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Starts strong but runs out of wishes towards the end
Saw this advertised on Sky and I enjoy anything that is done by Richard Curtis - Four Weddings and a Funeral and Love Actually.

Not a big fan of Melissa McCarthy but she really plays the part of the genie really well and if it wasn't for her, I think the movie would have fallen flat much earlier in the movie.

Paapa who plays Bernard plays his part very well but I felt it was spoilt by his wife where they seriously lack chemistry. There were obviously issues in the relationship for some time and not just over two occasions that he missed due to trying to make sure they all have a roof over their head and mouths to feed.

I have come to notice one thing with Richard's past success with movies and it is keeping it British. British humour doesn't work well with Americans and vice versa.

Bring in British actors and I guarantee you, it would have been a much better film we could all relate to.

Towards the end it felt very rush and didn't particular enjoy it. Throughout the film it was trying to make Bernard change for the better, put his priorities in place etc but yet the end all he needed to do was go back in time and replay the same scenario again but being there much earlier, wasting his wishes on a restaurant and over a menu choice.

Would have been better, if Bernard and the wife either got back together or got divorce but making Bernard a better person all round and if the wife couldn't see that then he would have been better off without her.

Starts strong but a very flat finish.


The 80's films took aspiration from each other
This is one of my all time favourite Van Damme films but cannot help feel that the 80's films pinched each other's stories at times.

First it was the Karate Kid 84 - poor kid taken under the wing and becomes the champion.

Takes aspiration from Karate Kid part 2 where they play the drum and in the kickboxer they shout out 'Nak Su Kaw' to give Daniel and Kurt the encouragement to defeat their opponent.

Rocky 4 - Rocky loses his best friend Apollo and goes on a revenge mission and emerges victorious.

Mix the three films together and you have The Kickboxer story.

It is a great film, that flies in and it was the height of the 80s action men Stallone, Bruce, Jean-Claude, Arnold, etc an era which will never be repeated.

If I only have one slight constructive criticism is that I would have loved to see the final fight scenes lasted a bit longer.

The Good Doctor

Struggle to connect with the characters but House is still number one
As a big fan of House, I was told I would like The Good Doctor, taking advantage it's on Prime at the minute.

Shaun Murphy is fantastic and the actor that plays him does a remarkable job portraying an autistic person.

However it's the supporting characters I struggle to engage with, the lack of chemistry amongst the other characters and the egoist behaviour is ridiculous.

With House even though House most of the time solved the diagnosis himself, it wasn't without a good group of other doctors working with each other with added humour.

It's early days but I do hope it picks up but for me House still sits at the top of the..... House.

Hope Floats

25 years later it's badly out of date
Huge Sandra Bullock fan, her films have been enjoyable over the years Speed, Blindside, gravity etc

This film sums up the height of the 90s shocking confessions on national television chat shows from Springer to Lake etc

25 years on with mental health now a major talking point, no way this would be acceptable now. Belittling victims etc all in the name of entertainment.

A UK chat show did something similar which resulted in a death of one of the participants and the programme was automatically taken off air permanently.

A typical afternoon tv movie you would watched if nothing else was on but nothing you haven't seen before.

Designated Survivor

What if Jack Bauer was the President of U.S.A.
Just been watching this for the second time & as a huge 24 fan, I can't help but connecting it to 24 even though the two are not connected.

Not as fast paced as 24 but you still get the same vibes & what doesn't help is seeing the actors/actresses from 24 playing different roles in Designated Survivor.

The only characters I struggle with is Jack's... sorry Tom's wife Alex. She's a brilliant actress but there's no chemistry between Tom & Alex, was there a no kissing clause added in her contract? All they do is hug and just no spark whatsoever.

Two strong seasons followed by a third season which I was delighted that Netflix 'saved' it but instead all the characters went through a personality change - added swearing which was unnecessary & half the cast missing which I presume because of conflicting schedule and moved on from the project.

If Netflix were not going to put in the effort then they should've left it alone.

First 2 seasons - 10/10

Third season - 0/10.

The Santa Clauses

Sometimes somethings should be left untouched.
Been looking forward to this since it was announced and have to say I've never been more disappointed.

The casting of characters such as Cal who cannot act at all. The acting of the supporting cast. The pure negativity of the family itself especially Mrs Clause.

You already know who is going to be Santa from the first Episode. Only Cobra Kai has had great success going from film to tv series but sadly The Santa Clauses haven't quite been able to pull this off.

Even Tim Allen doesn't have the same charisma as the character as a whole and it just feels very rushed.

They should've left it as it is and appreciate the 3 movies that came out.


Cook Off

Needs more seasoning...
Trailer seemed promising on Netflix and the early parts of the movie was good.

However the actual competition itself was horrible - the acting, if that's Zimbabwe's best professional chefs then I would hate to see the amateurs.

Acting at times was wooden and cringy to watch.

Needs more seasoning.

It Could Happen to You

TikTok sums it up quicker than the movie itself
Saw clips of this on TikTok & it summed up the story within 5 minutes otherwise I wouldn't have bother renting it.

Basically it's a film about karma - do good and you'll be rewarded with good things.

Found some of the acting very wooden and 1 or 2 plot holes in particular with the court case which was designed to take the story where they wanted to go but annoyed me. The lotto ticket could've been solved had they asked the witness who was also a policeman.

As I said karma eventually you get awarded good or bad.

100 minute film for a rainy day


Mr. Corman

Couldn't make it more obvious it's to showcase Apple products!
Did Joseph get cabin fever throughout lockdown when writing this? A promising start but from episode 2 onwards it just got worse.

There's no purpose to what Joseph wants to achieve from this, it's lacking seasoning a bit of spice to liven it up a bit.

Also Apple - I'm a big fan of yours but stop trying to advertise your products where there is no need for it.

Streaming companies are starting to pay the price for the lack of good tv series and movies. No wonder it got cancelled.


Time for Griswold to get off the next exit and retire.
This would have been an okay 90s spin-off but it pays for too much homage to the previous films without developing a story for this film.

Chevy Chase & Beverly D'Angelo were the key to the past success films along with the supporting actors. This newer version you just want to see Chevy & Beverly as the family can't pull it off.

Ed Helms still stereotyped from the hangover trilogy is wrongly casted in this film.

A disappointing 90 mins, just watch the originals and avoid this lazy remake.

Ted Lasso: Beard After Hours
Episode 9, Season 2

Is this where the series has hit its peak?
I found this episode funny in parts but it does worry me where writers start writing episodes to fill in the gap and the magic of what Ted Lasso is starts to fade.

Want them to explore more on Ted's issues as I think it sends out a positive message that it's ok not to be ok.

5/10 for me - a worthy attempt but majority irrelevant to the series.

Ted Lasso: Carol of the Bells
Episode 4, Season 2

Film makers - this is how you put together a Christmas story
We've been crying out for years for a decent Christmas movie since Elf (I don't like the movie but it's popular amongst the people).

The writers have put together a beautiful half hour story what Christmas is all about. What we've gone through the last 18/19 months is a reminder how important it is we value our family and friends.

Love this programme and for the ones that gave it a bad reviews - you'll be visited by the 3 ghosts!

Fresh, Fried and Crispy

How to eat your way to an early grave.
Since lockdown 2020 - Netflix has provided me with a variety of cooking programmes and this is just another one for the books.

Entertaining but kinda gets repeated after a while, a mixture of man vs food and shows why the world is heading for an obesity crisis.

Family for Christmas

A rip off Family Man version
If you have seen the Family Man with Nicholas Cage then don't bother watching this as it's the same storyline only this time it's a female.

First Man

Amazing stunning achievement but film was dull
I take nothing away from what these people have achieved, their sacrifice, commitment to reaching the moon and back safely.

However the film was dull, and when you compare it to Hidden Figures which was far much better.

I've watched it once and it'll be something I'll never watch again.

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