
IMDb member since June 2013
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    IMDb Member
    10 years


El viaje hacia el mar

Beautiful and simple. A movie that explains the culture of Uruguay's country side environment.
The script is simple, clear and a metaphor to the country side life of Uruguay. Friendship, and the simple matter of watching the sea from the first time, is just an excuse to enjoy life and its simplicity. When the film gets into a small town, we are introduced to common situations of small towns bars: each client has his own sit, and any foreign to the town cannot sit in any of them. Slowly, the script brings us the behavior of such a beautiful and peaceful environment; where everybody is enjoying the hours, the sunset, the grass and the free air of the country side. People is comfortable for what they have. They do not look for more, they just enjoy the little stuff that they have. A lesson of life.

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