
IMDb member since December 2004
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Sick Boy

So the acting isn't always great, but the story is...
I know this has a bad rating, but I enjoyed the build of suspense and the fact that we got to know the characters a bit better. It was, on the whole, predictable but how many movies of this genre aren't?

If you give this one a chance and allow yourself to be drawn into the world of the characters (their arguments and issues ARE believable) you might actually find yourself enjoying it. I actually cared about Lucy's well being by the end and thing that the woman who played this part was a reasonably good actor. I found the boyfriend annoying and wondered why she didn't just dump him at one point, but I suppose that aspect of the dynamic and relationship are believable as well.

It is what it is and as an 83 minute distraction, you could do worse.


Just hurts your head...
This movie was the stinker of all times. No joke. The fangs were probably bought from the Wal-Mart down the road and were so obviously plastic. Maybe all the director had was a Wal-Mart credit card... Vlad Dracul had a cheesy red and black cape. Roger Daltry, how far you've fallen since Tommy. I feel bad for him in this stinker.

The dialogue was painful, the acting pained. Special effects? HA! They don't even show the bats that the characters morph into except as black blobs. Probably done with pain or black nail polish on the film afterwards.

I would have done better with a video camera and claymation dolls. Someone should never be allowed to make another movie after this one, its a true crime against humanity.

Funny Games

An absolutely evil tale, remarkable for its matter-of-factness
This was my foreign film for the night. Its always a mixed bag with these, but I have to say, I wasn't disappointed. Funny Games is many things... it turns away from the Hollywood conventions, a nice change of pace. Through its off screen violence and gore, it outdoes the most in your face schlock-fest. Its an indictment of violence in our everyday media and lives through perpetrating violence, almost with A Clockwork Orange appeal. The responses of the actors are realistic, the plot believable. In fact, one of the most shocking things is how easily the psychotic duo plays on the good natures of people and modern civility to wreak havoc. Not for the faint of heart, but amazing nonetheless.


I felt embarrassed for Haim... really.
Well... what is there to say. This was supposed to be an odd couple buddy comedy thing I think. You had Haim as this boy genius and some crusty old guy as a military sergeant who in his 50s I'm guessing decided he wanted more out of life. The result was supposed to be hilarity, it wasn't. First of all, having the two of them as room mates was... well... creepy for reasons I don't even want to get into. I actually have a couple episodes on tape still as I was a big fan of Haim at that time (gimmie a break, I was a teen)... they're packed away somewhere where I'm sure they won't be found soon. Maybe someday they'll be unearthed by a future civilization who will judge our society based on this turkey... oh GOD I'd better destroy that tape. If you get the chance to see it don't spend money, only reason I keep it around is because I taped it for free and as I said, I couldn't find it if I wanted to now.


I enjoyed this.
The point was not to kill off all the kids, the point was to dig deeply into our primal fears and exploit them. This is something that was done fairly well. I'm afraid that too many people have become desensitized by the slasher films and the need for gore to truly appreciate what a thriller is really supposed to be. The film is, honestly, a bit rough hewn but as it was an indie pic that is pretty much to be expected. The characters of the three brothers were well developed to a point, although at times the oldest brother's character was a bit simplistic. In some ways the creepiness of this film is also enhanced by the directors less than stellar personal history. In some ways its pretty clear to see his specific "tendencies" and how his more sinister side comes out. That may ruin this film for some...

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