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Fantastic Four

Better than the reviews say
What I liked about this movie was that it isn't like other of the superheroes movies. First because in my opinion despite of being a Sci-Fi movie it has the plot a little more developed trying to explain the details with science. Other reason and the better one is the main plot is not the good guys fighting for what's good, instead of that more than three quarter of the movie are from other scientist trying to figure out what happened to this four individuals and it's just the last part where it gets like the other movies. I think the movie is better than they say because despite of being a remake it is original. Not the best superhero movie but it's definitely watchable and enjoyable.

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Critic Avengers
The movie was pretty much like the first one, except that in this one they didn't destroy all of New York City and that is a plus for the second one. But being honest almost everything but the last final slow-mo fight scene was pretty bad, but let's face it that last fight almost make the movie worth watching it and it's in slow-mo which makes it even better. The worst thing this movie has, and the first one had it two, is that the Hulk could control itself and decide who he wanted to kill or beat. Just like I said before this movie doesn't destroy New York completed which is a good thing but destroy all of a city which name I can't remember. The two new characters the add to the cast aren't so bad, Elizabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor-Johnson are also something noteworthy and the death of Quicksilver is very heroic so that's pretty cool two. The movie is a little long and not a good one but it's watchable.


A very good show
I've watched this show three times from the beginning to the end, I watch it every summer and I can't get enough of it. This show has everything, mystery, comedy, drama and even a little bit of romance. I think the actors make a wonderful job, Dule Hill and James Roday have a such great chemistry acting together and it is probably one of the reasons why the show is so well done. Another reason why this show is so great is that it takes a storyline that could be a drama and make it a comedy and a pretty good one. If you like to laugh while watching two private detectives/best friends/fake psychics resolving crimes you will most definitely love this show as much as I do.


Did you know... ?
Did you know that the Earth atmosphere, also known as air, is a mixture of gases? And the main gas is nitrogen with a 79%, oxygen is only about a 20% and the other 1% is a mixture of other gases like water vapour, argon and carbon dioxide. The human and animals need only the oxygen to live, only the 20% of the air and the other gases are useless to the human body. It is also good to know that the air can be polluted by other gases such as ozone and carbon monoxide, smoke and ash, and is this pollution one of the causes of the global warming by causing the "greenhouse effect". What has to do this with the movie? ... Nothing but the movie is so bad that i thought that it would be better if I write about this.

The Lost Valentine

Well done
This movie is one of the best movies i've seen in a while. The cast does such a great job bringing all the characters and the story to life. I'm a big fan of Jennifer Love Hewitt, I've seen almost everything she appear in and I can honestly say that she is amazing in this movie and it's probably one of her best work she has done to the date. In the other hand Betty White has done some amazing comedies but she does a great job in this drama and, finally, Sean Faris was good in Never Back Down but in this one he really is great. The story is really good and touching. It's a shame it was only a TV-movie and it's not world wide known because it should be.


This movie sucks!
The movie has so many errors that is almost impossible to count them all but I'm going to do the effort to write about some of them without crying. First of all it doesn't have any sense that the movie happens in a train, they could have live in a house using the same energy. Second, what was the idea of leaving only two people to repopulate the planet and not only two ordinary people but a five year old kid and an eighteen year old girl. Finally, how is it that the railway never broke if they never could have repair them because if they try to do so they would froze to death. We can summarize all of this by saying this movie sucks.

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