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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Subspace Rhapsody
Episode 9, Season 2

I also never want to see this again, but you can't escape the talent and creativity
Almost every nerd can't stand musicals, so the idea of turning Star Trek into one of course is going to be met with disgust. I'm a nerd and I almost skipped the episode entirely. I'm actually glad I did not. I was surprised by many of the voices and ever more so by the talent of the writers of the songs. They understood trek and turned it into song. Mostly. There were a couple of misses, but for the most part it was very good. I especially liked how they messed with the opening and closing credits. Subtle, but keeping with the episode. Again, I don't want to see anything like this again, but I feel like I need to applaud the production team for not being afraid to boldly go where none of us wanted them to go.

Nate Bargatze: Hello World

I so appreciate a clean act
It's really so much more a display of talent to be able to make people laugh without getting crude. Hey, the crude stuff is also funny, but it's really refreshing when you can watch something like this without having an F bomb constantly thrown at you or having every other joke be about sex. I have actually only ever heard his clips across streaming radio comedy channels. This was my first full stand-up set from him, and from other reviews, I see there's some Netflix material as well. I'm sure several of those are where the clips came from, but I am looking forward to watching those full sets as well.


Please Marvel - don't go down this road.
I wanted to like this. I really did. But Marvel, if you are setting this for the baseline of what comes after Avengers- I don't want to go. This didn't cut bait for me. I watched it ONLY because it was Marvel. If it wasn't, I would have turned it off within the first hour. And the tease at the end is Starfox?? Eros?? I actually hate this whole thing. Please DC pick up the slack - this is your chance...

Sweet Girl

I like fantasy movies, but come on.
Ignore the haters? Did you watch the whole movie? The "reveal" is so unrealistic/bad that it takes a 6-7 rated movie down to what should be below the generous 3 I gave it. This movie is a turd. An hour and 40 minutes I'll never get back.

The Tomorrow War

Why does everything need to be time travel now?
I really wanted to like this. I can imagine the movie being pitched, and the producers saying OK, what's your solution to the whole time travel paradox? Everyone has their gimmick to try to fix the pain in your brain from needing to swallow this stuff. Lots of holes in the story - as is expected from a time travel movie. But also holes and dumb stuff, like - why didn't you kill the female alien with guns if you don't have enough virus? And why does it need to be Dan that MUST be the one to go back with the cure? Why does he even need to know you're his daughter? And if HE is soooo important to the mission, why did you almost blow him up in the beginning? The cast all did as well as possible, and Chris Pratt and Yvonne Strahovski are likeable. Good aliens - weak story.

War of the Worlds

You shouldn't mistake this for sci-fi
The key to understanding this show is to understand that it is really not a science-fiction program as much as it is a drama. This show moves through the plot so slowly, you can't even call it a slow burn. The emphasis on the show is completely on the characters, not the story of the invasion. For me, it seems like the show is an attempt to satisfy a couple where one person enjoys science fiction, and the other enjoys a drama. Unfortunately, everything moves so slowly that the show is a bit unbearable to get through. Without fast forward and skip, and the desire to see what happens with the alien invasion, I don't think I could've made it through this. I'm very surprised there's a second season.

The Blacklist: Nicholas Obenrader (No. 133)
Episode 16, Season 8

PLEASE write Liz out permanently
She is so annoying! And not in a wow this actor has made me hate this character. As in she makes me want to turn the show off! I'm with everyone else - Spader is killing it -Boone makes me ill. The rest of the cast is carrying their weight nicely and the scripts have been able to keep story flowing. If this ends with her being a regular character again I simply won't be able to watch it. I'm already wondering if I can get to the end of the season...

Oh, and the whole croissant scene really was so much more annoying than cute...smh.

The Green Mile

Sorry - this is just so much more than Shawshank
Shawshank is great, but THIS really is a better movie. I know there is a supernatural aspect to it, but how John Coffey affects you is just so much. Especially now with MCD actually gone. This for me is my top movie of all time. Still can't watch it without going to pieces. Top Hanks and the whole cast do an amazing job of connecting us. So, so, good. This 6'4" giant still is a puddle on a couch every time I watch it. I'm not even ashamed.

Wonder Woman 1984

A few too many bad points
I won't put any spoilers here. I would have a hard time giving any major DC or Marvel movie a bad mark as I just enjoy the genre itself too much. While I prefer the Marvel, more cinematic experience, I also appreciate when these movies want to have a comic book feel. That comic book feel is a fine line though and this movie steps over the line a few too many times to forgive and goes into some gut groaning "why did they do that?" That, along with what I felt were some pretty big plot problems and some less than stellar acting left me hoping for the movie's end. I was really looking forward to this one. Here's hoping for Justice League 2. Come on DC - you have great characters, please get these movies working.

Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne
Episode 6, Season 8

Worst ending EVER!
Absolutely hate this show's ending. Hate, hate, hate it. I actually would have been better off with Daenerys being queen. This ending/show can't be horrible enough.

Puke city too with "The Song of Ice Nd Fire". Seriously?

Worst ending ever. Long live Tormund.

PLEASE don't bring anything of this show back EVER.

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