
IMDb member since December 2004
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    19 years


Arrriva Dorellik

Arriva... is la bomba!
Sorry, I know that's a convoluted title, but the thing that got me interested in this film is the awesome title song Arriva La Bomba, really some of the best of Italian 60s music, and even better, it is sung in English on my VHS copy of the film. I'm just beginning to collect 60s European cinema because of an interest in that period and location musically, and I really enjoyed this. While a lot of it makes no sense whatsoever, the characterisation is pretty good and the humour definitely doesn't get lost in translation (I saw the English dub). I saw Diabolik before I watched this, for comparison purposes, and, put it this way, Dorellik didn't bore me to tears. Is it just me, or does Dorellik really remind you of Austin Powers at some points? My only complaint is that the English title (...400 Duponts) doesn't sound very good, but otherwise it's a great film, and if you're curious about seeing it, you have nothing to be scared of!

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