
IMDb member since June 2013
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The Flash: Girls Night Out
Episode 5, Season 4

Worst episode on any Television Series.
First of all, I've never felt so disgusted from an episode, the poor writing and the idiotic way they portrayed feminism, it's super weird and lame! The dialogues were cringe as hell. I had to fast forward most scenes because it was so cringe I couldn't just sit through it, this episode shouldn't be on this season. It never should be made too. I would suggest you skip this one. I can't believe I wasted almost 45 mins on this trash of an episode! Whoever wrote this needs to quit their job.

Game of Thrones: Stormborn
Episode 2, Season 7

Better than the 1st episode, building up for the wars to come? *Spoilers included*
Firstly I would like to say for the people who's confused whether Tyene stabbed Euron's dick or not. It was not him, Tyene was fighting with Euron's men, her sisters were fighting Euron and yes he was stabbed and you might ask why wasn't he poisoned, well to answer that, according to the show. The only sand snake to carry poisoned weapons are Tyene sand. She was with her mother. And the people calling Theon a bitch has no idea about what ptsd is, I suggest you google it, you can see the moment it happened , the moment Reek kicked in. I would rate this 9/10 it was not winds of winter or battle of the bastards, the last minutes felt like a very smaller version of battle of blackwater.

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