingers and you've "got it"? Students don't need teachers any more? What the ...?!?

b) like Sharknado, people running around senselessly in the background (as a note, at one stage I thought this was a Mockbuster and was waiting to see The Asylum mentioned somewhere in the credits. The acting was certainly no better than your average Asylum mockbuster.)

c) the "super-teen" main girl running off to places and back, thats all she seemed to do. Lots of running. Yeah we get it, she's athletic!

d) the "suddenly reformed" super-teen stormtrooper's whole motivation in the story was to run away. (Despite being an utter coward, super-teen girl suddenly "cares" for him yet she's only known him for 5 minutes.)

e) Luke Skywalker had a tantrum at some stage in the past and ran away when some recalcitrant teen in his class turned to the Dark Side.

f) Super teen, son of Han and Leia, ran away from his parents because of some unknown beef with daddy and mummy. He throws tantrums every time he can't get his own way. Boo frickity hoo!


The moral of Star Wars The Force Awakens in one sentence: How to deal with challenges in Life? Run away from everything.

Is that the lesson we want to teach our kids?

JJ Abrams is to me the Uwe Bolle of Sci Fi. I heard there's an online petition with some 4000 odd names on it recommending Uwe Bolle be unceremoniously booted out of Hollywood and banned from ever making another movie. WE SHOULD DO THE SAME FOR JJ ABRAMS. Get this guy out of Hollywood where he can do no more damage. He deserves no less.

I hated JJ Abrams for what he did to Star Trek. I hate him even MORE for what he's done to Star Wars. Abrams, you have to GO. You're a destroyer of other people's creations.

And just like you fanatical Star Trek fans that dished out on Rick Berman and Brannon Braga before Abrams wrecked Star Trek, you fanatical Star Wars fans now too owe George Lucas a big apology. Do it.

... and let's get this petition happening meanwhile.

Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters

Absolute Crap
After the first 10 minutes I switched off. The story was just so ridiculous but that was not the thing that turned me off. The "technology" in the film was so far ahead of the era the story takes place in that one starts wondering if they are even on EARTH! Gatling guns didn't appear until the 1800's - 500 years later! They never even had bullets in those days. Only steel balls, one shot, one reload, at a time. So where did that massive belt of bullets for the Gatling gun come from? Half way through the film I was waiting for the nuclear weapons and the infra red scopes to make an appearance as the story progressed, or perhaps a Stealth bomber to land somewhere and take them away. Just ridiculous.

This is not a family film. It has swearing which is offensive and unnecessary rather than appropriate or realistic to the era of the story telling. Why did they do that? To offend? Obviously. And there is the blood and guts, NOT suitable for children. Overall a nasty little film, and a perversion of the original story, designed to insult your intelligence and take your money. For the producers and the studio this film is merely a thinly-disguised "get rich quick scheme." It sure ain't a good movie!

Gods and Generals

FINALLY - a movie that DARES TO TELL THE TRUTH about the American Civil War
Firstly, I am not American. I have studied the American Civil War and I smelled a big fat dirty rat at the time we "learned" about it at school. Remember it is the VICTORS who write history, even if it has been twisted to alleviate the victors to hero status. What I "learned" about the American Civil War in school really did not make sense. A civil war about slavery? That's what were told! Well, that was the first lie: "The American Civil War was about SLAVERY." It's a lie. Truth: Abraham Lincoln was LOSING the war. The South were hammering the north - for 3 years! The south were winning. So, in 1863 Abraham Lincoln employed a purely POLITICAL MOVE and in his famous "emancipation speech" REDEFINED THE WAR AS BEING A WAR ABOUT SLAVERY. Slavery? Wait a minute! Truth is The American Civil War was about SECESSION. Secession - the thing the southern states did that Honest Abe frothed at the mouth over. Abraham Lincoln could not bear to have his little power trip upset by half the states leaving his little fan club, aka "the United States of America." Secession: leaving the Union to form an independent union of states, the "Confederate States of America." That was too much for Abe. Abe's solution was to use VIOLENCE AND FORCE. Abraham Lincoln STARTED the American Civil War. It was Lincoln: GUILTY!

Lincoln was the only US president ever to INVADE HIS OWN COUNTRY! Slavery existed on BOTH SIDES - north and south. Oh, but we had to forget that in our lessons! Today, that would be called a COVER UP. The American Civil War was NOT about "slavery" until Abraham Lincoln turned it into one.

GODS AND GENERALS is the story of the American Civil War primarily from the suppressed Southern point of view. It captures the ESSENCE of the mindset of the American people AT THAT TIME, and it does not WATER DOWN or be POLITICALLY CORRECT about those events. It is an accurate account of a time that occurred over 150 years ago. Different times, different values, different morals, different issues. 1861 is not 2013.

I salute the film makers for making this film. For daring to put forth a movie that is historically accurate ahead of being politically correct or playing into the gross MIS-education that has existed for the last 150 years about this event.

Seeing some of other reviews of this movie (negative) just tells me those people cannot CONFRONT the truth and would rather HIDE behind the safety net of the "official story" that so vilifies the south and makes Abraham Lincoln the big man hero. Abraham Lincoln was NO HERO. The real heroes are the people who fought that war, for what they believed in, whether they be north or south.

This movie is YOUR CHANCE to get a real perspective of the American Civil War and what it was REALLY about so you can understand what really happened, not the litany of lies that the Yankee "victors" have spoon fed you for the last 150 years. You will appreciate even more how tragic that war was and how evil and horrible that time was. This is a great movie, very confronting, but absolutely ESSENTIAL viewing for anyone who can smell a rat in the information they have "learned" about this event. There is a dirty big smelly rat there. If you can't smell it GO BACK TO SLEEP.

Finding Nemo

The modern child's "Bambi"
40 years ago, when my generation were kids we were traumatized by the story of Bambi. For some, that story was their first contact with the concept of "tragedy". 40 years later the kids of today have their "Bambi" too - in "Finding Nemo" although that parallel (Nemo losing his mum = Bambi losing his mum) is quickly glossed over by the the rest of the story taking place. However, at the end of the story (which is a wonderful story by the way minus the "Bambi Effect") you still have a "kid" who lost his mother, but all of that HAS BEEN FORGOTTEN. Wow! Losing one's mum is not a nice experience for any child - not now, not in the past, and never in the future. How was it for Bambi? How SHOULD IT have been for Nemo? How many of you readers reading this thought of that?

Iron Man Three

After all that noise and explosions, what was it about again?
Robert Downey Jnr's acting in this movie summarizes the whole movie very well: half hearted, bored and tired, can't wait to get it over with. That's how he portrayed the character, I am sure that is what he was thinking for real, and that is exactly how I felt watching this.

Plenty of ridiculous CGI effects, that all look the same as every other movie with CGI effects these days, to the point that they are getting tiresome now. And the story.... well, what was this movie about again? Having just watched it, I can't tell you what the story was about. Did they hire some deluded psychoanalyst to write the script? It was a bad. What was the point? Except for the special effects, everything else was lame, forced, and none of the actors had their hearts in it. It was almost as if they, the actors, realized once they started filming this, that this was going to be a PAINFUL EXPERIENCE and this comes through in all their acting. With every word coming out of Iron Man's mouth I could imagine Robert Downey Jnr thinking "how much more of this do I have to put up with?"

Iron Man 1 and 2 were good. There was a story to be told. Iron Man 3 is just a mess of over the top, unbelievable special effects with no purpose. A colossal waste of time, believe me!

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone

Has "modern humour" descended to such a low as this?
Not going to mince words: this story was kind of twisted and a little sick, especially the "tricks" of the Jim Carey character. This is NOT a "family film" by any means. Not funny. Sick. The story was all over the place as if the editor had just closed his eyes and cut the final edit here and there, or perhaps he was completely sloshed? A poor effort in continuity and fluidity of a story. For example, the whole thing with Jane was just "what the??? Why is that happening now??" Poorly written, poorly scripted, and poorly edited. The whole tone of the movie was FORCED. The Steve Carrel character was more hurtful than anything else. I felt no compassion or sympathy for Burt Wonderstone. Actually, he is a total ASS. If I met a person like that in real life I would kick his ass. As the film progresses you expect him to redeem himself, except his efforts to redeem himself are SELFISH, INEFFECTUAL and overall very WEAK. But the writers want to FORCE us to believe he has seen the light. But, it didn't happen. Seriously, if this is the state of "modern humour" than we have as a society become a bunch of SICK degenerates, like the days of feeding the Christians to the lions. That's the kind of "entertainment" this movie represents. Like the Borat movie this is kind of NASTY and tasteless. Be prepared to be offended and made to feel that you should be laughing instead. A tasteless movie meant to make nasty people get kicks out of nastiness.

Star Trek

Absolutely disgraceful mockery of Star Trek
Star Trek was about character development and always a voyage of discovery with a positive message, boldly going, etc. All I can say is that Gene Roddenberry would be turning in his grave at this dumbed-down, Homer Simpson mentality mockery of his Star Trek.

JJ Abrahms should be tried with treason for this mess. Without giving any spoilers I can summarize the movie this way: Lots of distracting lens flares (WHY does JJ Abrahms think that is cool - it's BAD camera work), a completely different turn of events, and the whole Star Trek "universe" sabotaged in one fell swoop, leaving nothing recognizable of the original franchise. Perhaps this was purposeful, but the end result is a movie, that is so full of plot and scientific holes that only children under the age of 10, or dumb Americans loaded up on meds could not see through the gross flaws. You have to have a very low IQ to like this movie. Very bad job Mr Abrahms. You should not be allowed anywhere near this franchise every again.

The one thing I will say positive is Karl Urban's portrayal of Dr McCoy. Brilliant homage to Deforest Kelly, the movie's ONE and ONLY positive. Chris Pine as Kirk was just PAINFUL. He made Kirk unlikeable and moronic. The rest of the cast were horrible too, even Simon Pegg as Scotty (who I like as an actor) was hideous in the role. And Spock? Let's just not go there. Terrible. This is just not Star Trek - period. Actually, it's not really ANYTHING unless you are a moron.

Iron Sky

A well deserved dig at America - Bravo!
This movie is totally underrated. When I watched it I didn't have high expectations, I mean "Nazis on the Moon" - how corny is that? Well I COULD NOT HAVE BEEN MORE WRONG. This movie reflects the "European point of view" towards America. And they nail it. It is DARK COMEDY and it does have it's twists. I like how the movie takes you through many emotions, comedy and seriousness and the end... well, that is priceless. Absolutely brilliant.

There are some slow moments, but once you get just over half way it is riveting stuff all the way through to the end.

The scene in the police station with Washington and Renate had me on the floor in stitches.

Surprisingly the production values are extremely high and the CGI is impressive, right up there with the big Yank Hollywood movies.

For an independent movie, one that is well-written, thought-provoking, funny and serious it is well worth watching. But be warned, if you are a shallow, low IQ, socially unconscious, mindless pleb, the movie will go over your head, despite how absolutely clear the message is. It's not for Homer Simpson types.

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