
IMDb member since July 2013
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The Magnificent Seven

Overall not that bad i enjoyed it
I like that more westerns are popping up more often they been around for years and there is nothing new good guys vs. the bad guys. The real plus side is these guys have this stuff down, the shootouts, the smoke, the pops from the guns, the wounds look realistic and the falls and stunts just look way more realistic.

Its a great story so it just needs a little update. I did not see the original before so i went into the new one with nothing to expect. After i watched the new one i then found the original on demand so i then watched it. The old one just lacks the impact of the new one. I get it though, it was made in the 60s and the technology back then the stunt work was still very new and it was great for its time but nothing like the shootout done in the new one.

The bad guy in the new one is WAY more ruthless and this makes you want to even more see the good guys prevail a few of the lines from Chris Pratt i could of done without but he won me at the end with the one eye jacks loved it.

Found it a little hard to believe Chisolm made it threw so clean and was caught off guard with the church scene

Ill watch it again for sure

Nocturnal Animals

I kept waiting for it to do something but it never did
I swear the first few minutes of the movie i about yelled in the theater "MAKE IT STOP!" i really like Jake Gyllenhaal he has been in some movies i really have liked so i figured this one would be another good one but it just kept dragging on leaving me waiting for it to do something and then it just ended. I guess you start the movie with a WTF! and then end with a WTF? If there was a point to this movie i missed it because i left with really not knowing what the story or point was.

I will say this it covered everything i even jumped at one point... jumped?


WAY over rated!
The first installment was the best great story, i didn't think 2 was really a rehash the first one ended like it was not going to have a sequel so the second one was like the first but left an ending that could be continued. I put AVP up before this one the story of AVP was by far better then "predators" which i felt was just a group "dropped into a meat grinder" and forced to fend for them self none of the characters stood out like the previous 2. I hope if they make another one they put more thought into a story then this one. I didn't like how the predators kept evolving in how intricate the Predator and his weapons and technology i thought the original was perfect and why they kept adding to it just makes the first 2 seem dated and they aren't. They did this with a lot of the Marvel movies and i didn't care for that either.


Jake Gyllenhaal is a great actor
This guy is great, his career got of to a bit of a slow start with some of his early work but he still seem to catch a few decent ones. Now it seems he will disappear for a while then come out with a smash. This guy is up there with the best of them and he is in my top 10 favorites.

Normally i don't fallow movies very close, i spend time tinkering or reading on line and if a movie catches my attention then i get into it. This one grabbed me from the start and held on to the end.

They kept the suspense with the station wagon and it kept me wondering on who it my be and their intent but it wasn't what i thought and was a nice surprise.

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