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A Cetinich Review (#6 - Godzilla) A Movie That Needs A Higher Rating Than 10
As a person who has never had the chance to watch the classic Godzilla's, I'll have to admit that going into this movie I didn't know what to expect. But after sitting in the theatre for 123 minutes, Godzilla blew my mind.

It really was incredible. A movie that really deserves a higher rating than 10 and that's saying something. To me, it was the perfect monster thriller everybody has been wanting to see. Jam-packed with action, a great story and a well-chosen cast(don't listen to the people that say the acting was cheesy), Godzilla will be seen as a one of a kind movie for years to come.

The CGI in the film was the best I've seen in any movie. I've never in my life seen CGI as great as this. Think Pacific Rim, and multiply it by like 10 and that's the CGI to expect in the film. It was a dark and almost realistic movie from start to finish. A large kudos to Gareth Edwards for directing this blockbuster - he has a great eye for detail and story and hopefully will make more great films like this one.

The true King of the Monsters, Godzilla reigns supreme over all monster flicks with its originality and freshness that one expects to see. Why Godzilla has a 7.6 currently on IMDb baffles me - don't listen to the haters. Go in with an open mind and you will sit there on the edge of your seat enjoying what will be a classic in years to come.

GODZILLA!!! The King of the Monsters, and The King of the Monster Genre.

Acting - 10/10.

Writing - 10/10.

Action - 10/10.

Setting - 10/10.

Overall Rating - 10/10.

The Walking Dead: The Grove
Episode 14, Season 4

A Cetinich Review (#5 - The Walking Dead S04E14 - The Grove) - Best Walking Dead Episode To Date
I just finished watching this episode, and I haven't cried like this since the Ozymandias episode of Breaking Bad. I guess you could say I can be sensitive for a guy.


This episode of The Walking Dead entitled, "The Grove," was the best Walking Dead episode to DATE! That's not an exaggeration, folks. If you thought, "Too Far Gone," was good you haven't seen nothing yet.

Brilliantly written and the acting was damn well executed. I was worried going into the episode that with only four actors for the whole thing it was going to be another character development episode. It's far, far from that. At the end of this episode you will find so much out, and learn a lot from the season that left you questioning for a while.

This episode will leave you speechless, and I am looking forward to the season finale in a couple of weeks time.


Need for Speed

A Cetinich Review (#4 - Need For Speed) - The Need For Speed Is A Need Indeed
All I can say is - WOW! Not what I expected walking into the cinema.

I was very worried about comparisons to the Fast and Furious franchise, but I am very glad it didn't go that route. Need For Speed exceeds expectations of everybody, and I guarantee you will enjoy it.

Filled with action, fast car chases, insane racing - it's what your typical car movie contains, plus so much more. Need For Speed set out to deliver something special, and it brought that and more. Based on the best-selling video game franchise with no character development or a nail-biting story, Need For Speed took the best perks from the video game series and turned it into everything that it's not. One hell of a story, great character development and actual dialogue from the driver.

If you're expecting a, "YEAH, BITCH!" from Aaron Paul you're out of luck. Aaron Paul, though, delivers a damn good performance in Need For Speed, and from his breakout performance in Breaking Bad, Aaron will without a doubt win a couple of Oscars one day. His best lead role in a movie to date, and I hope to see him in a lot more in the near future.

Take it from me - go into this film with high expectations because Need For Speed will exceed the need indeed (see what I did there?). I hope they don't turn this into a franchise and ruin it like Fast and Furious. Great film!

Acting - 7.5/10

Writing - 8/10

Action - 8.5/10

Setting - 8/10

Overall Rating - 8

Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues

A Cetinich Review (#3 - Anchorman 2) - Better Than The First
After ten years, Will Ferrell reprises his role as his most loved character known famously as Ron Burgundy, as he and his news team take on New York for a 24 hour news channel.

And I know it may sound a bit exaggerated to the person reading this, but I do truly believe that the sequel is better than the first movie. Plenty of laugh-out-loud moments throughout the entire two hours, and they put a hell of a lot more thought into this movie (except for maybe the final scene, which FYI is the best scene in the entire movie, but I won't spoil it for you).

Brick Tamland (Steve Carrell) is just as stupid as he always is, as he falls in love with a girl possibly as stupid as he is known as Chani (Kristen Wiig). Champ and Brian (played by David Koechner and Paul Rudd) haven't changed their characters a bit, which makes for great chemistry between the two as well as Ferrell and Carell.

The acting is great, and it seems that most of the scenes were improvised which made it just as funny. It was almost like they didn't even need to write a script for the movie. Cameo appearances are everywhere as well, which got the entire cinema hyped up and left them on the edge of their seat, itching on what was going to happen next.

A slapstick comedy, Anchorman 2 - The Legend Continues definitely outshines its predecessor with two hours of randomness, stupidness, hilariousness and Brick-ness. I guess you could say it's kind of a big deal.

Acting - 7.5/10

Comedy - 9/10

Writing (or improvisation) - 7.5/10

Directing - 7/10

Overall Rating - 7.75/10

American Hustle

A Cetinich Review (#2 - American Hustle) - Brilliant Throughout
American Hustle, starring Christian Bale, Amy Adams and Bradley Cooper, is about two con artists forced into working for an FBI agent as he pushes the two into a world of New Jersey mafia. Directed by David O. Russell, the director who brought you Silver Linings Playbook and The Fighter, American Hustle is most probably Russell's best movie he's ever put together.

American Hustle is set in the late 1970's - early 1980's, revolving around the Abscam scandal, where FBI agents and con artists would join together to take down politics for illegal cash. The casting and acting is brilliant. You couldn't really picture anybody else playing the characters that have been casted. Each actor gets their own chance to shine in the spotlight, and nobody is left out. Jennifer Lawrence blows everybody away once again - she really is a rising star in the industry with her performance as Rosalyn Rosenfeld. This might be Bradley Cooper's best movie so far as well - he really brings his A-Game for the movie as Richie DiMaso.

The movie has cleavage, drugs, money, quirkiness, great actors, comedy, drama and lesbian kisses which makes for an amazing and unbeatable combination. Five losers who all think they are winners, American Hustle is up there with great movies like Goodfellas, but is definitely an original creation.

Acting: 10/10

Writing: 10/10

Directing: 9/10

Setting: 9/10

Overall Rating: 9.5

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

A Cetinich Review (#1 - Cathing Fire): Don't Always Trust An IMDb Rating
To begin with, I've read The Hunger Games books and absolutely loved them. It was thrilling and there was a twist at the end of each chapter, which made you want to read on. The first Hunger Games movie was OKAY - it didn't refer to the book a lot but still had its fair share of action scenes and reasonable acting.

I waited a whole year for Catching Fire, and when it came out I couldn't wait to see it - my expectations were high ... even before I saw the IMDb rating of 8.2. I walked into the theatre, took my seat and watched. When the movie came to an end, I just shook my head and left.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire felt very rushed - even for a two and a half hour movie. The first hour was a lot of nothingness (to me anyway). When they got into the arena, I hoped the action would save the movie, but unfortunately, it made it worse.

The action scenes were rushed, they figured a lot of the issues out very quickly and there was far too many "near-death" moments for Peeta.

If there was one thing that saved this movie, it would have to be Jennifer Lawrence's acting. She's very good at what she does, and she is most definitely a rising star in the movie industry.

Hopefully the next two Hunger Games movies won't be as bad. Catching Fire was a rushed movie, with boring action scenes but reasonable acting. And come to think of it, I don't think I even saw the title screen at the beginning of the movie to say what the movie was called. Someone sat in front of me said to himself, "this isn't Prisoners," and left.

Acting: 7/10

Action: 5/10

Writing: 4/10

Setting: 6/10

Overall Rating: 5.5

The Walking Dead: Live Bait
Episode 6, Season 4

A Character-Developing Episode With Great Depth
After "Internment", the greatest episode of Walking Dead to date (my opinion), it would have been hard to beat it from there. Although not as good, "Live Bait" was definitely a great episode where we see the events that took place straight after The Governor's massacre on his Woodbury people.

In this episode we see a soft side to The Governor, which will make you re-think your feelings towards him. Let's be honest - in season three he was the biggest asshole on the show.

The ending to the episode also raised questions on where they'll go from here - hopefully a good direction. Season Four has been an amazing season and has not disappointed yet!

Keelan's rating: 9/10.

The Walking Dead: Infected
Episode 2, Season 4

Another Great Episode But There Are Still Problems
Once again, another step up from the last half of season three with this episode entitled, Infected. Why it's called Infected though? Well you'll have to watch.

Once again, filled with more action than talking and we also get to see a couple of new characters. The hopes that this episode brought to make you tear up is high with one of the scenes, but I won't say any further than that.

Yet, as much as I am really liking season four, there are still some issues with this show. Episode after episode I watch just HOPING that I can relate with at least one character again. I lost that in season three. I mean, there are still characters that absolutely kick-ass (like Daryl and Michone) but I just can't relate to them like, for example, Breaking Bad can do.

There are no "assholes" in this season yet. There isn't anybody that you see would betray the group or anyone that would like to do things their way. I think every good show needs that.

Finally (WARNING: possible spoilers ... just warning you) I think that The Governor's people that Rick took in are just there to be killed. The sole focus is still on the main group (apart from the two new characters we see introduced).

I love The Walking Dead, I loved this episode but still a couple of flaws that I notice which I hope can be resolved throughout the season.

Keelan's rating: 9/10.

The Walking Dead: 30 Days Without an Accident
Episode 1, Season 4

A Much Better Improvement Over The Last Half of Season 3
I'd like to begin by saying the final half of season three for The Walking Dead was beyond boring - only one or two good things happened (which I won't talk about). But this episode for season four was a BIG improvement.

Interesting action has come back against the walkers, and unpredictability for the entire hour.

There wasn't any major problems I had with this episode (maybe with special effects but I won't spoil that for anybody) which is a good thing. The ending to this episode I found quite interesting too and am waiting eagerly for what happens in the next episode.

If you're like me and didn't like the final half of season three, don't just say, "I won't watch this show anymore," because of it. Season four has started off well and I hope that it continues to be great.

Breaking Bad: Ozymandias
Episode 14, Season 5

I Guarantee You Will Cry
47. 47 minutes exactly was the length of this entire episode, and without a doubt if you're a hardcore fan of this show - you will cry. You will cry in every single minute of this episode. I guarantee it - you will cry.

The acting was brilliant and delivered so well. The setting is always perfect and the conflict is just unpredictable. Walt IS legendary in this brilliant episode. We are now seeing that Walter White is no doubt, "The King".

The end is during nearer everybody, and the episodes are getting better and better. If I could, I would give this episode a 11/10 - perfect beyond reason.

All hail the King!


Pure Gold!
JonTron has got to be one of the best solo YouTubers that reviews gaming. He is so witty and damn funny, and he honestly does not even try to be. Jon just has the sense of humour that anybody can enjoy.

Jon Jafari is extremely talented - with an endless knowledge of video games from the beginning of time to the modern era, the greatest sense of humour, the ability to film, edit, direct and star in his show and sings like an angel has just descended from heaven, he combines all of it into a 15 minute gaming review and will leave you laughing from beginning until end.

Although he has left Game Grumps to begin Season Two of JonTron, he hasn't uploaded a JonTron episode in nearly seven months, although plans on real soon. Before he uploads his new material, you must definitely watch all of the old videos he has done. 15 minutes of pure gold!

I give JonTron ... TENOUTTATEN! (This is a Game Grumps reference for those who don't understand).

Steam Train

Given A Chance, It Turned Into Something Special
Steam Train is the first spin-off series from the very popular and successful Game Grumps. Steam Train does a series of LP's for PC games, mainly on Valve's Steam.

Back in June when Jon Jafari (one half of the original Game Grumps) left the show, this spin-off was made. Unfortunately, Steam Train started off extremely bad, with a lot of abuse thrown towards Dan and Ross. Even I wasn't impressed and was upset that Jon left Game Grumps without any warning.

But I gave them a chance, and now they are just as funny as Game Grumps (who are now Arin and Dan). I always enjoy the opening intro, and of course their banter during the 10-15 minute videos. Ross can be an idiot though, but he is still great.

Definitely recommend these guys to everyone who are fans of very random humour and great PC games.


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