
IMDb member since June 2013
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The Night Nurse

Engrossing psychological horror
I tried this on a whim because the premise sounded like it had potential. Ninety minutes later I was finished and had really enjoyed myself. Not bad at all. I got pulled in very quickly; this is the sort of suspense flick that keeps you wondering what might really be going on. The story is so simple: Prudence, to break free of her possessive and needy artist ex-boyfriend, takes a live-in job at the grand home of "The Diva", a famous former opera singer in her seventies. But all is not what it seems in this strange household; there is the stone faced servant Clara, who seems to have something to hide, and resents the new hire deeply. Before long, Prudence will make some startling discoveries, and unearth dangerous secrets from the past. It's the sort of "slow burn" flick that is not for everyone, but my curiosity kept increasing as the story went on. It's not great cinema, but it's a fun time if you want a cozy thriller, a horror experience that's not all blood and boobs and jump scares.

The Lucy Show: Lucy Is a Kangaroo for a Day
Episode 7, Season 1

Hilarious office sequence
This is one of the best season one episodes because of the scene in which Lucy starts her new office job; the typewriter, the pencil sharpener, the water cooler ... it's all very funny stuff. The rest of the episode is fine but that one part is simply terrific. And John McGiver as the stodgy boss was perfect casting.

Amazing Stories: Go to the Head of the Class
Episode 8, Season 2

Wonderfully ghastly hour of spooky fun
Christopher Lloyd (Back to the Future, Taxi) is practically out of a Dickens novel here as a stern, cruel school teacher who becomes the target of two students' revenge in this delightful and dark tale of the macabre. This particular episode is just right for Halloween time; it's like a little horror movie. Not for little kiddies ... as it's probably too graphic at times, but in general it is a hoot for horror fans. Really nicely directed and shot.

Stranger Things

Gripping Escapism
Seldom does a television series appear and get this much attention and excitement and praise, and even more seldom does the show actually live up to it all. Stranger Things is delightful science fiction adventure and thrills, with a surprising emotional core. It has so much going for it-- a superb cast, cinematic storytelling, humor, a touch of romance, and goosebumps. Plus a cool synth score that seems like it came right out of a 1983 John Carpenter flick.

I came to this series late but am so happy I tried it. It grabbed me by the collar within minutes. Anyone who likes Supernatural, The Goonies, The X-Files, E.T., Kolchak, Stephen King stories ... well, this is a massive treat for you. I could ramble on and on about the actors, the pacing, the 80's period vibe/details, but I will just say, if you're considering Stranger Things, try it. Jump in. It's worthwhile.

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